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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. Yup. And when refs are inconsistent then fans can always find a call or two to blame the loss on. Heck, fans do that even on the occasions the refs call a good game.
  2. Early in his career, certainly. But as much as people rip on him, he’s improved quite a bit as a passer in the last couple seasons. Franchise QBs are too valuable to kick one who has been as successful as he has to the curb without being sure. If they do want to move on, then there won’t be a shortage of trade partners.
  3. I think there might be a rub with Roman and his offense too. I don’t think Lamar likes playing in it and I don’t think the Ravens are 100% confident that Jackson will do as well in something more like the majority of NFL teams run. I think the Ravens would be best served to have Jackson play under the tag and under a new OC next season if I am correct. I don’t see Roman staying In Baltimore much longer anyway and the team should get a good read on how Lamar does under the new OC before paying him.
  4. Mike White is not a good QB. He’s probably better than Zach Wilson, but he’s not good. I was at the game and then watched the All 22. White’s coaches do not trust him at all.
  5. He had slowed down even when he was here a couple seasons ago. Like most savvy players he could still beat zone coverage, but like most players his age he couldn’t beat man. I get that he doesn’t have the wear and tear of much of this season on him so he might have a little something in the tank. That makes him worth a look. But he couldn’t cut it in Tampa and the value of a sure handed SWR working short routes is low in today’s NFL so I’m not expecting much.
  6. I don’t know how much a 33 year old SWR whose only real contribution at this point would be finding the holes in zone coverage is going to help us. But then again, he always had good hands. It’s depressing that he could reasonably be an upgrade to our WR corps.
  7. I have no idea why Joe Flacco is still playing professional football. You might think the $3.5M he’s making this season would be worth dragging his 38 year old ass out there to play, but not when you realize he already made $171M.
  8. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think I might hate listening to Troy Aikman talk more than I hate listening to Chris Collinsworth talk. It could be because I’m currently listening to Aikman. Next time I hear Collinsworth it’ll probably switch back.
  9. Exactly. He was our most impactful defensive player before injury - and that’s saying something with how well several others are playing.
  10. That is correct. Someone else’s misunderstanding is the issue. Injury settlements were generally used with the kinds of players you mention. After being placed on IR and getting healthy enough to play they would agree to give up some of their salary for the season so they could become a free agent. This was because they could not be reactivated from IR by their team. The new rules that allow some players to return from IR will likely make injury settlements a lot less common. There is no reason someone like Von Miller, who has a lot of guaranteed future money in his contract, would give up any of that money by agreeing to an injury settlement.
  11. Why would you expect a 5th round rookie WR to be utilized more than Shakir has been here? It seems like the team is getting him involved a reasonable amount for where he was drafted and for what he’s shown in his opportunities.
  12. Finding a way to get pressure on White (without Von) and keeping Allen clean are two huge keys to the Bills winning this game. It’ll be interesting to see how the coaches address those two facets.
  13. They actually work very well together. Groot needs a DE like Von Miller opposite him to be really effective against the passing game tho. Von was one of three players we couldn’t afford to lose. This one really hurts, but it’s rare anyone wins anything without overcoming adversity. It’s not going to be one player stepping up though, it’ll have to be everyone stepping up and pulling a little more weight. That all said, I can see Hughes back in Buffalo this season if released or next. That’s the kind of player we will need to help shore up DE while Von recovers.
  14. Wow. That is ridiculous. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
  15. I grabbed a set of 4 Lorex cameras with a hub at Costco. They are battery operated and work on Wi-Fi. The hub hooks up to your router. I can use my phone to view them anytime. They are motion sensitive (adjustable sensitivity) and record when they detect any motion. They’re pretty darn good and cost only a few hundred bucks. Battery life is excellent and installing them was easy since they are wireless. Just a couple screws each. I’d highly recommend sometime that. Edit: My only gripe is that only one person at a time can be signed into the app for them. Only that person gets notifications. If someone else signs in, then the other person gets kicked off.
  16. The Bills are at the point where contract decisions are budget constrained. It’s this-or-that, not yes-or-no. The Bills can conceivably retain both Oliver and Edmunds, but doing so will have consequences for other players and roster spots. 2024 cap spending is already at $215M for 26 players. Restructures this season will bloat it further. So will new contracts for Edmunds, Oliver or any other player signed through that year. As helpful as an increasing cap is, it is not keeping pace with our spending.
  17. I heard that the Browns tried to trade for Wilson before pursuing Watson, but Wilson turned them down because he preferred Denver. How different things might look if that went through and Watson wound up in Denver. Not for the Browns. They’d still be 4-7, but Denver would’ve started a QB not on their current roster for 11 games and have Watson the rest of the way out. Instead the Broncos are tied to the Wilson anchor.
  18. Agree on Hines. I didn’t go down the road of possible cuts, but Hines would be my first for that or salary reduction. We’d be left with just Cook at RB (plus a FB).
  19. I do. It’s a real contest to decide who is worse, Greggg the coach or Greggg the human being
  20. My down and dirty cap and position estimates for 2023, assuming a $220M cap are as follows: - 35 players under contract - approx $10M over the cap - restructures of top 7 or 8 would net approx $60M which would give Bills approx $50M in space - biggest needs would be QB2, SWR, RB depth/starter, LG, IOL depth, RT depth/starter, MLB, S (if not Hamlin), P So it’s doable, but it won’t be painless. $50M to cover 18 roster spots, a practice squad and injury relief is not that much. I can’t see the Bills burning a third of that on tagging Tre Edmunds. It would be better to ask him for last look after he tests the market if they don’t reach a deal before FA starts. I didn’t cover possible cuts or extensions as I don’t want to get that sidetracked. Doing all of the restructuring above would also put a lot of cap pressure on 2024, but most of it will be necessary. The restructures will impact large extensions though. Spotrac for reference
  21. I remember the DC in NO during the Bountygate time telling his players to slap the helmet of the opposing RB. Something to the effect that when getting off the pile “everyone touches his head”. It’s dirty, but it’s been a part of the game forever. Still, I’d like to see a fine here.
  22. Would it change your option if the Bills were on offense in your scenario?
  23. One other thought: After a certain team achievement is reached* players often focus more on their contracts. One hopes the Bills have that issue after this season concludes. * Note the skillful jinx avoidance
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