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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. I disagree. You are selling Clowney short. He has been borderline elite. In the last 3 seasons Aaron Donald has the most tackles for loss in the NFL. Second on that it’s is Clowney. And he did that primarily as a 3-4 OLB. And they got next to nothing for him. A (probably) late 3rd, a bust and a JAG. That is in no way defensible. Heck, they could’ve gotten a third round comp pick just for letting him walk. Now to the Miami trade. Even considering that those picks are LIKELY TO BE in the 20s, it’s still a poor trade value-wise for the talent received. 2 firsts and a second for a very good, young LT and a middling WR is not great return. Also consider this: What if Watson gets hurt again? How many wins will AJ McCarron get them? Those picks can't going to be a whole lot worse than the 20s, but there’s a chance that they’ll be a lot better.
  2. Word from the CLE is that the Browns did Colquitt a solid and let him choose where to go rather than trade him. Too bad. He’d have been nice to have had as part of the Teller trade.
  3. I’d wager that the Miami trade has a lot to do with Luck’s retirement. Indy was definitely the favorite to win that division prior to that. Now it’s the Texicans to lose unless I’m grossly underestimating what Foles can do in Jax or Tanny can do in Ten. Edited to add: None of that changes how bad of a trade it was from a value standpoint.
  4. The two trades were terrible. Honestly, the whole Clowney give away is literally the worst NFL trade I can think of. The others in the running would all be ones where teams traded players and/or picks for a draft pick and then blew that pick. The Miami trade is really bad, but it isn’t as bad as the Seattle trade. This was a huge overpay by Houston - two firsts and a second - for a very good, young LT and a middling WR. (I know there are also some later round picks and JAGs involved, but I’m considering them a wash.) These are moves made by a desperate HC who is trying to win now at all costs. BoB is screwing that franchise long term to try to save his job. A decent owner wouldn’t have allowed this to happen.
  5. Two fan bases are going to learn a lot about their teams in 2019 in this one.
  6. Yup. Which makes him ripe to take advantage of. Other teams/GMs are abusing him. At least Seattle did. Let’s see what the Miami deal looks like.
  7. Quite the tantrum you’re having. Best just to let the little ones cry it out.
  8. Bent out of shape? ? You should probably stop before falling behind even more. We actually had a Jest fan here a couple weeks ago that was looking to talk football. Seemed reasonably intelligent and a decent sort. Guess he’s the exception.
  9. Your opinion of the move taking balls is what everyone is laughing at. And I’ll respond to whatever I want.
  10. I never said anything of the sort. You just said it was a very balls move by your new GM. It was the right move to be sure, but you’re fawning over a pretty rudimentary move was a bit much.
  11. You mean cut a former GM’s terrible pick who sucked out loud. Yeah, impressive mettle. Truly inspirational.
  12. I literally laughed out loud when they made that pick.
  13. Remember that BoB screwed the pooch with Clowney from jump. He ruined the relationship, then didn’t trade him when his value was much higher because he could’ve still signed a long term deal and then he got worked over by Clowney and Seattle on the trade. This atrocity is 100% on BoB.
  14. Im pretty sure that some of the sketchy stuff he was doing got found out by the NFL and they quietly made him stop. He’a done some bad stuff everywhere he’s been.
  15. Dunno. That would’ve been 2017 and he was so integral to the offense at that time it’s have been tough to lose him. That was the year we made the playoffs with Tyrod under center and the offense ran through him. Kinda like Zeke in Dallas right now. It would have meant the start of a tear down and rebuild. The Bills went the other way. It happens that way sometimes and doesn’t work out.
  16. I agree. We waited too long to get something for him.
  17. Yes. His contract was a big why some posters thought he could be on the chopping block. Too many other factors too: his down year last season, the free agents brought in and the ages of him an Gore. It all pointed this way.
  18. Kudos to Beane for turning our deep interior OL depth into some picks.
  19. Ha! Like they don’t already have everyone’s playbooks.
  20. I go through phases like that with salmon. At times I love it and other times even the smell is repulsive. No way can I eat it. Tried a bite during the repulsive phase once and it was horrible. FWIW if I’m going to eat pizza, it better be worth it. I’m sure not giving it up, but I’m not wasting those carbs and calories on something I do not enjoy. Unless I’m drunk. Then whatever.
  21. I just picked up a couple from Trader Joe’s. Both medium roasts. I did not know that the darker roasts had less caffeine than lighter roasts. Good to know.
  22. Quick update. Tried Aldi’s Peruvian blend first per JR’s suggestion. This is a quality coffee at a great price. Excellent find. It’s a solid 4 or 4.5 out of 5 stars per the 3 coffee drinkers in the house . Thanks again. I’ll post with further results as they come in.
  23. I think that players are only informed of trades after they are made (except when the player forces them or is allowed to shop themselves). You never know though. Maybe some bad vibes have been coming his way. I do not think a Zay is a great long term fit here, but I think we are better with him than without him right now.
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