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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. Like leading the league in the trading of #1 RB's?
  2. I see your Gilmore and raise you Lynch and Peters
  3. I don't think there is a higher profile player in Bills history whose name was misspelled more frequently. Good riddance.
  4. The impending Dolphins run to the playoffs looms LARGE. After their POWER move of trading Ajayi, the sky is the limit. Gase is playing 5D chess...
  5. Excessive prices are not going to be a problem in a legal environment, quite the opposite. Legalization is going to result in massive increases in supply as big money interests get involved, it is already happening.
  6. Didn't Lattimore have concerns over his hamstrings? Those problems tend to resurface
  7. Nobody know what it means, but it's provocative! Gets the people going!
  8. I'm sure they could have released a back end of the roster guy and got a pick for Hoyer. I smell collusion
  9. I don't think so. Bruce was the greatest ever at his position, Juice was not.
  10. The Pats process is clear. Sign better Bills players than the Bills have. I think that is pretty sustainable.
  11. Isn't "The Most Dangerous Game" about hunting humans? I would love to hunt Tom Brady.
  12. I don't think we would welcome back a quitter
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