Thats true except in the last 2 minutes of the game. The NFL counted the laterals that hit the ground as fumbles, so theyre fumbles. Any fumble in the last two minutes of a half cant be advanced by any offensive player except the one who fumbled. So the play should have been blown dead after the first recovery per rule.
I dont think anyone would argue that a QB pitching the ball to a RB and having it hit the ground is a fumble. Ditto that any lateral that would hit the ground on any given play is a fumble. If the NFL wanted to call it something else, then the refs would have to use their judgement to determine intent during the play. Thats not always as easy as in this one and would impact the end of the 1st half as well. One minute left in the first half and as the RB gets tackled the ball comes out, rolls backwards and another offensive player picks it up and runs it in for a TD. By rule now that ball is dead at the recovery spot regardless of why it came out. I wouldnt want the refs to have to determine if it was a fumble (spot of recovery) or lateral attempt (touchdown). The game doesnt need that.