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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. Second try Oops. Pasted into wrong box. Fixed OP. Thanks for the heads up.
  2. He’s at total POS. People quit over him coming back to work for the Browns the second time. My first thought upon reading that story is of Belichick calling other GMs to see about trading up in the first round. (Lombardi has often worked for him as a consultant.) At this point Lombardi could totally throw off everyone simply by telling the truth once.
  3. Link Due to the restaurant slowdown and cancellation of the NCAA tournament the US is sitting on a huge surplus of wings. I, for one, intend to stock up the freezer.
  4. Weird, right? Actually I do like rye. Besides, scotch is 100% barley.
  5. Nice! On hand I have Regans Orange, Angostura Aromatic and Scrappy’s Lavendar.
  6. Ramsey went from Jacksonville to LA. I can’t think of a bigger jump in marketability and city. Even Green Bay gets exposure even though the city itself is minuscule. But the smaller cities do offer a lot of upside for many players. They’re affordable and provide a good atmosphere for families. That might not mean a lot to a top tier player who is single and signed to a huge contract, but it means a lot to mid tier (and lower) players with families. Places like Buffalo, Cleveland and Pittsburgh can look mighty appealing compared to SF, LA and New Jersey. Add in winning and a team can be in pretty good shape.
  7. Crap. You’re correct. I thought a pew poster said they were first and I didn’t check. My bad.
  8. Premier really is my go to to find stuff like unusual bitters. I have three different ones from there.
  9. Yeah, I agree. Fans usually think best case scenario while modeling tries to hit the middle of the bell curve. Id wager that there are three big things negatively impacting the projected win total: 1) Relative strength of schedule between last season and this season, 2) Pythagorean Wins estimates (or something similar) which uses points for and points against to calculate expected wins. (It’s a better indicator of a team’s record than that team’s record from the last season.) In 2019 the Bills didn’t fare nearly as well in that metric as they did in the W-L columns. And 3) Health. The Bills definitely had some issues there, but they we still comfortably better than average in that regard. So it’s not to say that we won’t beat the averages again. Every SB winner has some luck. We’re almost certainly getting better this season, but so are two of the three other teams in our division. The vast majority of teams would say the same even if some of them will be proven wrong. The real takeaway for me is that his expected numbers indirectly show how a jump forward from Allen would impact the team. Moving lots of those important stats that are middling into the good to great territory would make the Bills quite the powerhouse. That’s not something we all don’t already know of course, but he gives us a pretty good indication of what to expect if it doesn’t happen.
  10. He hates it so much that he rates our defense #1 in the league?
  11. You only ever get to drink 3 main liquors and 5 lower alcohol mixers for the rest of your life. Go. Scotch Tequila Gin Dry Vermouth (Martini) Sweet Vermouth (Negroni) Campari (Negroni) Cointreau (Margarita, creme brûlée dessert) St. Germain (Champagne cocktail for in the summer when I’m feeling pretty) Sorry bourbon and rye, you and your mixers didn’t make the cut. I will miss you. Otherwise that’s a fully stocked bar for me. Plus probably some vodka (yuck) for company.
  12. I really don’t care for the pine forward gins. They’re like the super smoky scotches, just too one dimensional. Vodka OTOH tastes like slight burning to me. There’s nothing there to take away from the alcohol taste. I have never been a fan. I like Aviation gin a lot. It’s got a lot going on so the juniper berries are not pronounced at all. It’s my go to house gin for a martini.
  13. That’s a shame. Are you in WNY? I literally won’t eat a doughnut if it isn’t from Paula’s. Tim Hortons, Dunkin Donuts and grocery store doughnuts do not tempt me at all. They aren’t worth the calories. I’m in trouble if a box of Paula’s shows up though.
  14. I don’t think I could have said that better myself. Everything is advertising these days. It’s just people sitting around asking “will this sell better if we call it gin or vodka?”
  15. I went to Dogfish Head and took the brewery and distillery tour. The distillery made both vodka and gin. The process is identical except that the gin has the extra step of added botanicals. That’s literally the only difference. Exact same everything otherwise. I thought it was hilarious because I always said that I hated vodka but loved gin.
  16. I’m glad I asked. I might have gone with Bryant here, but he’d effectively be playing the same role as Claypool so I can’t do that. Uche might end up playing a stand up role as a 3-4 OLB so I don’t think he fits that well. Jennings would be a good pick and fit, but I like Pride and he’s a great fit for our Cover 3. So give me the CB, Pride.
  17. Vernon is a beast when healthy. But he just hasn’t been healthy enough. He’s a guy who would be important to do a medical check on. Of course, Clowney’s is another player where a medical evaluation is important.
  18. Got to briefly meet Chris Spielman. He seemed like a nice guy. I volunteered at a charity golf outing that a friend of mine helped organize. It raised money for The Stephanie Spielman Foundation that year and he came to the dinner after. He seemed to really appreciate it. Bite your tongue on the Michigan comment. Blasphemy.
  19. The other concern is when kids will go back to college. Can’t play games if the players aren’t there. I’ve heard from friends that UB is making contingency plans in case kids can’t go back in the fall.
  20. The Spiller pick was indeed horrible. I agree about the BPA argument. It really wasn’t in play as there was plenty of talent on the board (even without the benefit of hindsight). It wasn’t any sort of surprise that Spiller was on the board at 9. Getting a RB with McGahee and Jackson already on the team made zero sense.
  21. Totally agree. Same happened with Watkins. That was on Whaley. I don’t blame Watkins for what was given up to get him, but he does bear responsibility for some other things while he was here.
  22. I’ve been a lifelong Buckeye fan, but in 2006 I was not yet a Bills fan. I had watched a lot of Whitner, every game. Good player, but I still remember my reaction when the Bills took him. I literally snapped my head toward the TV and said basically this “Whitner, EIGHTH?!?! I have no idea what the Bills are thinking. None. Good player, but not at eight. They way over drafted him and left a lot of talent on the table. Wow, I can’t believe they just did that.” That was also the draft where the Browns handed Haloti Ngata to the Ravens. I was at a draft day party in Cleveland and the whole place was celebrating Ngata still being there for the taking then went dead silent when the trade was announced. For a sixth round pick. It still angers me. Everyone at that draft day party would’ve drafted better than Savage that day.
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