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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. I made it clear that I agree with that. How about this as a takeaway for Garrett: How about next time don’t do something that could’ve been unforgivable in retaliation to a slur? Then maybe people can focus on the slur you were called and the guy who called you it rather than your much worse response. As for pushing the issue of the slur, there’s no way that was happening during the indefinite suspension. Had Garrett done so I am positive that he’d still be suspended. In fact I’m surprised he brought it up again. It might not help him in the future.
  2. I’m from Cleveland. People around the team were talking about it that same day. I think the NFL wants to avoid the PR nightmare. No way do they even admit it happened.
  3. First off let me be clear in saying that in no way shape or form does it justify his actions. But Garrett was mic’d up for that game and there were field mics everywhere, yet no audio has been released or leaked. If it didn’t happen it could’ve been easily disproved. To me it looks like the NFL locked down an exceptionally bad PR situation. A lot of things about this situation could’ve been a lot worse. Garrett could’ve connected with that helmet swing with horrifying consequences. But beyond Rudolph’s serious injury and Garrett’s lifetime ban it’d have ended there. Now instead imagine the situation as it stood (no serious injuries) and audio of Rudolph dropping the N word on Garrett getting leaked. The media storm, protests and backlash would’ve been massive. Alienation of substantial demographic groups of fans and real damage to the shield. Again, the allegations would’ve been very easy to disprove and there’s only one reason that’s not happening. Edited to add: An important piece of info many might not be aware of is that In the locker room immediately after the incident Garrett was livid about Rudolph dropping the N word on him. This wasn’t something that an agent came up with later.
  4. It’s not like Dallas couldn’t have gotten a discount last year. Now it’s pay market value (or very close to it) or tag him and go down that road.
  5. If there’s one QB in the league that I’d love to see a lot more of before forming my full opinion on, its Dak. His stats and advanced metrics are elite, but I’ve seen a notch below that on the rare instances I’ve seen him play. I’d wager that’s the difference between the two sides now. Also there is plenty of time on the clock for negotiation so neither side has to make a move yet. This will drag out.
  6. You don’t get to be a grandma at 34 by knowing how to put up a stop sign - or by teaching your kid how to. A cousin on the wife’s side tried to get her tubes tied when she was in her twenties and the hospital refused. She already had 4 kids and didn’t want more. Incidentally she was pretty hot early on, but 4 kids took its toll.
  7. He’s probably just a French fast food fan
  8. Yeah. He is a far better QB than the Lions deserve. They’ve wasted his career to this point. I do not want to see him playing for Belichick. He’d easily be the best QB in the AFCE if he went there.
  9. Seriously. You see a poster with a handle from one of your all time favorite movies and you think he’s a decent guy. Then something like this happens........
  10. Njoku was in Kitchens’ doghouse last season, but Stefanski ran a ton of multiple TE packages in Minny. I just don’t see him getting rid of the best TE on the roster unless he finds an upgrade. Even then he might keep him. Njoku is a physical freak, but is still not much of a blocker. Definitely a TE that’s home is in the slot. But he can do real damage from there.
  11. The Bills are a long, long way from any cap problems, but that’s not to say that they should waste space or give out bad contracts. OTOH paying market value to elite players at important positions should be on their “To Do” list, not something they shy away from. If they do that and draft well they’re going to be fine.
  12. You’re probably right here. And the Pats were the first team I thought of.
  13. There’s nothing else the GM can say in this situation. It doesn’t meant it’s true or false. It means nothing except that the GM has a clue.
  14. I’d trade 22 for Kenny Golladay in a heartbeat IF he agreed to an extension with us. I’d be delighted for the Bills to pay him. I get why people shy away from the thought of dropping a 1st (even the 22nd pick) on a player that needs paid soon, but with a player like Golladay you take away a huge amount of uncertainty. The draft is a crapshoot for even the best GMs. Edited to add: Not that there’s anyway Detroit is trading him.
  15. Which would be the starting point for a new contract. There’s zero chance of that happening.
  16. Good point on Yeldon. They would be flipping two of the three RBs, but they may want to do just that. It’s not like they played Yeldon much and that could be an indication that he’s not in their long term plans. I didn’t hear anything about him being injured or anything. He’s certainly replaceable.
  17. Good tip for if I wind up there again. Thanks
  18. Very true. That’s a big loss for KC. I doubt he’ll be at Colorado long.
  19. I’d love to get it done now, but doesn’t the 30% rule that’s in effect due to the CBA expiring pretty much eliminate the ability to do it?
  20. Wow! I guess that’s why he changed his mind and took the job.
  21. I agree wholeheartedly. It’s a crappy event IMO. Wings are made at a central location and then are distributed to the vendors where they are sauced. There is zero chance of getting a crispy wing. Also the lines sucked. Crispy wings matter!
  22. That’s actually a much better hire than I thought they’d be able to make. I’m sure they had to way overpay for him. I would not be surprised to see a BOB/PSU scenario play out.
  23. Murphy - There’s no way is he going anywhere unless the Bills make a huge splash at DE. Even then they may keep him to fill out their 3 deep DE rotation. He has a sizable roster bonus due early so any moves that would impact him would have to be very quick. I’d be shocked if he wasn’t here in 2020. Kroft - He should be dumped based on limited production expectations and the ridiculous contract the Bills gave him. Also due a roster bonus early and that should get him out of here quickly. Smith - $500k roster bonus due early so a decision should be made quickly on him. He’s a bottom of depth chart blocking TE. We can probably do better or as well replacing him, but there might be some reason to keep him around another season. A decision either way doesn’t really move the needle for me as he’s not making all that much. Yeldon - Cheap contract for a RB. Zero reason to move on from him unless he’s done something to piss off the team. Sweeney - Very cheap contract. No need to move on from him until someone better takes his place. No hurry.
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