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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. Browns also sit at 17th on the waiver wire. It’s unlikely that Teller would have made it to them there.
  2. He has the arm strength and touch to be sure, but he doesn't have the head for the game. He falls down on reads, progressions and reading defenses. Discipline problems on the field as well as off it. Who’d have thought? And we aren’t even into his myriad off the field issues or that he’s a little shorter than desired (although that’s not a big deal these days).
  3. Don't think they want to set that precedent. Hunt would be asking for the same if they did it for someone else.
  4. Feel free to google my stuff. I am from Cleveland and root for both the Browns and Bills. My wish going into that draft was that one of my teams would get Mahomes. Leroy I think it was scooped the trade and I said I hoped he was wrong because that meant in all likelihood KC would get him. In 2018 I said I hoped the Bills and Browns would get Mayfield and Rosen. I’ll take my lumps on Rosen, but Mayfield looks legit. I didn’t expect Mahomes to be this good, this early, but I thought he had the best upside to be a franchise QB in that draft. Believe me or don’t. I don’t really care.
  5. It really didn’t need to be a big fight. It probably didn’t need to be revisited at all, but the fact of the matter is that it was a big draft mistake. People want to argue that for some reason. This thread could’ve been about a page long and amounted to “Yep, we missed there. Mahomes would’ve been great, but here we are. I hope Allen is better because he’s our guy.”
  6. Yeah. In a job like McD’s if the Pegula’s ask him why he didn’t take Mahomes then he’d sure better have an answer better than “I didn’t have the GM I really wanted in place yet.” I’m guessing in a job like his, he’s expected to make the right decisions to be successful. In those high stakes professional environments they don’t say “that’s just an excuse” they just rid themselves of the people that make them.
  7. First off, Mahomes was an accurate QB in college. It’s a big reason I wanted him. Quite frankly, I didn’t want Allen because he wasn’t. I am not making a comparison of what Mahomes would have accomplished yet here versus what he has in KC. Nor am I doing that with Allen. What I am saying is that the Bills passed on a superior prospect to take a lesser one a year later. That’s independent of what other players were on the team.
  8. Seriously? Childish is what I’d call making excuses - as well as your sad little comment about my intelligence. McD was hired to run this team and you’re simply excusing a (rather big) mistake he made. The bottom line is that it was his responsibility to build this team and he passed on a high quality prospect at what is far and away the most important position on any team. Many teams hire a HC and GM in the same year. Some go the route the Bills went - hire the leader the first year and the other position the second. But pushing a GM hire off a year does not excuse a miss like this. It’s still McD’s team and it’s still his responsibility to get things right. To not understand that kind of responsibility is definitely a sign of immaturity.
  9. Mahomes was a much better prospect than Allen. He certainly would’ve gone ahead of him. Sorry, the “wait until he got HIS GM” excuse is just that. It holds no water for me. McD was in charge and it was his responsibility to get things right. That includes the structure of the organization and the execution of the draft. You can’t reasonably credit him for successful picks like Tre and executing a tradeback for good value, but not ding him for the opportunity costs he gave up.
  10. So don’t draft your QB when you have the chance, wait until everything else is in place? You must’ve been pissed off when the Bills took Allen then because they had less surrounding offensive talent at that point. You get him when you can.
  11. He was touted as a boom or bust prospect with his inexperience being the main issue. He wasn’t a perfect prospect, but he was a damn good one - and a quality choice where we were picking.
  12. You are overstating a lot in that post. You’re also misleading when you assume there was no one in place to do proper scouting. Quite frankly, if there wasn’t, then that’s on McD. He came in here to lead and/or collaborate with those in place. Even if he wanted to bring in his own GM (which Is bet he did), it was still his responsibility to make it a productive drat and season. As for Mahomes the draft prospect, I’m not sure how anyone can support the Allen pick but not have advocated for Mahomes. They were both raw, both possessed rocket arms and had great physical tool. The biggest known difference was that Mahomes was a lot more accurate. I don’t think that outgoing manager made any decisions that draft.
  13. To pretend that you don’t take a franchise QB when you have the chance because you want to change GMs is mind boggling.
  14. I can’t believe that people still come up with crap like this. So much garbage. Believe it or not, the Bills could’ve provided quality coaching to a rookie QB and sat him for a season (if needed) behind an acceptable bridge QB. In fact, one was on the team in Tyrod Taylor. They hadn’t even extended him yet. And the fans would have been fine with it. They were fine with that same idea when Allen was drafted - they just didn’t want it to be Peterman (understandably). They were counting on McCarron to be that guy. The situation with Taylor and Mahomes would’ve been much, much better with a better vet and rookie. The only problem some people had at the time was moving on from Taylor and not wanting to take a step back. Many were in “win now” mode and wanted to end the playoff drought regardless of the long term futility.
  15. No. It was me saying so far, so good on it being one of the Bills’ biggest draft blunders. Mahomes has been ridiculously good. And it wasn’t like we didn’t need a QB when we did it.
  16. Yeah. A lot of people are mistaking a big improvement in our receiving corps for our receiving corps being good. We are really crying out for a true #1 WR. One quality piece there and that unit is above average. Not so at present. I would like to see a trade with Philly or GB for one of their good, surplus OLmen.
  17. Sorry. Missed the C section part. For some reason I was thinking Induction. Best of luck!
  18. Speaking from experience, during labor try to fall asleep as little as possible - no matter how long it takes! They get in such a mood!
  19. Good luck, man. Hang in there, take care of momma and your 18 month old so mom can focus on taking care of the newborn.
  20. Honestly, I don’t like the talent matchup with the Jest. It seems like they are strong in ways that should make things difficult for us. But they also have some very suspect coaching. I’m not a believer in Gase or Greggg. Seriously, other than Wrex he might have the worst defensive scheme in the NFL. So I am torn on this game. It really could go either way. I certainly wouldn’t bet money on it.
  21. Pretty much this. Hyde has a shot. White has a shot but in a more crowded field. That’s pretty much it. If Edmunds does take a big step forward, then he’ll be looked at more closely and have a chance in future seasons. Seems like players need to get on the radar first by proving themselves and then they can be chosen if they have a stellar season.
  22. Jeebus. After everything you have lived through as a Bills fan, an increase in the price of going to one game a year is what’s going to end your fandom of the Bills? Wow. ? I root for both the Bills (where I live now) and the Browns (where I grew up). There have been some very dark days as a Browns fan. I’ve checked out for a bit while they were embarrassingly putrid. I gave up my season tickets and PSLs. But I never quit the team.
  23. If that’s your litmus test for a player, then there’s almost no one that you could ever justify acquiring.
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