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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. Well, at this point the team probably doesn't have the time to devote to doing it as they are in full draft mode. Gilmore's agent is probably busy with his players in the draft as well. Plus he'd want to wait until closer to the start of the season, or at least training camp, so he'd have more leverage in negotiations. Also Whaley is on a time crunch with Glenn due to the negotiation window for tagged players so he's probably going to do that deal first anyway.
  2. Prior to Norman's deal Bandit estimated Gilmore's next contract to be for 5 years at $65.5M with $32.5M guaranteed. I still think that's reasonable for him if it gets done this offseason. No way does he sign a deal before the draft and there's no way the Bills would get the 33rd overall pick for him on his current one-year contract. They're just going to have to let this play itself out and try to get him at fair deal. That should happen, but if he's not reasonable there's always a limit and sometimes you've got to say no.
  3. Gotta give the guy credit. He stuck to his guns and got PAID. This was his one and only chance at a huge payday and he got it. Yeah it does. Dan Snyder has been very restrained for a couple years now. He just couldn't control himself anymore. What does "all around" even mean in this case? Norman is probably the top zone corner in the NFL right now. Gilmore isn't the top corner in any category. He's an excellent corner, but nobody who is unbiased is saying he's as good a corner as Norman.
  4. End of draft compensatory pick, UDFA or wait and see. It's a shame, but he likely won't play a down in the NFL.
  5. Exactly what team is going to give us a high enough pick for Glenn or Gilmore that an equivalent talent can be found in the draft? Let's see. I could either draft a quality OT or CB in the first round and have that player for 4 to 5 years on a cheap contractOR I could trade that pick for an established player on a one year deal that's will cost me far more than the draftee's entire initial 4 year contract. Hmmmmmm.......
  6. I've looked into Lynch more recently and I've cooled on him. Physically he's just about perfect for a quarterback, but he looks slow processing information on the field. That's a killer in my book if it can't be corrected. If I'm right, then he won't be around in the NFL long so I'd pass.
  7. Yeah, the Raiders have made some excellent picks lately. They've taken several of my favorites the last few years. It'll be interesting to see how the Browns do this draft. They started off well with their trade, but now to the picks.....
  8. He's got a hundred million reasons to get over it.
  9. https://mobile.twitter.com/JoshNorris/status/722440498212904960 In case you were wondering which QB was going to LA and which was going to Philly, this looks pretty definitive......
  10. Funny tidbit. Apparently Bosa had to move out from living with Zeke because he had to distance himself from the constant, massive partying. He just couldn't take it anymore. That's not a joke. Let that sink in.
  11. Yes. Great titles, but poor articles. After reading some I learned they weren't worth my time.
  12. Maybe the coaches could just the friggin' plays in on time and go from there? You cannot tell me that that wasn't a huge part of the problem. Complex/numerous reads, but no time. And that didn't work?
  13. Or the guys before that? Or the ones before that? Or any of ones that were part of the cluster**** that has paraded through Berea, OH since 1999? Honestly, the most screwed up thing that I've heard since this trade happened was Phil Savage stating that Goff and Wentz were the big winners here because neither had to go to the QB graveyard and total trainwreck that has been the Cleveland Browns. Yeah, how about that total moron GM who traded first and second round picks to Dallas for Brady Freaking Quinn and then sat there grinning ear to ear? Wasn't he the same imbecile that handed Ngata to the hated division rival Ravens for a 6th round pick? What an idiot! You can't make this stuff up.
  14. I can't tell you how many times I see the title of an article and think "Wow, that looks interesting! I'm going to have to read that. Oh, wait, it's from Forbes. Nevermind."
  15. Medium rare? I always knew you were an intelligent person with great taste.
  16. I don't think they're just looking for the most bodies they can acquire. This group will move around to get specific players they want. That will be especially true if they have a desired QB. I suspect they do, but I'm not sure who it is. I'd bet it is one of the four I mentioned - Lynch, Jones, Cook or Brissett - but that might just be me projecting my preference. Also don't be surprised to see them trade some of those picks for some young talent already on the rosters of other teams should it become available.
  17. Sorry, read it as "move back in round 1" as opposed to "move back into round 1". My bad.
  18. Yeah, I think that's the expectation among most Browns fans. They're expecting another trade back to between 15 and 20, depending upon how the draft shakes out. That's very reasonable. They could come up from 32 as well.
  19. That's very possible. They've met with him at least 3 times. He's a local kid from Hinkley, OH (not that that should be a factor). I keep thinking 31 to Denver is a likely spot for Cook too. He worries me as a prospect though.
  20. Agreed. Exactly. Players are not actually traded, contracts are. No contract, no trade. If Norman's agent had found a team to trade for him he'd have had to have signed a contract first.
  21. Watson is being seriously overrated as an NFL prospect. He's a hell of a college QB, but until he shows he can go to a second read I won't be sold at all. Also I suspect Clemson listing him as 6'2" is generous. But there's a whole year to see how he progresses and measures. The Browns are certainly in full, ground up rebuild mode. You got that right. That's what needed to be done and hopefully they've got the right group to do that. The call on bypassing Wentz/Goff to trade down wasn't made by the "analytics guys" though. That was Hue's call. If he had wanted one, they'd have stayed put. I think he's intrigued by RG3, who apparently has looked tremendous in their limited time together, and by developing another raw QB prospect. Whether that's Lynch, Cook, Jones, Brissett or somebody else I don't know.
  22. Agreed. Glad he didn't miss much time so it turns out it wasn't that big of a deal. (Note to those taking great umbrage regarding the comments people like me made about Watkins missing time: Most of us had an "if he misses a lot of time" qualifier to our comments.)
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