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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. That's insane. He has $2M of his 2016 salary guaranteed and the Saints are in cap hell. They couldn't have traded him for a low round pick and saved that $2M? What the heck happened?
  2. That's a fair point, but I do not see Glenn as a premium player. He's solid. He plays a premium position to be sure, but he would be overpaid as a franchise player. And I think he will be overpaid on the free agent market, true. Not top dollar, but overpaid. Maybe tagging him is worth it to try to sign him to a long term deal or kick the can down the road a year. I'll certainly give you that. It'd be nice to know what Glenn is thinking. Does he want to be here or is he ready to bolt? Is he looking to stay or has his agent already worked another deal on the quiet (should he not get a tag)? I dunno. Maybe the tag is the right answer if a deal can't be reached. Then either work a long term one out with him or address the position next offseason when (hopefully) there are less needs. http://overthecap.com/player/charles-clay/675 It is. Copied the wrong number. Will fix previous post. My point stands though. There is no reason to keep it as is and several advantages to restructuring.
  3. Well, that's part of the picture. The whole picture is this: Keeping it as it stands: 2016 cap hit: $13.5M 2017-2019 cap hits: $6.5M each Restructure: 2016 cap hit: $6M 2017-2019 cap hits: $9M each The Bills need the $7.5M cap space badly this season. If for some reason the space goes unused it can be brought forward, so the Bills could actually still effectively utilize the space per the first scenario. They wouldn't HAVE to do that, but they could if they chose to. But the first example doesn't provide the opportunity to utilize the cap space per the second example. Flexibility is a good thing. Also pushing off cap hits allocates current cash expenditures to be accounted for in years with higher team caps. That means they take up less space percentage-wise. There is zero advantage to taking the hit in 2016 and there is no way it happens.
  4. The OL franchise tag is expected to be around $13.5M. That's possible, but not fun to manage. Why would you prefer a $10M cap hit this season to four $2.5M cap hits over the next four seasons? With the ability to roll unused cap dollars into future years there is no advantage to taking the hit early. Spreading the hit out just gives the team more flexibility.
  5. "Can get done" and "will get done" are very different things. If Glenn chases the last dollar I don't see how he remains a Bill.
  6. None were specifically named, they were listed as suspects 1-4. The police report alleges all four assaulted the officers.
  7. Shell of former self, HGH/PED accusations dogging him....seems obvious. Just has to wait for the post Super Bowl wave of season ticket sales to die down before announcing. Newton gave up toward the end, but his team let him down up until then. He actually played well, all things considered, until he quit. He deserves to be dogged for quitting, but his team let him down too.
  8. Funny thing there. The security cameras inside the bar were "not functional". Gotta remember, the sole purpose of those cameras are to protect the club. In the event there it be something on them that might incriminates the club or even sheds some bad light on it then their footage disappears. In a trial that kind of video can be used to argue something like: the club should have responded to the fight in less time, so they're partially responsible for the injuries.
  9. I find that hilarious, whether or not it was already planned. It's exactly what I'd put out there if I was his agent. "LeSean, you were planning to head to - I don't know, somewhere far away - Phoenix. For training. Today. Now get on a plane and get the f*** out of Philly. Remember, it was a planned trip."
  10. Yup. And two groups of people who think normal laws and rules don't apply to them. Naw! Couldn't be!
  11. Funny how there's always problems with the cameras in bars when something like this happens.
  12. Possibly with a "conduct detrimental" clause. Notably, cap relief is directly tied to real dollars paid. Things like recouping portions of signing bonuses are tied to funds repaid, which basically never happens. But that's all jumping the gun quite a bit. Also the Bills would actually lose cap room in 2016 by releasing McCoy unless they designated him a post June 1st cut.
  13. I can totally see how that scene likely played out. Several variations and none of them good. If the following facts are correct, it's bad:- the incident started when NFL players took champagne bottle from officers' table and - the off-duty officers are the only ones injured. Still a chance Shady didn't actually participate in the fight/assault though. I haven't seen him specifically accused of that.
  14. Typically teams do get cap relief for suspended players. It usually amounts to the game checks from the games the players miss, but would also include any bonuses they'd miss because of the missed time. I believe that the cap room would get added back as games were missed, not at time of suspension (but I'm not 100% sure about that). For McCoy that's $300k per game.
  15. 38, if they're 10-2. Also I'd note that many of those teams also were starting an elite QB. I will try to look it up.
  16. The Patriots are not exactly in great cap shape. It would have to be a cheap, short, ring chasing deal.
  17. It's a lot like talking about the long, illustrious career Johnny Unitas had for the Indianapolis Colts.
  18. Well, I was wrong on this one. The game was just too big for Carolina. Denver made plays, Carolina let them slip by - repeatedly. Dropped passes, dropped interceptions, dropped carries. Pitiful. Oddly, they reminded me of the '80s Broncos teams that repeatedly looked unbeatable in AFC Championship games, but fell apart in the ensuing Super Bowls.
  19. Yeah, it always strikes me as funny that anyone ever reads anything into a member of the current staff - or those close to them - saying anything positive about current players, coaches or front office people. Wow! The guy who drafted EJ thinks he could be good! Shocking!
  20. Me, too. It's a huge concern. The franchise tag for offensive linemen is expected to be $13.678M. They'll need that cleared before the new league starts. That's some pretty heavy lifting.
  21. We are attending a party and are bringing: Cioppino (SF, host city) Krispy Kreme bread pudding (NC headquartered) Macarons in orange and blue (Denver colors)
  22. It depends. Depending upon the new cap (which has not been finalized/released yet) Incognito is likely to fit with just Clay's restructure. Gillmore's cap hit for 2016 will decrease with a new deal. Other moves will certainly need to be made for Glenn to fit and a big part of it that is probably Mario. I haven't seen when his roster bonus is due, but that is the date to watch. That assumes Glenn even re-signs with Buffalo. I don't see why he wouldn't follow the money and I very much expect him to get better offers on the open market.
  23. As I said previously, the players on the team were going to privately support the guy who could help them win over the guy who couldn't hack it in the league regardless of any other factors. That was obviously Incognito, who was probably their best offensive lineman. They knew Martin wasn't cutting it. Of course they wanted Incognito to stay, but it became impossible to support him publicly. He's not the first, last or worst slimeball that they'll play with. As long as the slimeball in question can help a team win, it'll usually get overlooked.
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