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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. To each their own. Personally, I find it extremely valuable to be able to shift my consciousness and perspective from time to time. I've often come up with solutions to problems that I've been working on at these times, in this regard it is a tool for thought.
  2. Yes, many people enjoy the subtle aroma and taste differences of different strains from different locations. Much like wine connoisseurs. There are obviously different levels of getting high, just as there are different levels of getting drunk. One can consume cannabis in a way that is equivalent to having one glass of scotch.
  3. That hurts, Tom. Not everyone is capable of composing brilliant (and endless) Tom Petty quips.
  4. Do you carry the same disdain for alcohol or caffeine users? Personally, I enjoy quality cannabis in the same way others enjoy a fine scotch or wine. It is not an escape from life, but an enhancement of.
  5. Knowing that you're playing against Brissett, and not Brady, is part of the decision. Inaccurate throws were not unforeseeable...
  6. I'm figuring that the Dolphins win out and make the playoffs at 9-7. Advanced metrics pointing to the phins running the table loom LARGE. Gase is playing 4-D chess.
  7. We needed to gain more than a yard to win, we needed to score. I don't think it's crazy to think we had a better chance to score by pinning them back deep and playing defense- in those conditions of course.
  8. Geez, If i had my 3rd string ST playing emergency QB in, maybe i'd feel better about winning with my D by pinning they back deep...
  9. Do you not understand that basically none of the statistics were compiled in similar conditions?
  10. The "data" can be thrown out the window in such outlier conditions.
  11. Which scenario do you feel better about winning the game- 1. We go for it and get the first down. It's first and ten at the colts 41 with Joe Webb? 2. We punt and the ball sticks inside the 5? I'd feel better about something good happening with our D on the field in those conditions.
  12. Statistically proven in those conditions?
  13. You're obviously not planning on starting the next drive in your own territory. With the way the punts were sticking in the ground, there was an excellent chance we could pin them back deep. Didn't work out that way though.
  14. The only thing I'm hoping for tonight is that Brady gets Wentzed
  15. His worst decision was not trying to get closer after the interception. Idiotic.
  16. I love the WGR statisticians treating football like baseball... Way too many variables to accurately quantify. What's the Math on 4th and 1 in a god damned blizzard with your third string QB? With the way the punts were sticking like a lob wedge, there was a good chance that we could pin them inside the 10 and put some pressure on them. Didn't work out that way, but I was ok with the call- in those conditions. You obviously don't punt if you know you are only going to net 15 yards.
  17. With all the talk about our punt, the most idiotic move in that game was by Pagano. How on earth do you sit on the ball after the interception and count on a 43 yard field goal in those conditions?
  18. Plus it keeps the Chiefs out of the playoffs, which dramatically improves our draft pick
  19. The “process” has already exceeded all prognosticators win total projections for the year. It is year one for the “process.” Excuse me if I’m not yet ready to run them out of town.
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