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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. It's called tetrachromacy. Here's the wiki link: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrachromacy And here is an article about an artist who is a tetrachromat along with some of her work. http://i100.independent.co.uk/article/this-is-what-its-like-to-have-superhuman-vision--bkEVqgCSbx
  2. Yeah, I don't blame players for using marijuana. Far less addictive than the pain meds typically prescribed to them. I'm surprised that testing for marijuana wasn't negotiated out in the last CBA. The NBA doesn't test for it and that's a less physical game.
  3. Said the same thing about the Bills looking like they were wearing Patriots uniforms from the late 70s.
  4. Favorite unit related comments of the night: "This is what it looks like when the elves play at the North Pole." "The Bills should have added a Rudolph nose to the buffalo on the helmet."
  5. The last two wins have doubled the Bills playoff chances from 21% to 42% according to fivethirtyeight's prediction model. They are now right in the thick of it: http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2015-nfl-predictions/ The Bills should get some help this weekend as well. Cleveland might lose out so I'm not counting on them, but Denver, Cincy and the Vikes (w/Bridgewater) should do us some favors.
  6. In the days of b&w tv there was still a light vs. dark contrast. The problem for colorblind fans (including two of my close friends) on this one was that there was little contrast so they looked nearly identical. The problem for the rest of us, of course, was that we could actually see that red-and-green monstrosity. Thank god the Bills held on and made it worthwhile.
  7. Season saving win. The Bills had their backs against the wall and stepped up. Hats off to them.
  8. I don't think that's what CSBill is saying. I think he's saying that wrapping up Glenn now - before Incognito or anyone else - is the smart move simply because he plays LT and that's a position that's likely to get overpaid on the open market. I agree in general although the LT position has come down in importance and value over the past few years while the other OL positions, including OG, have increased. There is one specific issue with the AFCE however. The DTs in this division are brutal so quality interior line play is of premium importance compared to most. The other factor that we don't know is how willing Glenn and Incognito are to extend. I'd suspect Glenn would be more likely to want to test free agency due to the league-wide value of LTs. Incognito is going to be looking for a deal that sees him until retirement and, while he will also want to make as much as possible, he will also have to be realistic. He's not getting a contract in line with his performance because of his past issues and he'll have to accept clauses that protect the team he plays for in the event of suspension. Due to his baggage there is also going to be a lot more uncertainty of what he will fetch on the market. That alone should make him much more willing to get a deal done early. Additionally the Bills have a great need at OG due to lack of other talent there and divisional strength at DT, they're familiar with each other and it is certain Incognito fits the scheme very well. They're a great match and he's probably worth more to the Bills than just about any other team, so why not get it done? So if all else was equal I'd get the LT locked up before the RG. In this case I touch base with Glenn and see where they stand. If he seems eager to do a reasonable deal I get that done. As that's unlikely I let them know that since we are so far apart I'm moving on to Incognito and that I'll be back in touch. It seems like the first part of that has happened so I'd like to see Incognito locked up. The real question is, how much and how long? Probably a 4-5 year deal that is more of a 3 (or maybe 4) year deal in reality. I don't see the $3M-$3.5M range getting it done, but I'm still thinking about how his I'd go. Here is what RGs make: http://overthecap.com/position/right-guard/
  9. Ed's son. Not kidding. He has had some issues in the past few years, but Ed Hochuli is a damn fine referee.
  10. Honestly, Incognito has created problems everywhere he's been. That includes college. The lone exception is Buffalo where he hasn't done it..........yet. So let's look at this without emotion. We have a guy who's currently an excellent OG and either he's going to fall back into his old pattern and screw up again royally or he's learned his lesson (or at least knows he has to lay low while he's employed) and he won't. So what's a good GM to do? The answer is simply to try to sign him to a deal that pays him well if he's a good player on the field and stays out of trouble off of it, but allows the team to cut ties without any major cap implications if he doesn't. If he's adamant about getting a deal that would leave a team exposed, then that's a deal he can try to get elsewhere. My opinion of him when the Bills signed him was that they likely wouldn't have trouble with him. Not that he's a changed man or anything, just that by now he's got to understand that this is his last chance and that he's got to cool it for a few years until he's retired. I wasn't sure if he'd come back to form or not, but he sure has. Good for him. That's Going to earn him some real money. The Bills would be smart to pay it to him, but in a structure that protects them.
  11. I agree with that. The Bills will be seen as an also-ran until they change that perception. Thursday is a chance for a good start toward that.
  12. Yup. Gotta make that one up somewhere. The game at the Jets looks like it.
  13. Gotta earn the respect we desire. Jets as a slight favorite at home on a nationally televised game makes sense. That would indicate that the general opinion is that the two teams are considered to be pretty evenly matched. After this game the general public is either going to view the Bills as a likely wild card team or an also-ran.
  14. I like dividing the season to quarters when appraising a team. It helps to not get too high or too low over any single game. The Bills definitely need to go 3-1 over the next quarter season. This game against the Jets is as close to a must-win as I can imagine for a ninth game of the season.
  15. I think TT still gets signed, but McCown would have been the starter. TT would have done nicely when he was out injured and the Bills would have another win or two overall.
  16. http://projects.five...fl-predictions/ 14th ranked team in the NFL by fivethirtyeight. Bills are up to a 28% chance to make the playoffs and an 8-8 projected record. The Jets have a 50% chance and 9-7 projected record. Obviously Thursday night is going to have a tremendous impact. They have the odds of that game Jets 56%-44% Bills. That's tight.
  17. http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2015-nfl-predictions/ fivethirtyeight is updated for the week. Bills are up to a 28% chance to make the playoffs and an 8-8 projected record. The Jets have a 50% chance and 9-7 projected record. Obviously Thursday night is going to have a tremendous impact on their projection. They have the odds of that game Jets 56%-44% Bills. That's tight.
  18. Me too! Those just for the day or can you get a season pass?
  19. Agreed. Chasing the last nickel is going to ruin the NFL. 12 of 32 teams is plenty. I hate seeing sub .500 teams in basketball and hockey make the playoffs every year. Even baseball with 162 games has .500 teams in the hunt until the last week or two every season. I don't want to see several 6-8 teams - or, God forbid, a 6-9 team - in the hunt for a wild card spot at the end of the season. As much as I hate seeing that happen, it's not that common in the NFL for a division winner to be .500 or below. If winning a division doesn't matter, then the alternative is to eliminate divisions. That kills rivalries and lumps every team into two (or one big) pot. It would also make scheduling a nightmare. That'd be tragic for the game. And if you left divisions in place how ridiculous would it be to send a team that was second or third placed in their division with a 9-7 record take the playoff spot of an 8-8 division winner especially if the division winner had a tougher schedule?
  20. Does anyone believe that there's any reasonable chance of that being the case?
  21. Agreed. With Taylor's size and game I think QB is a priority. When I refer to his "game" I mean that running and the threat of him running are big parts of him being successful. Since he doesn't have the size to sustain a lot of punishment the Bills have to have another QB on the roster who can play if/when he gets dinged or badly injured. I think we can all (most of us?) agree that EJ isn't that guy. If they can get their hands on someone who might be better than TT, then that's awesome. If not, get a guy who you think can be a solid, long term backup. But get someone. Somewhere. Make it a priority, but not necessarily in round 1.
  22. I've been thinking about which team the short week helps more and I just don't know. Typically the two big factors are lack of time to install a specific game plan and getting people healthy. The health angle doesn't seem to be a huge factor if Shady is okay. Rex knows the Jets personnel well and they know him well. Don't know that there's an advantage there. Thoughts?
  23. http://overthecap.com/player/ej-manuel/2197/ Manuel's cap number next season is $2.8M. That's the last year of his contract and carries no cap implications beyond that. $1.2M of that is due to the proration of his signing bonus. Nothing can be done about that. The other $1.6M due to him is guaranteed salary. The Bills are on the hook for that with the exception of him being traded or cut and signed by another team. If he would be cut and picked up off of waivers or traded then his new team would owe him the $1.6M and the Bills would be off the hook for that. His contract has offset language so if he cleared waivers the amount of the salary his new team pays him would be deducted from the $1.6M the Bills owe him in cash payments and, consequently, cap space.
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