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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. Shrimp cocktail and a steak at St. Elmo’s is a very nice evening. I’ve been there twice.
  2. That’s not the only deal they’re trying to make. I’m not sure how far along they are with any of them though. Of course they could have deals in place with free agents too
  3. The Collins release was about clearing cap space for other moves. He was expensive for the uneven performance he was giving.
  4. Thanks. Not a problem. Not a lot of people outside of Clevelandera/Browns fans know the whole story - and even some of them don’t. I will say this though - after building the new baseball park and arena the city did drag its feet on a new NFL stadium for Modell.
  5. Best: Godfather II Worst: Highlander 2. In addition to being a terrible movie on its own it also ruins the first movie.
  6. The Browns and Jags have been in discussions. I’m sure the Browns would love Ramsey, but I doubt he’s available. Malik Jackson makes a lot more sense. Jags need to clear cap space for Foles, draft picks, etc.
  7. Couple points of clarification from someone who lived through all of that. Minor point - Belichick wasn’t fired until after the move. Major point - Cleveland was negotiating with Modell on a new stadium, but he had already found a sweeter deal with Baltimore. They weren’t going to let him use them as leverage so he kept the deal quiet and simply rejected everything Cleveland offered him. His criticism of the plot next to Jacob’s Field was that not was “too loud”. Notably the deal he got was very similar to the expansion team deal Baltimore offered the NFL. A deal he helped kill. Cleveland could have been more proactive, but they were out of it before it started.
  8. The only claim I made is that there are people with the Browns org that fear it might happen. They aren’t the only ones around the league. That’s why you aren’t seeing a lot of two year deals right now. Players want either a 1 year deal so they can cash in next season or a 3+ year deal to cash in bigger now.
  9. You are correct. He’s on board. Dorsey is trying to win NOW. Fear of a work stoppage (lockout) in 2021 is part of it.
  10. I’m hearing that the package of players and picks is more complex than that. Not sure if it happens or not though.
  11. If he was that, then Cincy would not be looking to dump him. But you can pretend if you want. I just hope the Bills are more grounded in reality. Judging by the about face the Bengals did it’s obvious no team was interested. A week ago they put him on the block and now they’re talking about how they want to get him more involved in the offense. LOL. Zero interest in trading for him from the league.
  12. Thats not a lot of money to risk on even a decent player. Ross isn’t nearly that though. The Bengals don’t want him and their WR corps sucks after AJ Green. Ask yourself why that is. He’d also be the highest paid WR on the team currently (pre FA and draft). And if we had to cut him he’d have a higher dead cap than even Clay. Sorry if I’m not in favor of the Bills pissing away that kind of cap space.
  13. This is a great example of someone trying to win an argument instead of trying to figure out the right course of action. Let’s look at the whole picture, shall we? He was targeted 60 times. He caught only 21 of those passes for a mere 210 yards, but he did have 7 TDs. 5 were intercepted though. And this was over two seasons in which he played in 16 games. Whats that all mean? Well, a catch rate of 35% is abysmal, but getting a TD on 33% of the times he actually caught the ball is sure nice. The 5 INTs are an issue though - especially considering his catch rate. It points to a WR who doesn’t run his routes correctly/well or gets knocked off them easily. The TD to Catch rate points to a blazing fast player since he’s not winning jump balls at his size. Also he’s had injury issues I see. In any event, I see no reason to guarantee such a player $4.8M. I wouldn’t do it if he was a street FA and I sure as hell wouldn’t give draft pick compensation on top of that. If he is cut I’d take a flyer on him, but I wouldn’t guarantee him anything. The ONLY way I’d consider giving up even a very late pick for him is if responsibility for his guaranteed salary reverted back to Cincy if we cut him - and that’s a rare trade clause.
  14. I guess I’m just smart enough to not want the Bills to eat Ross’s $4.8M guaranteed salary (and cap space) over the next two years since I recognize that he’s not good enough to be in the NFL at any price. But that’s just me. I look at more than 40 times.
  15. It would not take a 4th. This is only about the Bengals dumping his guaranteed contract. They’d probably flip picks 181 for 183 and Ross. And I still wouldn’t do it because he can’t play WR.
  16. He had two more than Dion Dawkins. If having a player that can block well, but never catches the ball is what you’re looking for then why not just line an extra OT up at TE?
  17. Thats not remotely true. CJ was incredibly productive in college and was excellent running short and intermediate routes due to his cutting ability. Metcalf can boast none of that.
  18. Hunt is willing to accept up to a 6 game suspension. Anything more and he’ll appeal.
  19. Heard that the Jags and Foles have a deal in place. Inside source so I can’t link. No draft pick compensation for Foles like there would be for Carr.
  20. I can’t see Oliver making it to our pick, but if he does we got very lucky. Run that card up! He’d be a fantastic pickup.
  21. This article sums up the Bills’ situation pretty well: Based on publicly available figures from Spotrac and the NFLPA, the Bills are required to spend about $213.95 million in cash dollars between 2019 and 2020 (assuming a $10 million salary cap increase in 2020) in order to comply with the CBA-required 89% team minimum cash spend. Currently, the Bills are at around 88.3% for 2017 and 2018 (the minimum is computed-based on a 2017-2020 average), and need to spend around $83.1 million in 2019 in order to be on pace to meet the minimum of 89%. The team already has $87.375 million in 2019 committed cash, so it shouldn’t be difficult. If only the minimum cash spending to be on pace is equaled in 2019, the team would then be required to spend a whopping $130.85 million in cash in 2020. The Bills currently only have $46.25 million in committed cash for 2020. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.buffalorumblings.com/platform/amp/2019/2/11/18218124/buffalo-bills-need-to-spend-cash-this-offseason-to-meet-nfl-requirements-nflpa-salary-cap
  22. I grew up in Cleveland and have always rooted for the Browns. They’re my #1. Great city and fans. I live in Buffalo now. Great city and fans. So I adopted them as my 2nd team. Heat to head I would root for the Bills over the Browns if they had something to gain and the Browns didn’t. For example, if the Browns were out of the playoff hunt and the Bills were in it. Otherwise it’s Browns, then Bills, then against some teams - Pats, Steelers, Ravens.
  23. Heard from a friend in the know that KC wants to rid themselves of Houston because of character issues. “Locker room cancer” and “plays when he wants to play” were the two things said. This isn’t first hand information but it make sense.
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