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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. I am not surprised at all. It fits very well with something I noticed. The Bills have gotten new coordinators four times since 13 seconds - McDermott taking over the DC job, OC twice and Specials once. All replacements have come from within. I knew that it was not a good thing. No new ideas or differing viewpoints are brought in that way. What we got was McDermott either doing the job himself or promoting someone that he knew would do the job the way he wanted it done. The Bills are not going to get better under McDermott.
  2. Ultimately he is accountable not only to his bosses (the Pegulas), but a good leader is also accountable to those he or she leads. There has been rumors that is not the case, particularly where the 13 seconds debacle is concerned. I believe the anonymous player quote was that he demands accountability from everyone, but does not reciprocate. He didn’t do anything of the sort publicly, and there’s no reports of it happening privately. Other than generic platitudes, like “it starts with me” (and those are worthless), I have seen nothing that makes me think he feels as though he is accountable to those who leads.
  3. It almost like the solution to an existing problem was already optimized.
  4. I am sure that the PR department or other staffer do. Gotta keep informed of public sentiment and watch out for leaks. Beyond that I doubt the coaches and FO people have a ton of time for it. That all said, if anyone remembers the old Bang! Cartoons I have a story from them. They said that they had heat maps of where the views of their football comedy videos were located. They said that every time they zinged a team they’d get hits from that team’s training facility area. So these are real people in these buildings we are talking about and they sometimes do real people things.
  5. Many contracts contain per game roster bonuses for being on the active roster. Some also have penalties that void guarantees. For example; Watson’s guarantees all void if he violates the NFL’s personal conduct policy again.
  6. We weren't changing QBs so you had to think we’d be changing OCs. It’s something that they had to try.
  7. The first pick was on Davis, but the second pick was 100% on Allen. For the second week in a row he got picked on a late/misplaced throw to the “honey hole” against cover 2.
  8. When Denver missed the FG I said that we got it, but we didn’t deserve to win this one. Then she said there was a flag on the play. Perfect. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory against a lesser team at home in prime time.
  9. I’m not saying that it’s not a difficult situation for the Bills. It is. But it’s rare for a team to win a SB without overcoming adversity. The Bills are going to have to figure out how to do that.
  10. I’ve noticed two high coverage on plenty of occasions although I’ve only been to one game and seen one on All-22. Do you have access to any stats because I’m basing it on what I’m noticing and the general league trend? Edited to add: not 5 minutes after posting this I heard Joe Marino mention on today’ podcast that the Bills are seeing a lot of two high this season.
  11. Did I just see Bryce Young walk by Josh McCown, the Panthers QB coach, as the coach was trying to talk to him?
  12. It does not need to be nearly to that degree. It just has to be an effective run game where we can make defenses chose between staying in two high and getting gashed with runs or getting into other defenses. I agree. If we can’t get the run game going with the RBs, then we probably have no choice but to use Allen more.
  13. Everything is cyclical. The high flying, explosive offenses predicated on chunk pass plays have led to the re-emergence of defenses like Cover 2 (two high shell) and to a lesser extent Cover 4 (quarters). NFL schemes are complex, but generally those two coverages are poor against the run while Cover 1 and 3 are much better against it. The upshot of the big uptick in Cover 2 is that offenses have been limited on deep shots and have gone even more to an underneath game than previously. Overall offensive efficiency is up, but scoring and yardage are down because offenses are taking smaller wins at the expense of explosive plays. I’ll have to find the stat, but one play over 20 yards on a drive increases the chances of scoring on that play dramatically. The other thing C2 gives the defense is five players in underneath coverage. This is why it’s more popular than C4 right now. Defenses are taking more risks jumping routes, blitzing (2 high shell with 4 under), aggressive pass rushing, etc. Defensive coordinators know they’ll get carved up if they play passively so causing a turnover or other negative play is worth the risk of a big offensive play - especially if there are safeties over top to prevent a score. Once a team does get inside the red zone if a defense can tighten up and only allow a FG attempt, then that’s a win for the defense these days. So what does an offense have to do to get a defense out of C2? Two big things: 1) Effectively run the ball and 2) Run an efficient passing game with a QB (and receivers) who can make the correct reads quickly. That brings us to the Bills. This is why Kincaid is starting to kill it. He is an excellent route runner who uncovers quickly. It’s also why Gabe Davis isn’t getting many looks - he doesn’t uncover quickly. The lack of a dependable run game has been killing the Bills. If teams can stay in 2 high and stop our run game they don’t have much reason to get out of it and it makes life tough on our QB. Allen has not been bad, but seeing so much two high is an issue for him. He’s much better when he can take deep shots more often than he is quickly reading defenses and distributing the ball with pinpoint short and intermediate passes. We just saw a team that is made to handle this. Burrow and his WRs are the kind of players that will thrive against two high - with or without blitzes coming at him. It’s their game. As for the Bills, without a running game I think we are in for more of what we have seen so far this year. They can still be a good offense, but it won’t be great or explosive because teams will stay in 2 high. They absolutely have to find a way to get that run game moving. If they can’t get the run game going then they should probably try to find a WR on the team who is better at uncovering quickly than Davis and sub him in more. That will give Allen another quick option and stress defenses more.
  14. The B1G commissioner will be handing down the first round of penalties as soon as today. It looks like it will be more than just Hairball.
  15. Yikes! I guess I’m saying that innovative schemes isn’t their strong suit. There are other parts of coaching that I think they are much better at. They’ve built a very good team and turned around a franchise that was foundering. Some coaches are more about motivation, execution, etc. While I think McDermott choked away the Bills best chance at a SB with 13 seconds, he did get the team to that point. They were capable of winning a SB that year. I do question McDermott’s ability to fully motivate the team at this time though. I think he’s run his course with the team and some new blood is needed.
  16. I didn’t know about a bunch of the other parts - especially the placenta. I would not have guessed that.
  17. Here is the recipe I have used, except I used Hatch instead of Anaheim chiles. It’s an America’s Test Kitchen recipe (subscription required), but I found a public copy. In case you are not aware, the hottest part of peppers is the ribs. Seeds are second hottest. So if you don’t like heat get all of the ribs out along with the seeds. https://www.splendidtable.org/story/2017/08/01/colorado-green-chili
  18. That is a shame. FWIW if you take out the ribs and seeds, then roast the hatch chilis they have almost no heat at all. My recipe adds other spices for heat.
  19. Perfect. I was about to post the same. I made it twice while hatch chilies were in season and I have a big bag I roasted in my freezer for when I want to make it this winter. Absolutely delicious!
  20. Chicago is up there. Raiders too. I’d throw in the Chargers as well.
  21. Yes, it was the Bears. Thank you both.
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