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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. Probably only because there was no avenue to do so. Give them camera/video phones and twitter, and it would have been the same thing Probably because you weren't born yet
  2. Great points as always. The Chiefs are so good their first round pick next year may end up being a third rounder...
  3. That thought probably deserves another thread to fully explore.
  4. You may want to check your facts before dismissing Jauronimo's information. Pat Moran broke the story. Children's lives hung in the balance.
  5. I hope you're right. That means he has a big year
  6. Obviously there is no way to know that, but people take these substances for a reason. Does Barry Bonds have the same career without PEDs? I think that even for athletes that eventually get caught, it may be worth it. Would anyone even know who Lance Armstrong is if he didn't juice? Yes, now he has been outed as a cheat. He can console himself with his millions. It's just the nature of the beast in a super competitive environment. Everyone is looking for the slightest edge.
  7. Yes, if everyone that took banned substances got caught it would be very stupid. But they don't. What about the guy that advanced his career by taking banned substances but never got caught. Was it stupid for him?
  8. You are assuming that option one and option two substances have the same effect. What if option one is far superior? I think fringe guys will take the chance of getting caught if they think it gives them a better chance of making a squad
  9. Really? You don't understand why a fringe guy would want to find an edge trying to make a roster?
  10. No news is good news at this point right? Since he is still here, he probably stays the night and signs the deal tomorrow?
  11. Yeah, that's probably correct at this point. But man, I loved this signing as a fit with Roman. Boy was I slurping down the Rex and Roman koolaid.
  12. Check out Clayton, it is much nicer than Abay and it's really close
  13. He certainly subscribes to the quality over quantity approach
  14. I can't be the only one that has to turn and cough twice, right?
  15. If LoRax and Kyle can both hold off father time for another year I think we could surprise. The D should be much improved
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