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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. I never said he was a garbage WR. You should probably read my posts. One further stat to go with those. He was 26th in targets among WRs. He was 49th in receiving yards and 40th in receptions among WRs. Certainly not garbage, but not really impressive as our top WR either. WR Stats
  2. Pretty much. You mention a good point that I read in his predraft evaluation - he is a possession WR who excels at finding soft spots in zone especially underneath, but he isn’t great against man and doesn’t separate well deep. Honestly he’d probably be great with Brady in that offense, but he doesn’t seem to fit with Allen and our vertical offense except maybe as a slot (which is Beasley’s job).
  3. He was also the best WR on the team over the course of the whole season (ugh) and got more targets by far than any other WR. Again, he’s serviceable and he may yet develop into a solid WR. Let’s see what he does this season and go from there.
  4. He ranked 61st in receiving yards last season. There are some TEs and RBs ahead of him so that improves his position a bit. He’s serviceable, yes. The Bills should not trade him because they don’t have that good of a WR corps and he makes the team better. But he is a WR that - barring significant improvement - a good team would want to upgrade.
  5. NFL WR Corps If you scroll down a bit you can see a chart with all of the expected starting NFL WR corps. It’s close to current. There are some very, very bad groups out there.
  6. Probably this. Who’s WR corps is Zay making better at this point? (Okay, maybe ours.) I’m pretty sure that teams would rather use that roster spot on a player who might reasonably develop rather than a third year player who hasn’t yet. Shady might have some trade value from the right team in the right situation, but that probably won’t be until the season is under way and some contending team loses its feature back and wants a veteran.
  7. Thanks for the heads up. I am planning on rewatching at least the starters and Allen’s portion of the game. I’ll watch him.
  8. Rex was making a joke about his foot fetish. Quentin Tarantino also has one, which is only interesting because of some of the scenes in his movies.
  9. Let's hope we have those problems. Daboll has some personal reasons for wanting to stay in Buffalo and he might be inclined to drag his feet before leaving soon unless the opportunity is just too good.
  10. Thanks for the video. It really illustrates how few of Allen’s runs were designed. It’s an important part of his game and I don’t want to see it go away. I’d like to see it diminished somewhat due to: 1) better protection from a better OL 2) a better WR corps getting open more quickly more often 3) a better job of quickly reading the field and finding open receivers by Allen If all of those areas improve, then we can actually see Allen run less even with more pass plays called. That all said, I still think the WR corps and OL need further improvement and that’s a season away. (Keep an eye on Browns WR Rashard Higgins who will likely be a FA next offseason.)
  11. BOTH teams that went 0-16 in the regular season went 4-0 in preseason. 2008 Lions and 2017 Browns.
  12. True dat. I was shocked that no flag came out. Haven’t seen a fine either. I’ve been critical of Allen’s accuracy in the past, but this was on Zay. The throw was plenty good enough and should have been caught.
  13. Morse had $20.4M guaranteed at signing. That is what the Bills are on the hook for. There’s no point in any injury settlement if he’s done. Those are only in cases where a team and player both want to move on and the player wants to play elsewhere later in the same season. That would not be the case here.
  14. You are correct in that the more concussions you have the more susceptible you are to additional ones. Someone who isn’t fully healed - and has head trauma - that has has even higher odds of another concussion though. I guess you do what you can and hope for the best. Or you hang ‘em up.
  15. Agreed. Give him as much time to heal as possible.
  16. Duke had 201 yards rushing and 429 yards receiving last season. Hardly irreplaceable.
  17. Very true. Also let’s not discount the possibility that she was just trying to get him out of there so the kids real father could come in and see his newborn.
  18. I wonder if the next Bills stadium might omit his name. Seems like that would be an easy solution and cause less of a media stir.
  19. Few people have wasted more talent than Gordon. He could’ve been the best playing the game right now.
  20. I think it’ll be Baker and then everyone else vying for #2. I do love how the Jest keep making these major mistakes.
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