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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. For sure. Hopefully with the changing of the QB guard there’s room for some new ones to win it. Just having Brady out of the picture is huge - especially for AFC teams.
  2. I think it’s at least 4: Mahomes, Rodgers, Stafford and Wilson off the top of my head. Tho that might be it.
  3. Teller was traded before the 2019 season. He was drafted in 2018 and spent that year on the Bills. He was a back up until he had to start due to injuries. He wound up starting almost half the season for the Bills.
  4. I dunno. OTs are difficult to find unless a team spends large on one in FA or hits on one drafted highly. I think they’re trusting their evaluation of a raw, third round pick. I don’t have faith in it working out and I think Brown should’ve had better competition in camp, but I think the team’s process is defensible. I don’t think they should’ve given up on him, just provided better competition.
  5. It’s amazing how horrible every ex-Bill coach and player is - after they’re gone.
  6. That is not a picture of Chad Greenway. Also, how old is this quote? Frazier hasn’t been in Minnesota for decade.
  7. Also the player has to agree to the injury settlement terms. A player is not obliged to take any settlement. The big incentive for a player to take one is so that they can get back on the field once they are healthy. Usually that is with another team.
  8. That lets him sign with another team after he gets healthy. Or he can sign back here after six weeks.
  9. I looked it up. You are correct. Palmer worked at EXOS as a QB coach, but left to start up QB Summit. I got crossed up remembering he left EXOS when took the XFL Director of QB Development job and thought he was out of the private QB development business. My bad on this one. I should’ve checked my memory before posting. Thanks for the correction.
  10. If Allen is continuing to work with Palmer, then I am happy to stand corrected. I didn’t think that he had done that because: - I hand not heard of him doing so this or last off-season like I had in previous years. - Palmer took a new job with the XFL before last off season so he left EXOS, which is where he trained Allen. - When asked what he planned to do regarding training this off-season Allen did not say anything about Palmer, only that he was going to rest his body.
  11. Yup. I was impressed by how hard he worked in the off-seasons, but that doesn’t appear to be the case any longer. He got his big contract just prior to the 2021 season and that’s the last off-season he worked with Palmer. This off-season when asked about his training he just said he was going to rest his body. He would not be the first athlete that took their foot off the gas to enjoy the finer things in life after getting rich and famous. If that is the road he’s going down I hope he turns it around and gets back to doing the things that elevated him.
  12. 1. Kincaid: Will be a very good and productive big slot receiver, but will be a liability as a blocker. This will limit him as a true TE as he will have little value as a Y (inline) and will have to be aligned as an F (slot). Whether he develops as a blocker will determine whether that changes and will impact his ceiling as a player. 2. Torrence: He is a good prospect for power/gap blocking schemes. He may be able to adjust to a zone scheme, but will likely perform better in the run game when power/gap concepts are used. His feet seem good enough for pass pro so I don’t see the issues some scouts feared. Still, it’s something worth watching. Power and strength will not be an issue for him. I haven’t watched film of any of the others so I won’t offer an opinion until I see them play. The only thing worth mentioning about Williams a that his scouting profile read like a smaller version of Edmunds’. That’s why I think he was drafted to play MLB.
  13. The “enjoy the ride” attitude is a healthy one. It’s one I usually have, but have found difficult to embrace this off-season. I’m frustrated by the last four years in the playoffs. Okay really the last three, but still. I am not sure what the team can do in the regular season for me to feel good about the coaching staff in the playoffs. Getting the #1 seed would do it I’m sure, but that’s not a fair ask. What I need to see is the coaches meet the challenge in the post season. Until then I don’t know if I can really enjoy the regular seasons like I have up until now. [/vent] I am hoping that when the real games start next week I’ll be able to buckle up and enjoy them like usual.
  14. I don’t really know. Browns fans were excited that he got brought in after Walker got injured, but I had pretty much given up on them by the time he got there. I was more focused on watching the Bills and other, more interesting teams by then. I don’t think that you can appropriately gauge an MLB with Joe Woods running the defense and total garbage at the DT spots anyway. I do know that Jim Schwartz didn’t bring him back this season.
  15. I think at this point we’ve seen his ceiling. Deion Jones and Jaylon Smith are still out there. Jones is still a FA and Smith is on a PS. Neither has had a lot of interest this off-season so I’m not sure how much better they’d be than Kirksey. I haven’t seen them play much though. Maybe it is because Kirksey took the deal we were offering to MLBs. I’d be surprised if it was much more than vet minimum plus incentives.
  16. I got you. I think Kirksey’s ceiling and positive traits are what kept getting him signed to those contracts. However his deficiencies are why he didn’t play out any of them (except his rookie deal). He’s fast in a straight line and can cover ground really, really well. He’s genuinely explosive. Just don’t ask him to change direction or take on blockers. He is not strong so he has to beat an OL to a spot to make a play downhill. It’s over if one gets a hat on him. Likewise once he’s moving, he is in trouble if he has to quickly change direction to make a play. He just can’t. In coverage he will get to a spot or run with a guy really well, but he can’t stay with someone making moves on him. Honestly, he is not a terrible player or anything. But his play can be frustrating at times and his injury issues are frustrating as well. Some (okay, a lot) of my reaction was basically “Oh, ****, not again.” If we had bonafide starter and he got signed to be the backup, I’d be good with it. As it stands he is probably is an improvement at MLB as long as he stays healthy, which speaks to a different frustration.
  17. Kirksey trivia: He was the player in Madden ‘14 or ‘15 that the developers accidentally made 14” tall.
  18. I am originally from Cleveland and still follow the Browns too. I watched Kirksey play for six years. He’s possibly an upgrade to what’s on the Bills roster so I’m not knocking the signing. My comments were aimed at those acting like we just signed Bobby Wagner or that he is an upgrade from Edmunds (or even comparable). Kirksey has been a below average to average MLB to date. And he’s had a lot of injury issues. One big caveat is that he has mostly played on poor defensive squads. He only played with decent talent around him for one season in GB. He may do better here with the talent on this defense. Again, it’s a good signing in that it’s better than what we know we have on the roster. Heck, I wouldn’t knock any PS signing under almost any circumstance anyway. But the reaction by some has been ridiculous.
  19. Not exactly. Teams must spend an average of 89% of the salary cap IN CASH. Proration of signing bonuses allows for a lot of play in the actual cash spent. For example, the Bills are currently set to spend $287M this season. That will increase due to PS signings and injured player replacements. The 2023 cap is $224.8M. 89% of that is $200M. So the Bills are spending $87M - or 43.5% - more this year than they need to. So if an owner could pay a $50M/yr QB half of that, they could easily pocket the $25M/yr. Again, it is extremely naive to think players should take less than they are worth on the word of the team that they’ll spend it on surrounding them with better players. And that’s not even considering the odds that it wouldn’t work anyway. SMH
  20. And yet no team cared to sign him to an active roster. Hmmmm. Those are really weak stats btw. It’s not like he didn’t have plenty of opportunities to make tackles and other plays on the Texans last season. They were on the field a lot. I’ve watched him play enough to know what kind of player he is.
  21. He turns 31 tomorrow and is not a particularly good player. He’s serviceable though. Heck, as of today that might make him the best MLB on the roster. And he’s always seemed to be a good dude - the kind of person you want to root for.
  22. There’s no way Burrow would leave that kind of money in the table - especially when dealing with Mike Brown. Brown would just pocket it. The smart play would be for the QB to get his market value contract. Then if the team got strapped for cash/cap and could make a good case for needing some back for a specific player, then the QB could make a decision about whether or not to do that. You gotta live in the real world. If a team could get away with saying.”Hey, kid, take 50¢ on the dollar and we’ll put a real swell team around you!” then every team would screw over every player that way.
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