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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. The Raiders were too cash strapped to sign Mack. Their poor revenue when they were in Oakland and the fact that the team is the main (only?) source of income for the Davis family was the problem. There is a CBA rule that requires that all guaranteed contract money is set aside at the time of signing. It’s a holdover from when the league was small and not guaranteed to succeed, but is still in effect. They were stuck.
  2. I was going to treat myself to wings (Bar Bill or Elmo’s) and beer and Zoom with my uncle (Cleveland) and best friend (Chicago).
  3. New CBA changed the 5th year option rule. It is now fully guaranteed immediately.
  4. I actually misunderstood what we’d have to pay him and edited my post. My bad.
  5. Fournette is in the last year of his contract unless you want to exercise the fifth year option. Trade for a RB only to have to give him his second contract? No thanks.
  6. I used to get kegs of beer cheap when I was a brewer. And before that I’d just make beer at home. I haven’t bought much since and I still have friends I can get them through. Some local breweries will actually do keg fills for you if you have cornys. I’d say your best bets for sixtels are to get them either from local breweries directly or to just go to a place like Consumers or another retailer. I do not think that distributors like Try-It will sell to the public, but you can always call them to be sure. Some breweries can sell you what they have on site. Ask for what’s fresh, especially if you are an IPA drinker. Chat up a brewer if you can. My best advice for a place like Consumers is to get their price list and see what makes sense to you from a quality versus price standpoint. In all honesty there isn’t always a correlation these days. I think you can get some great beer for a lot less than a lot of what’s out there going for big bucks. And check those dates when you see the keg. They’ll often order stuff for you if they can. For the keezer, yes you would probably need a temperature regulator. Depends on the temperature range of the freezer’s dial. It just plugs into the wall and the keezer plugs into it. There’s a thermometer that goes into the keezer so it knows when to turn on and off.
  7. That is correct. There was $2M of dead money from an option bonus that hit in 2019. That was it for cap hits against the Patriots.
  8. Again. This was explained this way by a homebrewer. Knowledgeable guy, great presentation, but not a pro.
  9. The condenser is on the back, but the evaporator tubes can be located in the walls. Or at least that’s how it was explained In the tutorial I got at the homebrewer meeting. He was really clear about only cutting the door and not taking a chance with the walls.
  10. Yes, usually there is a some pass through out the back of the fridge - especially if there was a water line. But that might not be necessary. See how the kegs will fit first. You probably won’t get more than one 1/2 bbl keg or two 1/6 bbl kegs (or corny kegs if you’re a Homebrewers) in there. If it’s the latter, then there is likely room for the CO2 tank inside. Some tips: - VERY IMPORTANT! Use only good quality stainless steel and food grade tubing for anything that will touch the beer. I can’t over stress that. Also keep extra tubing on hand in case it gets too gross to clean. But try to clean the tubes every 1 to 3 beer rotations, depending on how much you use it. - Best places to get CO2 refilled are welding companies. It’s cheap and they have food grade. Some can even do nitro mixes required for Guinness or other nitro beers. If you already have a nice tank go to a place that will do a refill while you wait. Buying a used tank and doing exchanges will save you some money. The welding places will inspect and tag the tank so there is no risk of a faulty tank. - If you’re doing two or more kegs you can use a “Y” splitter (for 2), a gas manifold (2 or more) or a regulator that has multiple outputs (2 or more). The last is the most expensive and would allow for different pressures in each tank. That might be important to a Homebrewers. I have a two keg set up with a three way manifold. I used the extra port to purge tanks and kegs when I homebrewed. I later converted it to an extra Sanke connection. I’d run two Sankes and a corny so I would not have to take stuff apart when I swapped between keg styles. I also have a nitro set up just to keep things complicated. Whatever you chose, just make sure you can keep any unused line shut off. If you’re using Sanke connections then that will automatically shut off the gas when it is taken off. Home brew set ups can be wonkier. I was a homebrewer for over 20 years and worked as a professional brewer for about 3 so hit me up if you need anything. If you’re local to Buffalo I may even have stuff to sell or give you.
  11. Yeah. Some good kits out there. Also some real garbage kegerators that are expensive. You can get better quality your way. Remember to punch your holes through the door as that’s the only place guaranteed to not have Freon tubing running through. IMO having the faucets attached directly to the door is a superior design as compared to kegerators with towers. The beer in the lines of the towers is always warm and causes excessive foaming on first pulls. Also I’d highly recommend paying a little more for things like Perlick spigots. They’re worth it. I assume you already have a fridge to dedicate to this. Chest freezers are also a good way to go, but take a little more work and require lifting kegs in an out. They can be made to look really nice though if that’s important. I knew a guy in Cleveland through a homebrew club there that did It with an enormous commercial one (14 corny kegs/sixtels fit in it IIRC) and boxed it out with nice woodwork. He bought the freezer from a fraternity and when he told the kid what it was for he said the kid looked devastated. PM me if you need any help.
  12. Beane has really focused on getting WRs that can separate for Allen. I think we will take a WR in this draft that excels at separation. Unless they think Gandy-Golden can improve there then I don’t see the fit. Or perhaps they’re thinking of lining him up as a big slot and that would help. Obviously some smoke there.
  13. KJ Hill has just been so productive, but he isn’t a big performer with his metrics. I see him as a guy that’ll likely go in the 4th or 5th round and wind up a quality #2 WR in the league. One caveat is that I think he’ll need to be paired with an accurate QB. I don’t think Haskins is that guy, but he would be a killer opposite Michael Thomas with Brees throwing to him. I also think Quintez Cephus, WR from Wisconsin, will be a steal in the 6th or 7th round and be a quality #3 possession receiver. Again, he isn’t testing that well, but he just gets open. If I’m looking to acquire WRs to play with Haskins, then I’m focusing on ones who get the best separation and have a big catch radius. Beane has done an excellent job of finding WRs how separate well for Allen. Diggs is literally the best in the NFL st that. Beasley and Ross both excel at it too. It will help Allen see the field and find his targets. I think Haskins could use that too.
  14. My very first thought upon reading Mike Lombardi’s Tweet was exactly that. Notable thing to consider here: - He has been an amoral, back stabbing liar his whole career in football. I’ve only known him to tell the truth when it suits him and he’s working an angle or trying to prop himself up. - He has recently (and maybe currently?) worked for BB as a consultant. - His son is currently on BB’s staff. So, yeah, Lombardi is putting out BS to help BB get his QB. Also I can say for a fact that the Patriots are actively trying to find a trade partner to move up into the top 10.
  15. That concern might dovetail nicely with The Madden Curse.
  16. ***Trade alert*** The Browns trade picks 97 & 151 (141.8 points) for picks 94 & 192 (137.4 points) from Green Bay. (I assume this trade is ok with you Virgil. Please let me know if it’s not for some reason.) With the 94th pick in the draft the Browns chose Willie Gay, LB Mississippi State. Browns make a small move up to fill a big need after two of their targets - Harrison and Trautman - are chosen.
  17. I agree. If that’s accurate - and it’s reasonable to think that it is - then there is cause for concern. I don’t have a subscription, but there are people here who have discussed low energy prices and losses from the Sabres impacting the Bills. If the Bills organization is being stressed to make up for poor performance of other businesses in the Pegula portfolio, then that is also a major cause for concern. I can’t overstate that.
  18. Maybe BB will put him on the same “vitamin” regimen that Brady was on.
  19. Pass. I’d like to see the Bills improve their depth at WR, but I don’t see an oft injured Marquise Lee doing that.
  20. Excellent pick and value. DE isn’t the Browns biggest need, but I’d have taken Weaver if he made it to me.
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