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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. How are you getting that? Spotrac has them at $9M under after Brick's retirement, but before the Clady deal. The tweet said the reworked deal is for $6M in 2016. That gives them $3M plus the offset salary of about $500k for $3.5M in available cap space. The league wouldn't have approved the deal if it put them over this season.
  2. So you're saying that a QB who was rewarded for a good season might not be a good QB in subsequent seasons? Interesting thought because, you know, I'd hate to see the Bills give such a player a huge contract.
  3. I'm pretty sure the a Bills could acquire some other Pro Bowl QBs that are still in the league, like: - Derek Anderson - Matt Schaub - Nick Foles - Matt Cassel - RG3 Seriously, if you and Promo don't have anything better than "He went to the Pro Bowl!" and "His feeling will be hurt!" then just give it up.
  4. I want nothing to do with Hackenberg or Cook. Or any short QB (below 6'2"). Voted Lynch, but I'd be fine with Jones or Brissett.
  5. Often. The writer did note two corroborating sources in addition to the original source, though. That proves nothing, but it does add weight to the allegations.
  6. To be fair, the Jest just asked him to take the paycut. It's not like he screwed them around thinking about it. It sure seems like they forced his hand with the paycut request. They knew he was considering retiring and had to know it might push him in that direction. Why they'd want to risk pushing him out the door is what baffles me.
  7. Exactly. They have already cleared enough space for it. That wasn't an accident.
  8. Pederson's next press conference is going to be something.
  9. https://arrowheadaddict.com/2016/04/07/doug-pederson-allegedly-had-sex-scandal-in-kc/ Man, there's some stuff that doesn't reflect well on a lot of people in this. The Iggles just gave a 5 year deal to a new HC they didn't bother to vet. That makes them look bush league. Peterson and Reid lied to them about Pederson calling plays so they've got a HC who never called a play in his career. Pederson actually made the team get him a male secretary when he came in and still wound up banging another secretary, which shows a real lack of professionalism and lack of self control in such matters. Also there's got to be a pattern there. Reid told Pederson to end the affair and he ignored him, which is ignoring a directive from his superior. That's unsettling. Philly looks like a clown show right now.
  10. Well, some stats. He did very well on percentages and ratings, but not so well on cumulative stats like yards, attempts, etc. I've explained this before and walked through it - and you've read it - so I'll just quickly give the results. Taylor shows promise, but his main issue is that when he doesn't see an open receiver he pulls the ball down and runs. He's to be commended for making something where he otherwise sees nothing, but a big part of him not finding open receivers is his problems getting through his progressions. Long term he's way better off going through some growing pains and learning to get through his progressions than running so much. Not only is injury a big risk, but it also limits the number of pass plays an OC can call. Promo, why do you ignore rational arguement after rational arguement on this? Why the crusade to get Taylor paid large now when pretty much everyone else understands he hasn't earned it? We are all rooting for him to make it and become a franchise QB for the Bills, but how can you think he's already there?
  11. Immediately following final cut down to 53 players full squad accounting goes into effect. Yes, they should have room for a couple more.
  12. Who knows what the holdup is? Gilmore can sign a LTD anytime, but Glenn has to sign one before July 15th or he plays under his tag. Plenty of time for both, but I'd like it done for peace of mind as well as getting the space cleared up.
  13. Easily. Bandit estimated about $5M getting freed up with those two deals and his work looked spot on to me. The Bills still have a little room, but I'd be happier if they got those deals done - or even one of them.
  14. Only about $2M in space needed for draft picks due to offsets and rule of 51. Still, additional space will be needed for full 53 and PS players once final rosters are set - plus in season moves due to injuries. (Rookie pool is approx $6M. Bills have 8 picks which will displace 8 players at about $500k each, thus the $2M.)
  15. Thanks. I forgot to mention that I see only about 20ish players at the elite or blue chip level. Due to position, etc. some third tier (red chip) players will get selected in the top 19, but I only expect a small handful of blue clippers to be left when the Bills go on the clock. The number of those blue chip players that fill a big need will be even smaller and I don't want to see the Bills lose out on one because they traded out - unless they got a lot of value. Even then..... So I guess my opinion in this case is largely due to seeing the situation that way.
  16. Sure. But you never want to move down past the number of guys you have closely rated - unless the compensation really makes it worthwhile. Trading down 7 spots if you've got 3 players you like at the current talent tier would be very risky, for example. It just seems like trading out of 19 would likely end up either a) yielding very little for a small move or b) yielding a day two pick for a big move that takes the Bills out of a higher tier of talent with their first pick.
  17. I totally disagree with that. In fact it probably buys him and Whaley time if things don't go well with Taylor. (Obviously if things go well they won't be in danger of being fired). If things don't go well they'd be able to blame it on a bad QB situation and say they finally got their QB and they're in the process of developing him. Why change coaches and throw that year of development out the window and bring in a new coach who might want his own QB? A couple of years with Lynch as the guy isn't unreasonable if the Pegulas buy into that scenario or just think it's worth a shot.
  18. I'm really not thrilled with any of those trade down options. Underperforming players, players on the last year of their deals, late round picks or a big slide to get a third and some later round picks. None would make me move unless I hated the options at 19. I guess you'd file away options like those in that unlikely event, but I expect there to only be a few good options at 19 so I'd need some premium value to move out of it.
  19. Yeah. I don't see a lot of support for the OP's idea of trading Tyrod, but most seem to understand that Taylor still needs to take a step forward and that a hedge at QB makes a lot of sense.
  20. What, is Schefter embarrassed that he gagged so much during the "interview"? Disgraceful.
  21. Perhaps a tad early for Doctson, but it'd be a quality pick for a big need. I wouldn't be surprised at all. The Bills wouldn't have taken such a risk on a player like Harvin if they weren't aware of the need. Agreed. Top talent who's likely going to be redshirted his first season. I just don't see the Bills taking a guy who can't contribute right away with 19. Smith could really tumble. WR wouldn't except that this isn't a great draft for them and BPA is likely to be at another position. If the right QB is there it wouldn't surprise me at all. Yeah. I don't expect him to make it to 19 and even if he did I don't see the Bills making another huge investment in a RB.
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