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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. 60 catches for 888 yards in 2013 Do you even watch football?
  2. Denver is going to be worse than people think. Poor QB play and no more Wade...
  3. I think this deserves a separate thread- "Jonathan Williams hurt"
  4. I've tried the goat with limited success. As the streak approaches 20 years, I'm thinking of moving on to virgins
  5. When does a crap team not get the first pick?
  6. Opioids and opiates are usually both classified under the broader opioid term. Heroin is classified as a semi synthetic opioid
  7. Well, there you have it. Legal weed is responsible for the opiod epidemic. My god
  8. Peters was absolutely dominate while here, he didn't become it after he left.
  9. I know. It's almost like he's coming off of a missed year with a torn ACL...
  10. After watching his QB's in training camp, he probably showed up with one of those fake neck braces
  11. Wow. Gilmore will sleep better tonight
  12. My understanding is that the lethal dose of marijuana would require ingesting about 1,500 pounds in 15 minutes. Obviously a physical impossibility (yes, Tom, even at a Tom Petty concert). There has not been one reported case in human history. People do die from water intoxication
  13. I guess because I'm for legalization it means that I'm not for responsible use? Just like if I was for the end of alcohol prohibition, it would mean that I was justifying being a drunk? And not like it's anyone's business, but like many people, I (gasp) use marijuana and have a successful professional career and personal life. Is that anecdotal evidence not as valid as you knowing a "stoner" loser? Bottom line is that I'm for personal choice. No, it's not for everyone, or some sort of magic bullet. But is does improve the quality of life for many. The war on drugs has been an epic failure and human tragedy. It is time to de-schedule marijuana and decriminalize all drug use. Addiction is not a crime. Go after dealers not users.
  14. Much in the same way, I guess, that many citizens supported murderous mobsters during alcohol prohibition. Enlighten me.
  15. Pot is addictive in the same way that shopping, gambling, or sex can be addictive. It is not physically addictive. Is this still a thing?
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