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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. Noooo! Back in the 90s I went to Park City with two friends and my then gf. First day I go off by myself while everyone else does their thing. One friend, Bill, went to take a lesson. While I’m getting on my second lift I see a sled dragging someone and think - that hat looks like Bill’s, but he’s in a lesson. Ha, wouldn’t that have sucked? Eventually I come off the slopes to the lodge looking for my friends. Bill is sitting at a table. I get to him and his leg is in a brace. ****! He had time for a run before his lesson and blew his ACL out. First run of the first day of a week skiing. Now that sucked. Lotta weird things with that trip but I won’t bore you with them all.
  2. 173cm Blizzard Brahmas with Marker Griffin bindings. It is. I’d just rather be running something like the Cup though. Just more my jam.
  3. I didn’t love Shay’s. Too flat for too long. I was so excited for it when they opened it, but wound up just running it once or twice per visit.
  4. Nice. The main issue with Greens is the learners/novices. Take them off and it is a great time. I love to cruise and carve. I love pulling Gs (as best I can) if I’m in a bowl or open run. Gliding through a nice green or blue is so relaxing. Once in awhile an easy and silent glide through the trees is so peaceful. My happy winter place is on the slopes on a slow day with my headphones on, just gliding.
  5. I knew it was designed by a famous skier. You can tell. There’s no better run in the East. Intrawest has owned Snowshoe for decades - and I see what lift tix cost elsewhere - so the prices don’t shock me. We found some people who owned places there and rented from them. HV was better for weekend skiing so Snowshoe was usually a vacation week. Lotta people there on weekends that you don’t want to be on the slopes with.Weekdays were great though. At least it used to be that way.
  6. Lived in Ohio most of my life. Snowshoe and HV were the two places to go. We keep talking about heading back to Snowshoe. The Cup Run is the #1 reason for that. Just a beautifully designed ski run.
  7. Ate at M&H last weekend and loved it. Thank you for the recommendation! Nice, crispy wings and the sauces (we tried two) are the best I’ve had. I very much liked the appetizers we had too. I will be going back.
  8. That makes no sense at all (which is on brand). You’re the one talking about this being a “revenge” game.
  9. Looks like they hadn’t (and probably still haven’t) built up a lot of cash yet Cash on hand by NFL standards that it. Free agent and coaching hires must have depleted what they had. There are still escrow requirements for guaranteed money in player contracts. Also teams often use a lack of cash on hand as a bargaining excuse. Like the LV Raiders couldn’t borrow $40M if they needed to.
  10. I think that stuff is usually more for fans. Do I think the Bills want to win this one? Of course. Is there additional motivation because the Bengals are a top team and the Bills haven’t looked good against them recently? I sure hope so. But that’s it. Nothing to get “revenge” for and nothing else to make this game a bigger deal than the above.
  11. They were broke in Oakland. They’re getting crazy rich in Vegas.
  12. No whining here. I’m just not one to pretend something means more than it really does. But, hey, if you want to pretend that a win this weekend is adequate “revenge” for getting smacked down in the playoffs last season, then you do you.
  13. LOL. Revenge for a playoff beat down is not possible in the middle of the regular season.
  14. Mississippi. Keeping Alabama out of 50th place for decades now.
  15. I like PFF and what they do, but their ratings for certain positions are terrible. CB rankings are as bad as you get because they only grade plays where the CB’s coverage responsibility is targeted by a pass (which is absurd IMO). I’m not ripping the move or player, just PFF’s CB ratings. For the record I’m glad we made at least one move. Douglas should be able to help. He’s a competent, experienced mid-tier starter at CB, which is among the things we needed. While we gave up a fairly valuable 3rd round draft pick, at least we got back GB’s 5th.
  16. Guessing it is because they don’t want to pay a top OG market value. Cleveland is an FA after his rookie deal expires this season. Also Kwesi has been moving vets off of the roster to add picks to acquire a QB.
  17. Likely this is what the Bears were trying to accomplish - to show JJ what his MV is. No 5/$100M Denzel Ward deal for him.
  18. It is what you hope to see, but it doesn't always happen that way.
  19. The Bills took a gamble with with Elam because they painted themselves into a corner with that one glaring need and KC jumped us for the guy we wanted - Trent McDuffie (at least I am convinced of that). While Elam was considered a 1st round prospect by some (a minority), many others had him rated lower or much lower. For every plus in his game there was a negative or question. Sticky in man, but very grabby. Physical with WRs, but a reluctant/soft tackler. Good length and a fast 40, but doesn't show that speed on the field and lacks lateral agility. Even the best GMs miss on 1st round picks, but I hated seeing us locked into that position going into the draft. That was an avoidable mistake.
  20. I think the only thing this is about his agent trying to get him the best contract possible. Effectively “Give us what we want or trade the player to a team that will.” Nothing more, nothing less. If the Bears move on the extension, then it gets signed and everyone loves each other again. Just negotiating tactics.
  21. This brings up an important point. There’s some real risk here as a trade and contract extension could be coming at a “buying high” point. This is probably why the Bears and his agent aren’t able to get a deal done. The agent wants paid on this season while the Bears are looking at the whole body of work. My best guess is that nothing happens with him today and a deal gets done with the Bears at some point.
  22. That isn’t realistic in this case. If that is all that is offered then he won’t be traded. Instead the Bears will tag him if they can’t sign him to an extension before the deadline.
  23. He’s on the last year of his rookie deal, not some 32 year old vet looking for a ring. Zero chance he is traded without a contract extension in place. *The first plus assumes a pick expected to be at the end of the first round. A team expected to draft early or mid-round would be a different story.
  24. Like the Stefon Diggs trade. I’d be on board if the cap dollars can work and the contract isn’t in Denzel Ward territory 5/$100M. We will still have to account for Tre at $10.4M (though that could be spread over two seasons). If the contract is more in the $13M-$15M AAV range, then I am a lot more interested. They will have to restructure Allen as well as others regardless. The impact of a contract like this would be felt somewhere. Not everywhere, but somewhere. The more I look at the numbers the more I see how it is workable. But the Bills are at a point where they are making budget constrained decisions. CB is very good place to spend so I can see them choosing to do so.
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