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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. Yep. And regardless of his effectiveness he at least adds a dimension D’s have to respect. And why invest in a premium deep threat when it is not something Josh really excels at? MVS is a nice bargain piece that at least rounds out our skill set
  2. Previous seasons we have been among the most pass happy in the league and we were way more predictable and one dimensional
  3. This is the only difference between the teams. KC was better in the AFCCG matchup. Since then we’ve been decimated by key injuries and they’ve remained relatively healthy
  4. I've gone back and forth on that. In theory you clearly want to protect the franchise. But in those stretches where that was the emphasis the offense struggled. To the point where the conversation turns to "free Josh" and "they've neutered him." I think it's a weapon that we would be foolish not to use. I just wish Josh would be smarter and protect himself a bit more.
  5. I completely disagree. The Dorsey offense, that you loved, was completely one dimensional and dependent on Josh having a great day to win. If he had an off day we would likely lose. 13 seconds was an outlier where Josh had a great day and we still lost.
  6. Beyond that, it's just a lower variance approach. We saw it for years with Brady dinking and dunking down the field. High flying attacks are exciting but there is more variance in that style. And when you start talking about a single elimination tournament (the playoffs) I want to minimize variance as one bad game sends you home.
  7. Despite the big arm he’s never been good at that. Just doesn’t throw a great deep ball. Not enough arc which leaves little room for error and doesn’t give the WR as much ability to track
  8. I agree all blues are last but you are way too high on the reds. Those are terrible too
  9. Bishop's size really stands out to me.
  10. And they have Jeff Wilson too. Very deep there, and it's just a friendly scheme for any RB anyways.
  11. Good point. Josh only had 10 seconds on that one.
  12. Thanks. That's BS. He's not declaring him out with out knowing something.
  13. Generally I might agree but he's reckless. Doesn't protect himself and has no regard for his body.
  14. Up 5-3 in the second to lose 7-5…
  15. I'm not sure you could say Edwards and Bishop played worse. They lost reps and were put behind due to injury. Hopefully someone emerges.
  16. I imagine this will be short term until Edward’s/Bishop is ready
  17. My biggest concern is Trey McBride With our issues in the middle of the defense and question marks at coverage LB and safety McBride is going to be a problem. For the bettors out there I think the over for McBride in catches and yards is free money.
  18. If only we could apply that reasoning to our failures while losing our best most highly paid defenders
  19. lol, WTF was I thinking
  20. It’s ***** Harty people…
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