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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. Yup. He's got talent. I've seen him play live. At times you can't help but to think "Wow! Most QBs can't do that!" But he's such a tease. Always dinged, chronically injured. It's easy to think "But if we could just keep him healthy for a full season the sky would be the limit!" But I can't imagine he ever will be. Plus there's his pay. He was the last quarterback chosen number one overall the year before the rookie pay scale was implemented. He's made so much money that he won't play for anything but a big contract - and teams keep giving them to him. He's going to go down as the best paid, longest tenured, most talented quarterback that never did anything.
  2. A team should be able to trade for his contract. That would give them his rights should he unretire. Probably not a lot of takers on that though.
  3. Disagree. Huge need and should definitely be in play.
  4. Yeah. Unbelievable. I honestly think they were in the right place at the right time for Manning and then took full advantage of his injury when Luck was coming out. They knew what a guy like Peyton Manning meant to the team and they made sure they were going to get Luck. The real difference is that their FO doesn't look up to building a team around their FQB this time around. At least not their current FO.
  5. The Colts didn't get lucky when they got Andrew Luck. They tanked for him. They wouldn't have had that chance had Peyton Manning not gotten injured, but they made sure they had absolute garbage at QB that season. It was a lot like the Sabres trading away every decent goalie they came across to get Eichel.
  7. I agree. He's gone by 8. Probably by 6. All injuries are not created equal. He looks like he will be fine.
  8. Okay, I've mentioned this in one of the numerous similar threads, but give me some opinions regarding the possibilities for Tyrod's performance this season. I'll include mine: Improves substantially Effectively stays the same as in 2015 in all respects Falls off substantially The first and third seems pretty obvious. He either gets that big, market value deal (or tagged to buy time to agree to such a deal) or the Bills move on. But what if we get the same from him? What if he pulls down the ball and runs in lieu of going through progressions when his first read isn't available? What if he runs well, but it causes him to miss 2-3 games because he's dinged? What if he's top 10 in efficiency stats (passer rating, QBR), but bottom 10 in production stats (attempts, yards) again? What do you do in this scenario? The one that is by far the toughest - and most likely? Working out a contract would be very difficult and highly unlikely in this case so I see him getting tagged if the Bills don't have decent options. Maybe even if they do. It's also why they need to draft or otherwise acquire another option. This weekend is a good chance for that.
  9. He's probably going to get traded or released after 2016. If he plays well and stays healthy Philly will trade him to a team that will want to lock him down for longer because no one will give much for him on a one year deal. That means he will still have say in where he goes. There's a chance that the Iggles would keep him for the 2017 if they weren't ready to move on to Wentz, but that would be what he signed up for. If he doesn't play well/stay healthy he'll get paid $22M for one season (or less) of quarterbacking the Iggles and can move on to wherever he wants. They aren't going to keep him on the bench for an extra $13M.
  10. Maybe some people would be angry about having to compete. But I'd wager that if the company in question had enticed most of us into signing a 2 year contract with them by offering us $35M, including $22M guaranteed, then most of us would be okay with the situation. In NFL terms that's a pretty good QB money, but a 2 year deal isn't a big commitment. It's a "show me" deal.
  11. Yep there's always the tag. But let's not get ahead of ourselves…..
  12. My favorite part was him dropping a couple dozen F bombs, the b-word multiple times and even the n-word a couple times, but using a euphemism for ass. 'Cause he wouldn't want to come off as crude or anything.
  13. No kidding. Wasn't getting to this statement your whole point when you started the thread? At least you didn't start this one with "Tyrod's feeling will be hurt if we don't pay him now!" My first thought upon reading the original post was "I wonder how long it'll take for Promo to get to his 'Pay Tyrod' conclusion?" Your premise that there'll be only one and only one quality QB in the draft is ridiculous by the way. Could be zero. Could be several. Could be one. Every draft is a snowflake. Every QB prospect has to be evaluated on their own merits. But, dude, please put this on the shelf. Come back and I-told-you-so us to death if the current tact blows up on the Bills and Taylor moves on and is a stud elsewhere. We'll remember your stance, honest.
  14. I think it's Wentz. This was taken the evening of the 19th and the trade was announced on the 20th. The deal was probably already agreed upon and with the league for approval.https://mobile.twitter.com/JoshNorris/status/722440498212904960 Bradford has a huge salary next season and he's been so fragile I'd think the expectation is that they move on, but a lot could happen. Like you say, Bradford could stay healthy and light it up or maybe Wentz doesn't look ready. Or some of both.
  15. He could do this. Recouping cap space requires teams to recoup actual cash from players - and it's very difficult to do. But maybe Bradford negotiates some partial or total payback of his signing bonus to get traded to a team he wants to play for. I'm sure he'd sign a new deal for the new team too. Browns fans are overjoyed right now.
  16. Carson Wentz : Eagles Jared Goff : Rams Ezekiel Elliot : Giants Laquon Treadwell : Texans Paxton Lynch : Jets Bills Pick (bonus) : Doctson
  17. If Sammy didn't get his targets would he have dogged it? We don't know, but that's the big difference between the two situations. The coaches gave one of those guys what they wanted after they bitched to the media, but not the other. For the record I thought both were right in what they said, but wrong by taking it out of the locker room. And Mario sure as hell shouldn't have dogged it, but I'm not going to sit here and assume Sammy would have reacted better or worse if he didn't get what he wanted.
  18. Im not sure which of you is right and until Ragland is on an NFL squad I don't think we will get much clarity. I've been wary of Ragland not only because of the talent in front of and around him, but also because it often seems like the Bama staff usually maximizes the level of play of their kids. I don't know how much he can still grow as a player and that's a big concern. The 13 reps is rough, too. But maybe he will be quality player with a more even level of talent around and against him. Maybe he will still be able to develop and improve. Maybe he will be more CJ Mosley than Courtney Upshaw. But I'll be concerned if he's the pick and I won't rest easy until I see him perform well as an NFL player because I can't get a good read on him and I think there is a lot of risk with him.
  19. While I don't agree with all of the finer points of the article - like assuming that Roman's offense was structured the way it was due to his general preference versus because he was fitting it to personnel - but I totally agree that WR, RT, NT, ILB & OLB are the top five needs of the Bills. I also agree that WR is the #1 offensive need, that it is a deep draft for DL and a NT might be had later than the first round. I'd put ILB and OLB on par for top defensive pick, but they made a good point about getting a 3 down ILB to run the defense. Their choice of Lee (ILB) would be a fine pick at 19 and I'd be happy, but I'd be happier with Doctson (WR) there. You gotta find out if Taylor can be the guy and you gotta find out this year.
  20. So you're saying teams should never draft a QB? Evaluate the talent available. If there's a prospect you are confident can be a quality QB and you can reasonably acquire him, then you pull the trigger. You've got to trust your scouts.
  21. Mario: I need to be rushing the passer, not dropping into coverage. Fans: What a selfish, entitled jerk! He should do what the coaches tell him to do. Sammy: I need the ball thrown to me more. Fans: He's right! Those stupid coaches should get him the ball more! smh
  22. Dareus isn't mentioned as a trade candidate because that would result in $27M in dead money, which would INCREASE his 2016 cap hit by $12.5M, which the Bills don't have. So there's that. I don't disagree about him being a poor fit in Rex's defense though, but that's on Rex not Dareus. Mario wasn't the only expensive player that doesn't fit Rex's defense, he was just the easiest to part ways with. Guys like Dareus and Hughes aren't going anywhere anytime soon.
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