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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. I totally agree that the lack of any response during the game was unacceptable. Failure to retaliate is a sign of a soft team and soft teams very rarely get very far. Landry did seem remorseful and apologized to Aaron on the field and through the media after the game. Looking up the play I saw that too.
  2. Thanks for your post. I think the Jets have some real talent being built. It’s not finished to be sure, but there are definitely more pieces in place than a lot of teams. You’ve got that going for you. In particular I am interested to see how Darnold develops (surprise, surprise). What I don’t like is your FO and coaching staff. I don’t think it was wise to invest so much cap space into a RB and an ILB that excels against the run. They’re definitely excellent players and Bell will help in the passing game as an outlet, but I do not see those positions as deserving so much money (except LBs that cover particularly well in addition to playing the run well). I’m not a big believer in Gase and I despise Gregg Williams’ defensive scheme. I am a Cleveland native and now live in Buffalo so I’ve seen plenty of Greggg. And he brought his son with him which makes things much worse. While Greggg is abrasive, his issue is his stubborn adherence to a scheme that doesn’t work anymore - at least not against good offenses. His son is a real problem though. He is apparently not only a huge a-hole but a completely incompetent coach. Sorry. That’s the word from the Browns. Again, thanks for stopping by and being polite. I didn’t really mean to rip on your team as much as I did (though I haven’t been easy on the Bills and Browns in the past). I think they’ve got real building blocks there - especially if Darnold hits - and that you’ll do decently this season (.500ish). You just need to flip your brass to the right group to get to the playoffs.
  3. The good news for them is that in Greggg’s defensive scheme the deep safety will actually be in the state of New York. So they got that going for them. There is certainly a lot of talent on the Jest defense - particularly the DL and up the middle with Mosley and Adams - but I have no faith in Greggg’s scheme. It’s tailor-made to abuse bad offenses and get shredded by good ones. That’s obviously a concern with how ours was and I’d rather play them a little later in the season after our offense has had time to gel, but these are the kinds of games we have to win if we want to go to the playoffs. Can’t wait to see what we have. This game will tell us a lot about the 2019 Bills.
  4. Great. Nothing good comes from playing starters in preseason game 4.
  5. I’d rock an Oliver jersey for sure, but right now the 50th anniversary Sabres jersey is at the top of my list.
  6. I Lombardied your post but this deserves a special shout out. Spectacular.
  7. Nope. No RB is worth a first much less a first and a huge contract. Plus there’s his suspension history which could impact his availability. Article on why RBs do not have high value
  8. It is a recent article, but the OBJ quotes about the trade were all old. It’s just a writer trying to get clicks by making it seem like they’re still feuding. OBJ said some nice stuff about Baker and Eli said some nice stuff about OBJ. Other than that it’s old news.
  9. I’d say it’s a long way from clear he’ll get there. A lot of QBs who posses the physical tools to play the game and are smart and coachable don’t make it. Those players often flash at times too. I’m hoping for a great ride watching Allen develop - and I’ve seen encouraging things from him, but it’s definitely not a sure thing at this point. ?
  10. I will tell you this: I’d trade any record this season to have Allen show he’s a franchise QB. He definitely has plays where he looks like he is. If he can develop and make that the norm, then I’m more than happy. That would make finishing the team build so much easier. Players would WANT to come here.
  11. Thats sounds like exactly the kind of LB that fits Greggg’s defense.
  12. I really don’t mean to pee in your Cheerios. I do like the direction of the team, but I don’t think they’re there yet. It’s a process.
  13. I combed through several sites and looked in all of the areas where I wanted to sit and picked the most reasonable. After fees I still got boned pretty hard. Sigh.
  14. I just paid the high premium. Not much else to be done if you want to go - unless you think they’ll tank early and prices will drop.
  15. I agree with that. It’s certainly the best course of action.
  16. I will be at this one. Already have tickets.
  17. Not semantics at all. Overstating the position of an opponent so they seem unreasonable is a cheap and lazy way to argue. I was just pointing out that that was what you were doing and that my position was very different than what you stated. I am happy to argue honestly if you have any interest in that.
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