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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. Sure. Rodgers’ comments could be due to a lot of different reasons, but those are pretty much all good or neutral where AVP is concerned. It’s a lot better than Rodgers being happy he was gone, right? At minimum it means nothing, at best it’s a good sign.
  2. I’ve been thinking about this and looking up some facts and I have some thoughts: A big factor is the physical abilities that have been bred into pits. They were bred to fight bulls, bears and other dogs. They have incredible jaw strength to bite and hold. It makes sense that a dog breed that is as physically gifted in those areas as pits are would be effective killers. Another factor is their prevalence and social unacceptability. There are a lot of them - although not nearly as many as would account for the number of attacks by them. Still there are a lot. They are shunned socially. They aren’t allowed in many cities (okay, suburbs mostly) and are often uninsurable. Those are probably a big reason they are all over adoption places. They are also often purchased as guard dogs in places where break ins and burglary are a real threats. I’m guessing most are not trained well in those circumstances. They really don’t need to be as no one in their right mind is breaking into a house with a pit when they can just move to the next one. So you get a mix of those dogs winding up at adoption places. There are many great pits out there, but I’d wager that there is a bigger percentage of maladjusted pits than other breeds at shelters. If you won’t ever trust a pitbull regardless of circumstance, then I think that’s unfair. But if people like Gungy want to avoid dogs of that breed that they don’t know to be safe, I don’t blame them. As I said before, I wouldn’t have a pitbull in the house with small children. There are other breeds - Akita comes immediately to mind - that I also wouldn’t have around kids. A pit isn’t just going to just snap one day because they are a pit. Good dogs are good dogs, but they are still dogs. And that breed can do some real damage if motivated so there’s no harm in some caution. Still, I have two friends with two pits each and they are fantastic dogs I trust as much as any other.
  3. I doubt that would change anything. As long as it’s the public that’s paying the lion’s share of the capital cost of increasing revenue for private franchises, then the NFL is going to make that happen. You want your NFL team to stick around? Then pay up.
  4. I suspect job one for AVP is going to be putting his foot up Baker’s arse. It’ll be interesting to see how they work together. Baker had a QB coach he loved his rookie year and he looked like the real deal. Then in Year 2 he had one he clashed with and he fell to the bottom of the league. There is a ton riding on this hire. I don’t know much about AVP, but I did read where Aaron Rodgers was pissed off when the team didn’t retain him. That speaks well for him. On the other side, Baker knows he effed up last season and he may be ready for the hard coaching he’s going to get. I hope these two click.
  5. I have two friends that each own multiple pits/pit mixes. All are wonderful, loving dogs. I’d even own one now, but I would never take the chance if I had a small child in the house. Edit: For the record there are other breeds that I would categorize similarly.
  6. I tried, but lost the remaining tiny bit of interest I still had the moment Breck showed up in Joe’s neighborhood looking to run into him. I’m interested in what happened to the owner of the bookshop. Seems like there was a long revenge game by Joe that played out and I’m interested in that flashback, but I’m not watching another season plus to find out what happened. I’d welcome a spoiler on that.
  7. Might help with injuries on a landing with major issues, but that’s about it. Can’t have them going off at weird angles and hurting other passengers though. Airbags can do serious damage.
  8. Read the article. The Business class seatbelts have integrated air bags so extenders can’t be used. They moved them to Coach because the riffraff back there don’t warrant air bags.
  9. Many here have been dead set on the Bills acquiring a big RB. I think that has been fueled by Derrick Henry’s success. (And who wouldn’t want a Derrick Henry in their team?) But I’d rather they focus on finding a RB who can be effective in the passing game as well as rushing game. It’s a missing facet of the offense now. Plus it could add a wrinkle to the offense with both that player and Singletary on the field at the same time.
  10. Chubb really does make all the difference here. Hunt would be the best back on most teams, but he’s second to Chubb on the Browns.
  11. Dunno. It depends how spooked teams are about the off the field stuff. Talent wise he’s easily worth a 2nd. Now maybe the original (3rd) round tender is what they’ll do just to be sure they move him. That’s not a bad plan. If they don’t mind him sticking around another season then they should put the 2nd on him and then take another year’s production and a comp pick down the road. This is all assuming that there is no league action coming for any reason. If there is, then his value is crap anything could happen with him.
  12. I have no idea what Berry thought about it or if he was on his way out by then. We should see where he stands on such things soon. I do know that one of the Haslams was not on board with signing Hunt. I assume that was Dee. Dorsey gave a lot of assurances that Hunt would be a model citizen. I have heard that has not been the case. I don’t know if it was more than the recent speeding/weed incident or not.
  13. Yes, he was VP of player personnel for the Browns. He was there when Kitchens was hired but was a proponent of hiring Stefanski so there’s some level of comfort there. He’s definitely DePodesta’s guy and was his target from the start of the search. Berry is an extremely intelligent guy who played. He was a three year All Ivy CB at Harvard where he got a Bachelors in Economics and a Masters in CIS. He’s a great fit for the analytics driven group there. You never know how that’ll work out, but it seems like there’s a good chance the Browns org will be on the same page. Whether they’ll be successful I couldn’t say. Even if there’s a lot of good people working together there, there is still the Haslams and team history to deal with. Still, Berry is smart guy.
  14. Dorsey was the one that advocated for Hunt and he’s gone. I am hearing that there’s a good chance the Browns move on from him. If it were me I’d tender him at the second round level and see if anyone tried to sign him away. Then I’d base my decision on that contract.
  15. It’s definitely a risk, but I’d be for this as long as the guarantee was only around $9M so it could effectively be a 1 year deal if needed. Also I’d be happy to back up the Brinks truck for Yannick.
  16. I had a coworker who came from Pharma sales. We were working for a god awful company in the aerospace industry at the time. It gouged the hell out of the government and airlines and they treated everyone outside of top management as poorly as their customers. Worst job of my life by far. He said his Pharma job was worse. There was zero effort by that company to help people and that their strategy was to keep people on maintenance medication for as long as possible. Specific strategy for diabetics was to keep them on medication their whole lives despite it meaning gradually declining health and eventual death. Any efforts to find something to actually cure the patients was avoided. I’m not one to downplay the positive effects of capitalism. It has tremendous value to society. My issues come from the lack of true free markets brought about by having companies and industries that are large (wealthy) enough to impact laws that limit competition and innovation - as well as the legal system that allows that to happen. The result is not true capitalism. I also see healthcare as having such importance to society that at least basic care should be available to every citizen and that special safety measures should be in place to eliminate issues like what I mentioned above. Thats my 2¢ on the matter. I’ll leave it there unless there’s a specific question.
  17. In reality most medical breakthroughs and advancements are made by researchers at universities, not private companies. And most of the funding for research is from government grants. Companies are great at monetizing the advancements, but it’s rare that the people who did the actual work get much out of it financially.
  18. Airport to OP is not great for displaying the best B-lo has to offer. I’m not sure where they stay, but you gotta know where to go in Buffalo and it’s probably not by their hotel.
  19. Compensation between $40&$50M a year now. Plus incredible perks. Where do I sign up for that?
  20. People here argued with me when I said the same thing. He’s not a consistently accurate passer. He puts pressure on the defense with his rushing and extends plays so long that easier throws develop. And he also hits tough passes sometimes, just inconsistently.
  21. I think he was a lot less important to them once they got OBJ, but they still wanted him on the team. It’s not great to have someone on the roster who doesn’t want to be there though. Between that and preserving the relationship with his agent, Drew Rosenhaus, it was the smart thing to do.
  22. FWIW he was not cut by the Browns. He signed a 1 year deal with the Browns, then he hit free agency and ended up re-signing with them. Then Cleveland traded for OBJ within a couple of days and he asked to be released from his new contract. They obliged him. But it was them doing him a solid, it wasn’t like they didn’t want him on the team. It depends on his price, but Perriman would be a good addition to the team. He’s really coming into his own and he wouldn’t preclude drafting another WR. I like what he brings to the team as well as the flexibility we’d have in the draft.
  23. Dude kept the Brady and the Cheatriots from getting two more SBs. Why are some here arguing against him? I’ll always think well of him for those two games. Seriously though, the dude balled out in the most critical times of the most important games in his career. Ice water in his veins. That is why he has those two rings and it deserves respect. He should be in.
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