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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. Yeah, I think if they get a guy like Alex Smith, it will allow them to draft one of the developmental QB's (like Josh Allen or Lamar Jackson). This may be the plan.
  2. I think that is the way to go. Rather than blow it up, and change schemes again, lets build on the installation so far and see what he can do. If he fails with a hand picked QB, then he's done. I think we trade Tyrod, sign (or trade for) a FA QB, and draft another QB. Then have a competition between them and Peterman.
  3. Bruce would be my pick for next week. For this matchup, I think Mount Washington would be more helpful.
  4. Brady. Hey, look how well Romo is doing. Strike while the iron is hot Tommy!
  5. Sorry Grandpa Sessions, the toothpaste is not going back in the tube. This is probably the final nail in the coffin for this irrelevant dinosaur. It's a shame though, that Canada is positioning themselves to be a worldwide leader, while our federal government is doing its best to stifle the fastest growing industry in the nation.
  6. Can someone more tech savy then I send me this file? I'm going to put this on a playlist but I can't figure out how to download it from that site.
  7. I think if we win the Super Bowl, Bills fans should pay off the national debt
  8. I'm sure you do. It won't last. He will alienate the building, and press, and his message will get stale with the players. He's too much of a disciplinarian for today's pro game. He'll end up back in the college ranks where the kids have to listen to him. Maybe you will catch lightning in a bottle before then. Other than that I have no problem with your franchise. If you beat us, and the Steelers again, I'll hope like hell that you take out the Pats*
  9. Yep. You're here, we're here, and your coach is a scumbag who treated everyone in this building (down to the secretaries) like garbage. Lets go!
  10. Might be a smart, strategic move. 1,000 tickets that won't go to Bills fans.
  11. Gase is just playing 4D chess. It is all part of the grand plan...
  12. Please don't believe his nonsense. His "investment group" story is BS
  13. How about letting Chef Jim, and all the other "I'm done" posters, back on the bandwagon?
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