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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. I wonder how many of the fans that paid full price would have purchased tickets and showed up if they hadn't already sunk that cost? The Jets game offers an excellent chance at resale (which the Dallas game certainly did not) so the percentage of Jets fans should be a much better indication of how fans feel.
  2. Oh, I think we are all far too well aware of what's on the line for the Bills.
  3. Geez, it's tough to imagine that americanthinker and Al Jazeera don't see eye to eye on something.
  4. The funniest part of this is that she's the reason he signed in Miami. I know that Cleveland offered him more to go there, which was a big deal at the time because he was coming off of a nasty injury. He had other options too. He took less to go to Miami because that's where she wanted to live. Now she's saying that she always knew that Tanny sucked. So she apparently cared more about living in Miami than she did about her husband making more money in Cleveland or him going to a more successful team elsewhere. She's a crazy trainwreck, but I'm sure Brent would contend that she has at least one redeeming cake-related quality.
  5. Exactly. It doesn't help when the thread title declares a 13 for 18, 179 yard, 1 INT day as "spectacular". Even with the 14 rushes for 67 yards it was far short of that.
  6. This is a concern of mine too. It showed on the interception in the end zone at the end of the first half. Taylor made a poor decision and threw to a well covered receiver instead of the open one nearby.
  7. No, not particularly. They seem more concerned with keeping their jobs via short term gains at the long term expense of the team than with the team's long term success.
  8. Just find it funny that people who are pimping him don't even know where he typically plays. Or that he's getting toward the end of his career (as is pointed out above).
  9. In Baltimore Ngata only rotated over the C's shoulder to play the 0 technique when the NT took a breather. He typically played the 3.
  10. Exactly. Cutting him is an almost 100% certainty, but there's no hurry. You might get lucky and get something for him in trade or, since you're paying him anyway, why not use him as a hedge against a rash of QB injuries in training camp. And why completely tip your hand? Teams and agents know we are in the market, but it's in the team's best interest to not look completely desperate.
  11. The worst was getting up in the night to use the bathroom and taking that Chester walk you mentioned. By the time I got back to bed I was wide awake from the pain. Then I'd lay awake for hours. Good times.....
  12. Agreed. Rob Ryan is a terrible DC. No DC puts more pressure on his CBs than him, it never seems to work for long and he never changes from it. It's just brutal to watch.
  13. I'm not calling for his head already, but the most disappointing aspect of this entire season is been that Rex and rest of the coaching staff haven't gotten more out of the defense. A big part of the coaching staff's job is to maximize talent and they certainly haven't done that on the defensive side of the ball.
  14. Mario is trying to keep his value up, but that's okay because it might help the Bills trade him rather than cut him.
  15. It is. I had it in my right foot and my wife has had it in both feet. It was easily a year before it was right. Not that I have close to the same care as NFL players or anything. Man, Byrd taking a powder in NO is going to push them further into cap hell. They were already in terrible shape and this is another big hit. No. It is difficult to recoup signing bonuses, but a player choosing to retire can be required to repay a portion of it. He also would forfeit any unpaid, guaranteed money. In your example, the player would end up giving it all back.
  16. A healthy Kyle Williams who is back to form is worth paying another $6.5M to this season. If he's not expected to be back to form and healthy, then the team doesn't have a choice and it's just time to move on. When discussing cutting/trading a player, you can't look at sunk costs like signing bonuses or past payments. Replacement cost and ability to replace are important. What's your plan there? Parting ways with him saves $5M in cap space in 2016 and quality DTs rarely make it to free agency. How are you going to improve the defense with that?
  17. If he's healthy and back to form, $3M is definitely way under value, even with age/injury risk. The only renegotiation I could see happening is asking him to take lower base salary, but adding incentives that allows him to earn it all back. Still, there's always a risk when asking a player to take a pay cut (or potential pay cut). What if he says "no"? Are you willing to let him go? You pretty much have to be resigned to that. That's where I balk. I'd rather just pay him his $6.5M than have to replace him. If he's healthy. If he's not, then this is all moot.
  18. I agree. I cringe when I see comments about parting ways with Mario AND Kyle. That would be real trouble. Finding capable (much less quality) DE and DT players is difficult enough, but throwing two new (and probably young) ones into the mix at the same time is a lot to ask. Fair enough on the coach speak comment. Regardless of their plans, that's what you say now. But I don't know that Kyle takes a pay cut, or that he's asked to do that. He's making $6.5M in 2016 and $6.8M in 2017 (the prorated signing bonus is a sunk cost). What're they going to agree to do to that contract? He could make less than that anywhere. I think the team is speaking truthfully. They want him here - if he's healthy. There's the rub because there's a real chance he won't be. $500k of his compensation in '16 & '17 is a roster bonus due on the 5th day of the season, so we'll know by March. They've got to decide by then.
  19. Is that the best you got? It's enough that teams don't want to piss it away on nothing, like with Manuel.
  20. He'd be going in as a reclamation project and he'd have to earn the #2 spot anywhere he went. Teams might want to take a look at him - and I'm sure some will - but they'd also want to be able to cut ties easily in the likely scenario that he wouldn't work out. $1.616M guaranteed precludes that. And then there's the unlikely event that he turns it around. He'd be a free agent after the big turn around year. No team wants that scenario. He could walk as a FA and do well elsewhere or he could get overpaid by the team and regress. No, he will get a low salary, 2-3 year deal with little to no signing bonus somewhere. It'll have incentives in case he improves, but they'll be no real cap consequences if he's cut - even in training camp. And Manuel will want another chance and he will still get his entire $1.616M in 2016.
  21. Happy for you, Fred. Too bad it couldn't have been happening here for you.
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