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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. I'm sure you were high on LT depth going into last year with Kujo as the backup. I'm sure you didn't think he was a bust
  2. I like your story better. It's good to know that if I own a business, and demand for my product dries up, I can just choose to sell another product and people are forced to buy it. Fancy economics
  3. I think you're on to something... let's make apples illegal. That way cartels can sell apples and not harmful drugs
  4. I am very sorry for your loss. I can't imagine. Do you think that if pot didn't exist, there wouldn't have been another substance/activity that could have been the catlyst? In my opinion, it is that addictive personality that is the number 1 factor. If you have that, you will find something to have a problem with.
  5. If there is a "gateway" effect, it was created by prohibition. When kids are subjected to the DARE program, marijuana is lumped together with all the other, more dangerous drugs. When they experiment with marijuana, and find out that it doesn't turn your brain into a fried egg, they wonder what else they've been lied to about... Is alcohol not a gateway drug? Lastly, just because a troubled person uses marijuana, it doesn't mean that marijuana is the cause of the troubles. People with addictive personalities will always find something. Yes, Pot can be addictive. Just like shopping, gambling, or sex.
  6. I'm sure you would have been just as upset at the movement to end alcohol prohibition
  7. Ever think that we're tired of the lies, propaganda and stereotypes of the failed war on drugs? Especially coming from beer guzzling drunks
  8. Have you ever played football? I can assure you that using cannabis and playing football is something that no one wants to do. Especially at the highest levels. Cocaine, or other uppers, are another story.
  9. It's amazing how the least informed want to talk the most. Spare us your opinion, no one cares
  10. Those of us in Rochester, be on the lookout for a pants less man in a sailors hat
  11. There is a positive correlation between income levels and lifespan
  12. I would like to see their lifespan compared to others with the same income levels
  13. There's no shortage of ammunition to "hide behind." It is increasingly harder for them to support their current stance.
  14. Make sure you partake in the new legal cannabis industry! I guess they are having trouble with supply, though. Even issued a statement of emergency because they were running out
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