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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. Ebenezer Scrooge was a fictional character whose character change was the point of the story.
  2. Burrow has beaten KC/Mahomes in the playoffs too. And he made it to a Super Bowl. I haven’t heard any big uproar of criticism of Allen this offseason either. Do people say that he (and the Bills and McDermott) can’t get it done in the playoffs? Absolutely yes. That shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone since, you know, they haven’t gotten it done in the playoffs. People said the same thing about Peyton Manning until he won his first. There’s only one way to change that narrative - Allen, McDermott and the rest of the Bills need to get it done. Until then, the existing narrative will only grow louder and stronger.
  3. Having season tickets for an NFL team - or even simply attending an NFL game - is a luxury. If people want to spend their money on that, that’s great. If they don't and would rather spend it on a vacation or a pool or save or invest it, then that is great too. To each their own.
  4. for the kids out there this is boomer for "frfr"
  5. This is not necessarily true. I had PSLs at a stadium in another city and only had the rights to the seats for football. The Pegulas can make other events part of the PSL package - or not. It is 100% up to them. Functionally it doesn’t make much sense to tie PSL holders to their seats anyway. One issue is that some seats won’t even be used for concerts as they’d be behind the stage. Also additional seats would be added for an event like that and other seats would be in much better or worse locations than for football. It’s easier to just allow PSL owners to buy the seats they want before the general public.
  6. Fields will be a FA after this season unless the Steelers extend him or pick up his $25M option (which is incredibly unlikely).
  7. I was talking about the Steelers paying him large on his next contract, after the Denver offsets run out.
  8. As we get closer to the draft I think we are getting a much better idea of what the impact of scarcity will be. Excluding the elite prospects, teams can wait on positions like WR (quantity in the draft) and DB (due to so many remaining available in FA), but DL is going to go fast. Not a lot of good ones there.
  9. Gonna be a crazy, wild draft at WR when we look back in 5 years. So many WRs with talent that need to improve - or are permanently deficient - in one or more areas of their game. So many factors - development, talent, role, work ethic, QB, etc. - at play regarding each of their successes or failures. There are going to be a lot of GMs lauded and others taking real heat over this one. Just have to hope we take a good shot and hit.
  10. You must be new here. Welcome to Two Bills Drive.
  11. Seems like the Bills plan is probably to figure out the best combination of McGovern, Clapp and Edwards to put on the field. Plus there’s now some injury insurance, which is nice. On McGovern, he was a much better pass blocker than run blocker last season. I can see why a move to C might work out for him since he will be doubling DTs in the run game a lot more consistently than he was at OG. It’s certainly worth a shot.
  12. I agree that they are the two best options left. Danna had 8 sacks last season and Lawson had 8 in 2022. I’m not sure why he didn’t get much playing time last season. Still, compared to last year there’s just not much there in the FA pool compared to last year.
  13. I would be happy to take a flier on Dobbins. Love him as a RB, but he’s coming back from an achilles (on top of the ACL he had prior). As long as the risk is very low and we don’t let signing him preclude us from drafting another RB I would love to have him.
  14. I hope Wilson is good enough this season that the Stillers pay him large and he keeps Fields on the bench. Then next season I hope Fields moves on to the NFC where he finds success while Wilson totally implodes.
  15. That’s a brutal list. Last off-season there were a bunch of good Edges that waited until after the draft to sign. Obviously that’s not the case this year. It is what it is. The worst thing you can do is fool yourself into believing that something exists because you need it. The more things shake out, the more I think the Bills will draft an Edge in round one. If they do, I hope the player is worth it and it’s not simply a reach for immediate need.
  16. To add onto the fine answer from @Mr Info you won’t be able to sell a PSL back to the Bills. They will reacquire and resell PSLs that are defaulted on, but they won’t be buying them back from holders.
  17. The suite was pretty full. I think two of us were the token representatives to keep it a business expense. Also I think that the company is primarily or fully owned by one family. They packed it with their family, friends and some additional key employees. I can see them dialing it back to a chunk of club seats. The president of the company told me that was an option.
  18. There will be plenty of professional resellers that will be happy to buy up the premium seats too. Those are the ones that can generate real revenue and even see an increase in PSL value.
  19. Went with my wife to a suite of a vendor she does business with for the TB game last season. It was behind an EZ so not the most expensive one. They said they were unsure if they could keep it when the team moved to the new stadium. At the pricing they had seen they couldn’t make it work, but they thought it might come down to where they could.
  20. /thread I’d happily do it for one of them - especially MJH or Nabors - but not for anyone else.
  21. I do not think that I could possibly care any less one way or the other.
  22. It’s an asset that would require the holder to buy season tickets every season. That’s a big caveat. Look around and see how many are on the market for more than what they originally sold for. Not many people choose to sell their PSLs during good times. A glut of available PSLs would happen during a prolonged bad run though. edited to add: I’ll guarantee that the team will charge a fee for and/or take a cut of any PSL transfer transactions
  23. If a person owning a PSL does not buy the season tickets they forfeit their PSL license. The team is then able to sell the PSL again. In the interim the team can sell the individual game tickets through their regular channels. PSL holders do have the option to sell their PSL to someone else at whatever price they can get for it. However, what tends to happen is that a large number of PSLs become available when a team goes through a multiple season losing streak. The PSL for less desirable seats don’t sell for much - or at all - and the holders have to decide between continuing to buy season tickets for a bad team or simply giving up their PSL for nothing or next to nothing.
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