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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. I think it’s only fair that the results of the last Super Bowl be stricken from the record. The Saints can go play the Pats. This Sunday. In New Orleans.
  2. I love being on lakes. The ocean, not as much.
  3. Exactly. You can NEVER tell if a team is going to be really good from the preseason, but sometimes you can tell that they’re going to be really bad. That’s about it. The best indication that you might be good is that they’re really not trying in the preseason.
  4. The double standard is what I was alluding to. Many people here will explain away whatever the Bills do and rip others for doing the same things. Your post is a pretty good example of that. Also most here didn’t have an issue with Shady s deal. He was integral to that offense - as Zeek is to Dallas’s. The two situations are very similar. I understood what the Bills were doing trying to win with Tyrod, Shady and defense. IF that’s the plan, then having (and paying) a back like Shady is necessary. My problem was with that being the plan. They needed a big rebuild around a new FQB. Dak is a better QB than Tyrod but I’d want better for my team. He MIGHT be good enough though. If Dallas thinks he is, then they need a back like Zeek and they have to pay him. The alternative is to start over and that’s a tough sell to fans. As for Gary, I didn’t mean that I think he’s ready to take over. I was just pointing to how often people post things like “just draft a RB in the fourth or fifth round and plug him in”. Dunno. I’d like to see the numbers on that. It sure seems like the majority have been against teams paying the last 3 or 4 RBs looking for big, new deals. Also seems like a majority here were okay paying McCoy.
  5. Bills fans: Teams would be stupid to pay even top running backs. If they we smart they’d just trade them away and draft their replacement on day 3 before they have to pay them. They break down early anyway. Also Bills fans: We love Shady. Happy to have him. So what if he’s still one of the highest paid RBs in the league? The contract was fair - he is a premier RB after all. Poor 2018 season? That was the OL’s fault. He’ll be fine. Besides, we don’t have anyone that can adequately replace him. Yeah, I know we drafted Singletary, but that was in the THIRD ROUND. He can’t do what Shady can. So what if he’s over 30? He’s still got it.
  6. Important difference. Honestly I think his best option would be to hold out long enough to get the Chargers to agree not to tag him for next season. Then LAC gets him for Rivers’ last season and a comp pick down the line while he gets his contract in a year.
  7. Shhhhh! Dude, it’s a family forum.
  8. Not sure how you make that comparison. Kinda ridiculous actually. Watch the players play. Does he? Last 4 seasons: Gordon: 897 carries for 3628 yards 182 receptions for 1577 yards 5205 combined yards Shady: 885 carries for 3814 yards 175 receptions for 1334 yards 5148 combined yards I am not saying that he should get Bell money, but he’s worth a pretty good contract. IMO he’s definitely in the $10M-$11M AAV range.
  9. Gotta agree with that. I can’t believe that he actually wrote that the Steelers had AB, but failed to make the playoffs. He kind of neglected the fact that they made it every other year he played there. He also didn’t bring up players like Tyreek Hill. And he neglected to note that while the Patriots don’t have a true #1 WR they have possibly the best QB ever on the team. So yeah, lots of ways to skin a cat. A stud WR sure does help. I do think the relative VALUE of a stud WR can be argued, but the Forbes guy didn’t really go down that road. He just made a logically invalid argument by picking and choosing examples that fit his hypothesis. The 2020 draft looks like a really good one for WRs so hopefully we can snag a great one.
  10. That sounds right. The Chargers seem to do stuff like that a lot though. I understand that both sides have to negotiate, but they are one of the teams that comes off as Bush League. They could’ve had that final deal from the start. Instead, they held it up and created unnecessary drama and ill will. Plus they contributed to their bad reputation. They literally went after something that the agent could not agree to without costing himself his business. Poor management has been a long standing problem for the Chargers. That was the reason Eli Manning wouldn’t play there and it certainly was alluded to at that time. Now we have the Melvin Gordon situation playing out. I’m sure this has been festering and only now becoming public (by Gordon) since the season is drawing near. I’m not one to always be on the side of the player or team or league. There are problem agents, problem teams, players, GMs, HCs, etc. The Chargers are a problem team.
  11. Of her not doing those things? I have plenty of those.
  12. I made it almost 2 minutes into that video. Brutal. I’m not sure what I’d have to be offered to watch the whole thing, but it would have to include several things my wife won’t do.
  13. The Chargers have traditionally taken some very hard lines on contracts. IIRC the Bosa contract was held up by the Chargers not giving into offsets that players taken with his pick (and picks after his) had been getting. Bosa was literally just asking for what was standard practice and the hold up was due to the Chargers were trying to walk that back.
  14. I get the reasoning for comparing the two. I just am not a fan of LJ. I’ve been upfront about where I think JA needs to improve, but at least he has a chance to do so. I see LJ as too limited to be successful for any length of time in the NFL as anything other than a backup. I’ll give my appraisal of LJ one caveat: the NFL game is changing and he might be serviceable in it. That’s his ceiling IMO though.
  15. Allen is a better QB than Jackson. Let’s set the bar higher than that this season though. Looking forward to making some favorable comparisons to some real QBs this season.
  16. Hyde makes more than Adams. Both are excellent safeties. I’d probably give Adams the nod, but I love Hyde as a player. Poyer isn’t paid as much, but he isn’t as good as either. Adams is still young too. He can get better. Dunno. I’m really happy with the Bills safety duo and their contracts. Adams is a stud though.
  17. Its a solid beer. Everything Big Ditch does is related to the Erie Canal or Buffalo. They do a nice job with that. The name big ditch is the nickname for the canal, for example.
  18. Eight games. If he were my kid, I’d give him the reality talk. It’s unfair that even if you’re doing nothing wrong you’ll be accused of all kinds of crazy crap. Most people can have a night out, not start any trouble and be fine. You can’t. Sorry, but life’s not fair. You can trade evenings out and big parties for an NFL career and millions of dollars or not. Your call.
  19. Yeah. Knocking a girl over with your foot isn’t a great look. But breaking your toddler’s arm is absolutely effed up. This is not his first issue like this so it’s pretty clear to me that he isn’t changing his behavior. I hope he loses custody of his kid and never plays football again.
  20. Thank God someone revived this post. On an unrelated note, are there lifetime bans on this site?
  21. H. Jon Benjamin is hilarious. Bob’s Burgers is a personal favorite. There was an Adult Swim show called Lucy, Daughter of the Devil. He did several voices, including the Devil. Great, but short-lived show. I almost made that character my avatar.
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