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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. The late trading deadline does give smaller market MLB teams a chance to compete in the playoffs. The rich, large market teams will almost always be in the thick of the playoff and championship hunts most years. A small market team that have a good team in a given year can make late trades to complete with the big boys in the short term, often just that season. Other small market teams (SMTs) can feed the large market teams and competitive SMTs for prospects and picks. Luckily the NFL is a league of parity and isn’t plagued the the inequities of MLB. If the trade deadline were to be moved back there would be a handful more trades as more teams would be throwing in the towel on that season, but it wouldn’t look like the MLB. Maybe a half dozen more trades would happen this season if it were moved back to week 10 or 11. Kareem Hunt, Jerry Jeudy, Brandon Cooks and a few others would probably get moved. It’d probably be a slight positive for the league since it would shore up some playoff teams and only negatively impact teams that were out of the running anyway.
  2. But by and large it is not about feelings, though some players do make emotional decisions. Mostly it’s about the Bills being able to afford both of them if they have to pay them both equitably - especially if they overpay for Edmunds. Milano has two years left on his deal after this season and is 27 now. If Edmunds takes a more reasonable deal it could still work out. But if he’s looking for something more top of the market - and the Bills give it to him - then they won’t be able to keep Milano too. Best case would be a Poyer scenario where he plays out his deal, but that’s best case.
  3. Positional importance is a big factor IMO. To pay a MLB large, they’ve got to be a very special player. Then it can be worth it. It’s just a really high bar for that position. The top MLBs will be getting $17M-$20M AAV. Edmunds has really taken a step forward this season and that’s obviously great. But the downside is that he can demand a bigger contract. The Bills couldn’t come to an agreement with him before he took that step so I don’t know how they’ll do it now. I also worry about paying him a lot more than Milano as it could cause issues there. Milano has been the better player for longer. Getting leapfrogged by a guy with one season of play at that level would not sit right with most players.
  4. It all depends on his contract demands. You can’t have a meaningful discussion about whether or not Edmunds will be here without discussing his contract value. His demands obviously have not lined up with the value the Bills put on him. I think another team will pay him more and it’ll be up to him whether he stays for less or goes somewhere else for the last nickel. Since it’s gotten to this point I suspect the latter.
  5. https://youtu.be/PeiwvKtyxdI This is the video that showed me I was throwing the ball wrong. This Joe Montana guy might just know something.
  6. It might be a short term move for this season. Bills give up a 6th and pay a very little bit more salary this season to get an upgrade at receiving RB, which was a need. And it’s not like Moss isn’t easily replaceable. I doubt he was in the Bills long term plans anyway. The Bills were going to have to pony up big in terms of contract and/or picks to get a RB who could be our #1 going forward. We didn’t so nothing has changed on that front. We didn’t know who it was going to be before the trade and we don’t know who it will be now.
  7. The player catching the ball must have control before the ball hits the ground. The ball appeared to hit the ground as Milano caught it. So incomplete would be the correct call. Live I thought it was a pick, but the replay showed the tip of the ball hitting the ground as it hit Milano’s hands.
  8. My MIL has had issues with bunions. For some reason the joints at the bases of her big toes don’t bend normally and it causes her big toes to splay. It’s weird and it appears to have caused bunions and hammer toe. She has not had the surgery but I’ve heard all about it and it sounds horrible. My wife also has similar issues with the same big toe joint and did not want to wind up where her mom is. She heard that using Yoga Toes helped prevent those issues and promoted good toe/foot flexibility. It really has helped her a ton. She swears by them. I used them briefly for a plantar fasciitis flare up and they worked great for that too. Here’s a link: https://yogatoes.com/collections/all-yoga-toes-products She uses the Gem ones. One note: our dogs love to chew them up so beware if she has dogs.
  9. Yup. KC was looking for more help stretching the field and pressuring defenses deep. No surprise that they made a move after losing tho the Bills at home.
  10. Agreed. I think a 5th would get it done and I’d hold firm there, but a 6th would be better. Also I know everyone loves to talk about comp picks. We’d likely net a late one down the line if we didn’t re-sign him.
  11. Hunt would immediately be the Bills best RB. The Browns won’t want a RB back though. They would still have Chubb, Johnson and Ford. Felton too, but he’s a hybrid and hasn’t really shown what the others have. Im not sure what it would take but probably just a day 3 pick. Edited to add: Hunt is on an expiring contract. The Browns likely won’t re-sign him anyway. That obviously lower his trade value. The contract is very reasonable though. $1.35M salary, which would be prorated. Plus $200k/game active roster bonus.
  12. This is pure speculation. Sometimes players retire when they can’t or don’t want to keep doing what they’ve been doing to stay in peak shape. He retired right after he got paid, but with two seasons left on his 3yr/$24M deal. He made $9.4M that first season. So it could be that he wasn’t motivated after seeing that cash and got out of shape. Or maybe he got into PEDs so he could get that contract, got caught by the league (1st violation is a warning and not made public) and he retired because he couldn’t be effective without them. Dunno. Both are plausible. As is injuries taking their toll. We likely wont ever know.
  13. By “blowing it up” I meant that they’re doing what you are describing.
  14. To me the Bills offer you suggest would be a little short of SF’s, but close enough that another pick would bring it in line. But I see some other issues with it. One, Moss has pretty much no trade value so you’d have to replace him with a pick. Motor is in his last season so they wouldn’t be interested in him either. The Panthers are blowing it up. They are only interested in picks and quality players who are under a cost controlled contract for years to come. I don’t see any on our roster we’re giving up - at least none they’d want. So I think our 2023 first and fourth in would be the likely equivalent. We may have had to sweeten that to beat SF. The odds of the Bills falling off this season is slim compared to SF and that’s a consideration. Also Carolina might want the higher volume of picks to restock their roster. If they insisted on our 1st and 3rd next draft, would you still make the trade? What about 1st and 4th with a 5th the following year? As much as I’d like him here, CMC’s injury history makes that too rich for me.
  15. How freaking stupid/gullible would someone have to be to buy 50/50 tickets from Dan Snyder? You know he’s skimming.
  16. I think the Panthers are trying to maximize the trade value by letting this play out until the deadline unless some team really steps up before then. Sure CMC might get injured and become un-tradable in the next couple games, but a number of other backs might get hurt and create urgency on the part of their playoff hopeful team. It just takes one.
  17. This is an excellent question to discuss. Going into the KC game I wondered if the loser would make a move for CMC or another player. Let’s face it - the AFC (maybe NFL) is a two horse race. CMC would be more in line with help for the Bills while a WR would be more in line with the Chefs tho. Still, CMC would help them too. If I had to pick one of those two choices I’d have to say Bills. We’d be deeper at RB and would have widened our talent gap with the Chefs. Our chances of getting the #1 seed, beating them in the playoffs and winning the SB this season would be improved. I don’t know that I make that move at that price, but that wasn’t a choice in the hypothetical.
  18. I voted TB, but after reading this I think you’re right. The Cowboys would be a better win. I don’t want the Vikings though. The run up would all be about the two franchises that are 0-4 in the SB are facing one another. No thank you.
  19. RBWR is a terrible metric. The Panthers RBWR is 72%. The Bills is listed at 68%. (I notice you cut that off.) Heck, the Bills are only 7% off of first. It’s a useless metric because its inputs are very subjective and its results have very little deviation. Even if we want to pretend it has value, there’s almost no difference between the two teams we’re talking about. The Bills don’t have a good OL overall either, but don’t tell me the Panthers have a better one (overall). Do you seriously think that Singletary is getting the same attention from defenses as CMC is? LOL CMC is a far better back than Singletary. Singletary is solid, but CMC is one of the best in the league, and he’s especially dangerous as a receiver. So, yes, on the Bills he’d be significantly more productive. It depends on trade cost, obviously.
  20. Couple points of disagreement and some agreement here: - the Panthers line sucks. They have one good player on it. One. - CMC is the whole offense in Carolina and defenses are keying on him and only him; contrast that with what defenses have to deal with against Buffalo. There’s no comparison. - If you don’t think that CMC would compliment this offense in ways we don’t have now, then I don’t know what to say. Maybe watch him play. - I’ve also been steadfastly against giving away big compensation for him so we agree there, if for different reasons. Mine are injury risk and the apparent high cost of acquiring him. You said that you don’t think he’d be a significant upgrade over Singletary. I think that’s ridiculous. So I’m in the “Yes, if the price is right” camp, not your “he wouldn’t help us” camp.
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