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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. You never know, but it looks to me like he’s just trying to sell the pick. He’s acting like QB needy teams might miss out on their guy if they do not come all the way up to 1.
  2. That could certainly have a lot to do with it. Season tickets sales are usually the giant driver for overall ticket sales. But I’d wager that a big part of the jobs of the people fired was to overcome that. They were getting compensated very, very well to perform and they didn’t. The just paid the price for their results. Some jobs are like that.
  3. Home attendance averages, Sabres: 16-17: 18,141 17-18: 18,563 18-19: 17,888 That seems like a big dip in attendance for a team that just improved its record substantially. The reasoning could be nothing more than this.
  4. He has $4.8M guaranteed in salary over the next two seasons. The Bengals would be on the hook for that if they cut him so this is a salary dump.
  5. The two year, $4.8M projected deal would not prevent the Bills from upgrading. That deal would be on the table until FA started.
  6. Would love that trade back, but I'd hate the Metcalf pick. Jawaan Taylor would be my choice.
  7. I was totally expecting some quality satire, but that was either really poorly executed satire or he was serious. I honestly could not tell which.
  8. 5th rounder. Hed be a serviceable #2 back on the right deal. I sure wouldn’t commit any big guaranteed dollars to him or give him a deal that would necessitate keeping him long term.
  9. Agree that Five Guys has far and away the best fast food fries. I totally disagree with the article after that. It’s probably because I like a fresh, hot, crispy, thicker fry. McD’s suck. BK’s suck. I don’t go to either place anymore. When at Arby’s I get the potato cakes because they have to make them fresh every time. It’s better than soggy curly fries that sat out for 20 minutes. Chik fil A’s waffle fries are pretty decent. I’d like them crispier, but they aren’t bad and they are a great ketchup delivery device. The best fries I’ve had in Buffalo we’re at Marble and Rye. It’s definitely not a fast food place. Those fries are even better than Five Guys - and by a fair bit. They’re still in second though.
  10. We’re also in much better shape coach-wise. What’s the over/under on when the Jest staff completely implodes?
  11. I’m not sure how serious he is about a new deal. I think he’s using that demand as a way to dictate where he goes. If it’s somewhere he wants to play, then maybe it isn’t such a big deal this year. If it’s a bad team with no QB, then maybe he digs in on it and makes sure he gets PAID.
  12. That that would be sweet as long as we don’t see a big tax burden for it.
  13. The Pegulas are not making the kind of investments in the Arena district to not put the football stadium near it. Just my take.
  14. Wow. That sucks. Drafting him remotely highly would scare the ? out of me now. If he’s there with our pick in the second I don’t think I pull the trigger. Yes in the third.
  15. The Bills have certainly improved their QB situation dramatically. It is better than it’s been in a long time, but let’s not overstate it. Allen has talent and potential, but he’s not a proven franchise QB - not yet anyway. Any team with one of those is better set up regardless of who the backups are. I like Barkley as the #2 but I’m not sure if Anderson even makes the final roster. There are plenty of people that can be a veteran mentor that you never want to see the field.
  16. It’s no surprise. No NFL position group’s success relies more on working as a cohesive unit than the OL. The current CBA ppreduced the number of training camp practices and number of practices with contact. Long term stability if scheme and OL players is even more important now than it was. The sooner the Bills set their OL the better off they’ll be. This is also true
  17. Caplan is wrong or at least misleading here. I remember that the Browns bailed out of negotiations while the Bills were still negotiating against themselves. He may be right that the total dollars offered were more, but no way were guaranteed dollars close. The guaranteed dollars and structure of the contract made me hate it from day 1. There was almost no way for Clay to ever live up to it and it offered the team no protection against injury or lack of continued effort. While his effort was never at issue, injuries certainly robbed Clay of his athleticism. That was on Whaley.
  18. Unicorns are the only things ninjas can’t sneak up on. Unicorn. Outstanding poll btw
  19. The combination of quitting on his team and continued horrible personal conduct off the field make him a firm NO for me. He bagged on the last practice before their week 17 game and then the game itself minutes before kickoff. This was while they were fighting for a playoff spot. Then there is the well documented off the field garbage, including the latest DV incident on which he’s still awaiting a possible league suspension. The only real positive here besides his level of play - should he decide to actually take the field - is that he will cost very little in trade compensation.
  20. I agree except that I don’t think the Bills are there yet. A year from now if we just got through a more successful season (wildcard playoff spot, maybe even a win), Allen has proven himself and it looks to the world that the Bills are trending up, then yes. That’s when you add someone like him. And that’s when someone like him would be interested. Someone mentioned the Raiders. I can’t see him wanting to play on that train wreck. If he does, then I wouldn’t want him. Cleveland is a better bet IF he’s moved. He’s tight with Landry, who is selling him on what is happening there. And he’s making other friends like Mayfield. Of course the same case as above could be made regarding them.
  21. Flacco has zero guaranteed dolllars left on his contract. It did have $44M in guarantees but those have already been paid out. That’s probably what you saw. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/denver-broncos/joe-flacco-4000/
  22. Are you comparing Fitz last season to what he was in his prime? Maybe you want Andre Reed backnon the Bills next season? Guess what? Fitz was a phenomenal WR who played last season at 35 years old. It’s a testament to his skill and dedication that he’s still playing, but he wouldn’t start on a team with a decent WR corps anymore.
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