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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. Let’s not make that one sided. In many cases the police have been the ones to initiate violence. I’ve seen enough footage of that that I can’t imagine you haven’t. In some other cases police have reacted with violence to violence initiated by suspected or known white supremacists within the crowd of protesters.
  2. At the risk of getting back on topic, there is definitely a strong effort by white supremacists to incite violence and derail progress. That includes directly committing violent acts against police at demonstrations and inciting both sides online. I’m surprised we’re so far into this thread without that being mentioned.
  3. I suspect that when the technology reaches the point where fully functional and very realistic companion androids are affordable by the masses we will see a significant population downturn.
  4. Whoa, whoa, whoa there. He’s also fat.
  5. PFF generally has good, unbiased analysis
  6. Looking at him to be a quality rotational DE who is primarily used on passing downs to get to QBs. Addison was a good signing IMO.
  7. That’s the big risk associated with QBs who need to make a substantial mechanical improvement. There’s a huge payoff if it happens, but it usually doesn’t. Fixing a throwing motion is like fixing a golf swing - except that a bunch of 265 pound men are trying to destroy you and you only have 2.5 seconds to look at the fairway and take your swing before that happens. Pennington got destroyed physically before he improved enough. I didn’t watch his career closely enough to be able to tell how he was handled by the Jest so I don’t know if they ruined him or if he didn’t have a chance. The weird thing will Allen is that he was such a mess mechanically, but did better than expected with that considered. So what happens if his mechanics don’t ever get “fixed” but get improved somewhat. Where does he land performance-wise with that? With everything else he can do, will that be good enough? I just hope we have football this year and can find out.
  8. That’s true, but I don’t ever expect a DB to have good hands. If they did, they’d be a WR.
  9. There's a lot here that I really agree with, but I think Adams’ coverage skills get underrated. Coverage was his weak link, relatively speaking, coming out of college and that carried through his rookie season. Since then he’s improved greatly, however. Now he’s excellent across the board - he can play the run, cover and rush the passer. He’d be perfect in a “positionless” defense like the Ravens and he could be a huge asset in any system that can utilize his whole skill set. The real issue with acquiring him is trading away a 2021 first round pick. Usually teams have a reasonably good idea of where their pick will fall, but there is a ton of uncertainty about next year’s draft right now. We could have a shortened season, a canceled season or some weird COVID-19 impacted season. What if KC were to trade their first rounder (and more) for Adams and then have Mahomes and a bunch of other starters quarantined for six games of an eight game season? All of a sudden that late first rounder is a top ten pick. Scenarios like that could be even worse for teams expected to be in the middle of the pack. I’d love to have Adams on my team, though. I know that he’s not a fit for the Bills right now due to extensions for Poyer and Hyde, but I’d still love to have him. Had Poyer not just gotten his extension I would have been very interested in trading him and picks for Adams (not that the Jest would trade with us). He can make a huge impact on games, but it’s just a weird time for a team to trade for him. It’ll be interesting to see what happens.
  10. I am legitimately surprised every time someone links a NY Post article. I always expect it to be some kind of joke.
  11. Interestingly, any drafted player that is not signed can go back into the following draft. The team that selected them would not be permitted to select them again. This is a standing rule, not something COVID related. It has a real possibility of coming into play with some players - most notably Burrow.
  12. No. Watch the whole thing. That is the end of the video that plays at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. If I made a personal Mt. Rushmore of songs, that version of that song would be first up. I’m not qualified to rank guitarists, but I think that range is tremendously important when looking at the best. I’ve always loved the guitar and guitar music (though I don’t play it), but how do you rate a SRV against a Stanley Jordan? They are so different stylistically you can’t compare them.
  13. QB: C RB: B TE: D (I still hate this group) WR: A OL: C CB: B (Tre is a stud, but CB2, Nickel and depth are wanting) S: A LB: C DL: B (Might be better than this depending on youth. Also I like our quality and depth at Edge better than interior DL) ST: C When I was in K-12 (a LONG time ago) my school system used A thru E grades. It was because they were the first five consecutive letters of the alphabet. I always thought it was dumb for schools to use an F for failing because none of the other letters stood for a word.
  14. I’d be thankful that we got some football in this season, but disappointed that we didn’t get more. I think 9 or 12 games is more likely than 6, but I’ll take what I can get this year.
  15. Dude. Red Sox and Bills colors are totally different shades of red and blue. Major faux pas there. It was just the Fashion Police trying to do you a favor.
  16. You are correct, of course. I think that it’s good to understand the whole landscape though.
  17. That was a very fair assessment of what happened and where the Bills are.
  18. I don’t know if this is common knowledge or not, but the armed forces almost always pay for the salute to service stuff at NFL games. They are literally just paid advertisements. In case it has not been mentioned, forcing people who are otherwise able to ignore a big problem or issue to confront the issue is the point of these protests (and pretty much every other protest ever). The fact that some people typically are able to opt out of having to deal with the issues at hand because they don’t directly affect them is why this protest has come to the sports you love. Edited for clarity and grammar
  19. It’s a BS argument to say “we can’t agree on where the line should be so we can’t use a line”. “I don’t think there should be a moral component” or “the line should be here” are valid arguments, however. That holds whether or not I agree with them. I’m embarrassed to have OJ on our Wall of Honor. I’d be embarrassed to have Ray Lewis, Aaron Hernandez or a number of other people on there too. As you point out, 3 out of 4 people voting in the poll don’t have a problem with it. That’s their opinion and while they are welcome to it, it doesn’t quite jibe with the outrage I see so often for players on other teams for doing almost nothing comparatively. I mean, how do you complain about Brady deflating some footballs when you’re cool with keeping a dirtbag like Simpson (armed robbery and kidnapping convictions on top of that double murder thing) on your wall? I can’t bring myself to do it. I’ll just leave my part in this conversation at that.
  20. Funny thing. I just re-read the rules and it changes things a bit for me. One rule was that the starters other than the 4 drafted players would be average NFL talent. So the QB issue would boil down to this for me: I’d take the best QB I could in the first round if they were better than average. But I wouldn’t burn any pick on an average or worse QB since I‘D have that on the roster anyway.
  21. That is such a BS argument. Just because we can’t all decide exactly where a line should be drawn doesn’t mean that the vast majority of us can’t agree that certain things are way over it. You are free to say that there should be no line, no moral component to special honors like this. But just come out and say that. Just out of curiosity, if the Bills move into a new stadium and OJ’s name doesn’t get put up again who’s going to be angry about it?
  22. Yeah. I wasn’t expecting any teams to double up at QB. And I agree that there’s little reason to take any other position in at least the first half of the first round. But if I’m picking past the point where I can get a good QB, then I think it’s better to play a longer game. I live with a placeholder for a year while I build at the rest of the premium positions and get one the next year.
  23. I think you’re proving my point with your example, but I don’t want to go down the Allen debate path here. If I am picking where the Rams are (20th) I’m taking Baker Mayfield. Then I’m going after the best CB, Edge or WR with my next pick. If I am picking in a spot where the best QBs are gone then that’s a different story. If, say, 20 QBs are gone and I don’t see much of a difference between QB 21 and QB 26 then I’m going in a different direction. At some point the only QBs on the board will be ones I expect to have to replace anyway , so why not shore up other positions with elite, young players? The biggest problem with that mock is that they let the writers draft players on their own teams. Lots of homer moves that don’t make sense. They should not have allowed any players that was on a team in ‘19 or will be on a team in ‘20 to have been picked by that team. You are correct in general, get the best QB you can. But there aren’t close to 32 QBs out there that you’d want to build a franchise around. If you’re picking 31st or 32nd are you still taking a QB if 30 are off the board?
  24. I don’t agree. Their are tiers of talent at QB and other positions. Once the elite and near elite QBs are gone then other options are on the table. There’s just not that big of a difference in what you’re getting in a QB at that point so why not get a young, premier player at DE, CB or WR?
  25. Take him off. The wall in the Bills stadium is a reflection of its fans. It is a list of those we respect the most. Simpson certainly was a phenomenal player, but that’s not the whole test for me. He murdered people. He’s trash and I don’t respect trash. I don’t want his name up there. Fans shouldn’t have to stand under it to cheer and good human beings like Lorenzo Alexander and Kyle Williams shouldn’t have to play under it.
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