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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. I think he could have easily averaged a triple double
  2. I think BB saw value in Moss. He didn't get a big contract if I recall correctly. Do you think, in general, that the Pats* have invested heavily in their receiving corps?
  3. Possibly. But in doing so, they traded back and pickup up an extra first for next year (which is widely considered a better QB class at this point). A little different than trading up for a non QB, and giving up future assets to do so without a franchise QB in place.
  4. He's talking about the actual draft pick
  5. Doubt it. They are fine with McFadden and Morris
  6. And we'll see how it works out. Maybe they will be wiser with our picks, and cap situation, and use them to land us a QB. The book is hardly written that this is a mistake.
  7. There is zero proof that the current regime will repeat the mistakes of past regimes. They are unrelated. Assuming so is being negative for negatives sake.
  8. Just thought the wording of the article was interesting
  9. It's a league where the best systems, and the best QB's win. Lets go over the best WR's in the league. Off of the top of my head- Brown, OBJ, Julio, Green, Dez, Hopkins, Cooper. Throw in Sammy if you like, or even go back to guys like Megatron. Now add up all the championships. This is the NFL. There is great talent everywhere, even on the worst teams. But, in general, the same organizations win every year- even though they consistently pick later in the draft and acquire lesser "talents." Why? How do the great teams let their expensive players walk in FA. reload with lesser talent, and not miss a beat? System and QB trumps talent in a league where everyone is talented. We will be good if MCD and Beane are good. It is that simple. In the salary cap era, a strong organization trumps even the best non QB talent. We need to hope we finally got it right with our front office. From a team building perspective, it's probably not the best strategy to give up extra draft assets, and commit a large portion of the salary cap, to a #1 WR without a franchise QB in place. No matter how elite. How do you increase your odds of finding a QB? Stockpile picks and manage the cap to allow for maximum flexibility in acquiring one, either in the draft or FA. Not by carelessly using our resources to- trade up for non QB players, or sign non QB players to big FA contracts. We have seen how that works. I know everyone likes to reference losing Lynch, but we do sign guys. We've extended Dareus, Glenn, and Hughes. Gone after guys like Shady and Mario. Keep and add all of this talent, and still don't win. Great talent but none of it really matters. Are you still going to claim that you were correct in thinking that the trade up for Sammy was the correct move for this organization? Until we have the right front office in place (hopefully now), and identify our franchise QB, the rest is just noise and doesn't really move the needle. Sammy included.
  10. Interesting. Tiger's a medical marijuana user? The article said he had 5 prescription drugs in his system, one of which was THC. I wonder if he really does have a perscription.
  11. Who's history though? Not McBean. This is a different front office and even ownership, they have nothing to do with Lynch/Peters. Bean and McD seem to be universally respected. This isn't Nix and Chan. I'm going to trust in them until given evidence to the contrary, and none of us have been given any evidence regardless of opinion.
  12. That is certainly ONE type of fan. There seems to be two extremes. OMG this is a great trade! Or, this is the worst trade ever! Same thing with draft grades. Great/terrible picks and winners and losers before a down has been played. At this point no one knows if this is a good or bad trade. All they have is their opinion, and that is fine to present, but no one can claim certainty in being correct. The reasonable fan lets it play out, and doesn't pile previous regimes mistakes on the current staff.
  13. I find it truly amazing that YOU call out posters as "fan bashers."
  14. What is ENTICING Sammy to sign an extension?
  15. I'm most concerned with what this "off-field issue" could be
  16. Juilio Jones once had an injury and now look at him! JMatt is well on his way!
  17. Good. The more the better for a new regime trying to build their team. I will trust that they have a plan. They seem well respected. This isn't Buddy and Chan.
  18. I liked it. I absolutely loved Sammy coming out of Clemson. Thought he could be the best WR in football and had HOF talent. Still do. Also, still had hope for EJ. Made sense that Watkins could help EJ develop. And we were in "win now" mode with our D and the signing of Mario. In retrospect, the trade up obviously didn't work out.
  19. Yes, but do they win? That's been my point. My point has nothing to do with Sammy. I love Sammy. He's an AMAZING talent. I just don't think it's smart to invest a large amount of the cap in a number one receiver without a franchise QB in place. Especially on a run first team. What if you could use the money saved on Sammy to sign a FA QB that comes available? Or use the acquired picks to move around and draft your guy? The more cap space you have, and the more draft picks you have, the more ammunition you have to land a guy in FA or the draft. It's a general philosophy. Position ourselves to have the flexibility to capitalize on opportunities to land our guy. It is all that really matters. We have been signing good players to big contracts for years. We extend Dareus, Glenn, and Hughes. We sign Mario, Shady and Clay. We give up draft assets to move up in the draft. And we don't win. How is NE able to let so many good players go instead of signing them to big contracts? Because, to an extent, it doesn't really matter. Find your QB and the rest is gravy. How do you improve your odds of finding a QB? Collect draft picks and carefully manage the cap to allow for maximum flexibility.
  20. But are those teams with poor QB's and elite WR's competing for championships? I don't see it as the smartest way to allocate resources in building a team. My stance is to find your QB before paying a huge contract to an elite WR. Accumulating picks, and having maximum cap flexibility, is a good way to increase the odds of finding that guy. Then build around him.
  21. And if we had a Jameis to target Watkins maybe we hold on to him. Lets acquire picks, and cap flexibility, and do everything we can to get our QB. This doesn't mean tanking, just being smart with our draft picks, and cap situation, allowing for maximum flexibility. I think this is the plan. Not spend huge money, if he even re-signs, on an immensely talented WR that will probably be underutilized. If this extra 2nd gives us the necessary ammunition to go up and get our guy in the draft, or if not having another giant contract on the books allows us to go after one of the FA QB's like Cousins, is this still a bad trade?
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