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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. You’d be great at staying in an abusive relationship (and a great case can be made that we all are with the Bills). “How will I ever find someone better?!” The only question is whether or not we have the correct staff in place to bring home a championship. I don’t think we do for a variety of reasons. Sure, it’ll be difficult to find the right people to do that, but we will never find them if we don’t look.
  2. I think you are confusing the actual meaning of “holistic”with how some people have misused it. It just means looking at individual aspects of something and how they are interconnected when looking at the entirety of something. That makes sense when looking at a team, offense, etc.
  3. Between you rambling about other things and players and creating straw men it’s tough to keep this disagreement from getting bogged down. The bottom line is that the Eagles look like they just got better without giving up much. It’s worth a tip of the cap IMO.
  4. Howie Roseman is doing just fine. The Eagles had 10 draft picks before the trade. A 1st, two 2nds, a 3rd, FOUR 5ths and two 6ths. I think they’ll be okay. There can certainly be good players found in later rounds, but we’re talking about the Eagles roster here. How many 5th and 6th round picks are going to find a place on that roster? Byard was a two time First Team All-Pro, not just a Pro Bowler. That’s much different. His last All-Pro was 2031, the season before last.
  5. “Adequate enough” as a blocker is very generous. LOL on the Kelce comparison. I truly hope he gets there as a receiver.
  6. Meh. The 12 personnel thing is misleading in this case. In our offense Kincaid is just a TE doing the slot WR work. It’s the same offense as with 11 personnel. Part of the issue is that Kincaid is a terrible blocker so we don’t get extra juice in run blocking like with many two TE sets. That is why I doubt he takes over Knox’s in-line duties. I expect Morris to do that.
  7. LOL. You don’t seem to have many things straight. Not the contract. Not what I wrote. The Eagles just got better at safety - and they didn’t pay much for the privilege. A couple throw away picks and the underperforming safety Byard will be replacing. And the difference in pay this season is $1.4M. As for next season, it is $14.1M for Byard. But again, that’s at Philly’s discretion. Notably it’s an improvement from their current situation because Edmunds is a FA after this season so at least they have a player under contract.
  8. That’s not even remotely close. He’s only signed through next season and the Iggles will only pay him $2.44M for the remainder of this season. Next season his salary is $14.1M (not guaranteed). LINK Fantastic move by Roseman.
  9. I agree. But Allen can still be himself while not trying to run through defenders in a regular season game while we are leading.
  10. I never thought the answer was not allowing Allen to run, only that he had to be more judicious wrt sliding and getting OOB rather than taking unnecessary hits.
  11. Today everyone is talking about how Mac Jones looked like an MVP candidate yesterday. Maybe he just doesn't believe in his coach(es) or system. Eventually that sort of thing will impact anyone.
  12. The Bills have no choice but to hope that Miller can round back into shape and get back to being at least close to the player he was. Six snaps tells you everything you need to know about where he is today though.
  13. The defense was not put into a position to be successful against NE. I will (shudder) rewatch the game to double check, but others have already stated what I saw. McD blitzed and blitzed and blitzed and didn’t let the fact that it was helping Mac Jones and NE dissuade him from continuing to do so.
  14. Could you all please quit jinxing this?
  15. I get what you’re saying about things coming to pass that were once unthinkable. But I think this is a hill NFL owners would die on. However it is an excellent negotiating tactic toward fully guaranteed contracts. Compared to players getting a piece of ownership of a team a fully guaranteed 5 or 6 year deal is very palatable.
  16. Setting aside CW’s specific situation, how exactly is “the horse out of the barn”? No NFL team has given a player ownership as part of their contract as a player. Nor has one given that to a coach. The NFL is not an also-ran league like the MLS or XFL. A former player, coach or GM can buy in just like anyone else. It won’t even matter if an owner pulls a Haslam/Watson and tries to do it because the league will never allow it to happen.
  17. I don’t have a problem with players getting their fair share. But the biggest issue here is that there’s both an agreed upon salary cap and slotted rookie salaries. Valuing NFL teams is an inexact science to say the least. So even if the league would otherwise allow it - and it won’t - then this would be a very easy way for teams to circumvent both of those. It would never work for that reason alone. Additionally it is such a ridiculous request for a rookie that it makes his agents look unqualified and him seem a pretty clueless and naive. It’s worth noting that there will be literally nothing to negotiate on his rookie deal. Guarantees and offsets would be the only points of contention, but as the presumptive #1 overall selection he will get a fully guaranteed contract and no offsets. His agents’ real value to him will be negotiating sponsorships. If he continues to do a stupid stuff like this, then that may take somewhat of a hit.
  18. Few points: - There are no guarantees on any coach, but whether the next one is better than McD or not has nothing to do with whether or not he is good enough. That’s reality. - If they aren’t already an NFL HC, then they’re available. - If they aren’t already an NFL HC, then they’re interested with few exceptions (ie Saban). The Bills have an elite QB which would put them at the very top of the list for any coach. - your comment about WNY is ridiculous (and I’ve being kind). no one is going to pass up an NFL head coaching job because they don’t like the geographical area. - Beane and McD are a package deal. They will stay or go together. - The point about McD and Beane’s contracts will impact how it will play out. It’s why I don’t think it will happen as quickly as this off-season. However, the question isn’t whether or not it happens m, it’s whether or not it SHOULD happen. So it’s immaterial to the question at hand. Also this doesn’t impact the cap and I don’t care about the cost to the Pegulas personally. - Your comment about most college coaches not wanting to coach in the NFL is ridiculous. The vast majority would jump at the chance – and paycheck - to do so. The only answer that matters in this entire discussion is whether or not McDermott and Beane can be counted on to bring a Championship to Buffalo. Based on their past performance, especially in the playoffs, explain to me why you think they will do that.
  19. Your title is very misleading. The video shows C-3 and C-4 coverages against the Bills. No “two deep” or C-2 plays are shown. Obviously it’s not this simple in the NFL, but the elementary answers to beating those coverages are: C-3: routes in the seams and flats C-4: underneath routes, especially meshes as well as running the ball
  20. Yes. IMO it should have already happened so I’d be on board with it. But realistically it depends on specifics this season that we don’t have yet so I’ll let it play out first. I think the Pegulas give him 2024 regardless based on the roster and his contract (as well as Beane’s). But to your point, I loathe the main arguments against moving on that I heard last off-season: - brought us out of our malaise and became a very good team - good performance every season and are in the mix for playoffs/SB every year (aka it could be worse with others in charge) The reality is that we have a top 3 QB. With competent roster building and coaching we should be in the mix for a championship every season because of that alone. Yet we’ve only made it to the AFCC game once - and McD blew our trip to the SB with egregiously poor management at the end. To me that’s underperformance. If it happens this season, then can him. One last point of frustration: Zero playoff wins against teams with a realistic shot at a championship. Zero. What has been the best team we’ve beaten in the playoffs under McD/Beane? Probably the Ravens with a gimpy Lamar missing part of the game. And I don’t think that qualifies. If that doesn’t change bigly, then we need to move on.
  21. I don’t remember that, but I do know that it got ugly and her being replaced was a big deal at the time. I can’t remember if that change caused its decline or if it was already happening.
  22. Agreed. The Bills are vulnerable to certain matchups however - and sometimes bad teams can matchup against us well. A strong defensive front is often an issue for our offense. See NY Jets game this year. Our current MASH unit of a defense will have trouble matching up with good offenses, but facing quality offensive lines - especially the ones that excel at run blocking - has been an issue. Tennessee took advantage of that last season. While I have been frustrated by some aspects of the Bills roster building it is pretty much impossible to build a team that does not have match up in some instances. Especially when things like weather and injuries come into play.
  23. The story is that she was the unlucky actor who got hosed by the networks. They colluded and decided that the best way to keep actor salaries down was to play hardball with the next one to ask for a new deal and make an example of them rather than negotiate in good faith. That is why she was replaced on Three's Company. My father used to live in Blackhawk, CA. One day his next door neighbor asks him over to meet his niece. My dad goes over and Suzanne Somers is sitting there. He said she was very nice and personable. She also said that she made way more money doing advertisements for the Thighmaster than she ever did acting.
  24. Yup. The further down the line a player is on the list of receiving options, the less complete he can be. I use the term 'receiving option" because it should include TEs and RBs (though a RB would never be option 1 and very rarely be option 2). Kelsey is probably the only TE who is a #1 option now. Davis qualifies as a third option due to his limitations. That's not to say that it isn't difficult to be a third option in the NFL or that he doesn't have value, but if your team has SB aspirations then they need better at option 2.
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