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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. What exactly Are you complaining About? Do you think that our offensive plan is to not score points? Or that our defensive plan is to give up a bunch of points? Or is it defensive game plans like against KC, which would’ve worked if our offense would’ve been better.
  2. And that he wouldn’t care for passive speakers like Bill Belichick.
  3. How to Lose a Locker Room in a Few Easy Steps by LB48. Chapter 1: Pick up a couple failed players and immediately insert them into the starting lineup despite them not knowing the scheme and having no experience with the other personnel. I can’t wait for Chapter 2.
  4. Yup, I think you’re right. Keep it all in front of us (including Wilson) with Cover 3 and Cover 4.
  5. We use this one: https://barefootcontessa.com/recipes/pan-fried-onion-dip Hope you like it!
  6. Awesome. They do great work there. Their ability to hop the hell out of beers and avoid all of the off flavors is truly impressive. Their 22oz specialty bombers usually rule
  7. I love 3 Floyd’s and have been to Munster specifically to go their brewery. That said, Barbarian Haze is not my fave from them. I’d start with a Zombie Dust, Space Station Middle Finger, Alpha King or just about any limited release. Consumers started carrying them so I guess they expanded their distribution. It’s nice to get them here. Now we need Revolution to do the same and get Anti-hero out here.
  8. Fantastic answer. You’ve got to match the chip with the rest of the experience. - Good, sturdy ruffle chip with great sour cream and onion dip is killer for me - Quality tortilla chips used for nachos (layered for goodness sakes) - Fritos (scoops) with chili - Good pita chips work great with a lot of dips too. We make a killer caramelized onion dip that’s bomb with them If I have to eat a chip by itself it would probably be a Pringles sour cream and onion chip or a Lay’s BBQ chip. Excellent topic BTW
  9. I mentioned it in another thread (it’s buried somewhere). Our OT play has been a real bright spot this season. Hats off to both Dawkins and Williams. While the OG play hasn’t been all that good, the OTs and Morse have been giving us quality play. I hope Feliciano helps the OG play improve and that Morse gets back, or at worst that Mongo at C holds the line steady.
  10. Going 1-1 or better over these next two games is huge for the Bills IMO. Gutting out a W against a good, playoff caliber team while we’re still a bit banged up would show a lot. Then we have a bye week sitting at 8-2 or 7-3 to get rested and healthier for the stretch.
  11. You are right that they won’t. There is zero chance that the Bills would get his prorated signing bonus back after two concussions as a Bill and 5 total. All he would have to do is claim he’s having headaches or some other concussion related ailment. Besides, the Bills knew concussions were a big risk with him and signed him knowing that. Regardless, the Bills need to plan on life after Morse. Even if he comes back from this, the odds are that it happens again. We need a long term replacement in place. At minimum a player we plan to sit next season while he learns the ropes. Or an outright replacement.
  12. He really does. It’s a competitive thing. He’s trying to make a play. While I can respect that in a player, it has to be trained out of them. It’s one of those things that absolutely should be correctable, but if it’s not then that QB is done. It’s a career killer.
  13. I’m sure you’re right. I haven’t seen him play that much and don’t really have a reason to watch the Giants. What’s weird with Jones is that his mistakes seem so correctable. But I guess if he keeps making those kinds of mistakes then that’s a terrible sign.
  14. Gotta be honest, Jones is a lot better than I thought he’d be. I thought he’d be a total disaster and he has not. He’s got a bad OL across the board, no running game without Saquon and no TE to speak of. He does have two good WRs though, but that’s not nearly enough. He has some bad habits - like forcing passes as he moves (or falls) backwards. He’s got to clean that up. Of course it’d help him if he could trust his OL and had a place to step up. But he often shows great accuracy and he can get through progressions. Clean up those bad habits, get some help (esp OL) and season for a couple more years and he might be something.
  15. Games Ahead (or Games Back) is calculated like this: (Team1 differential - Team2 differential)/2 where Team differential is that team’s wins-losses. So we have ((6-2)-(4-3))/2=3/2=1.5 The Bills are 1.5 games ahead of the Dolphins. The Bills also have the tiebreaker, which doesn’t factor into Games Ahead. Find a full explanation HERE.
  16. I guess their #1 offseason priority will be to replace Williams at WR. He makes Zay Jones look like Larry Fitzgerald in his prime. Also Miami had 145 yards of total offense. They won’t get many more wins with that kind of production.
  17. Good thing he didn’t have to shoot at anyone
  18. The $1.6M from his signing bonus counts toward the cap whether he’s on the team or not. His roster bonus and salary ($5.15M total) only count if he’s on the team. So it’s a $1.6M hit if he’s cut or traded in the offseason or $6.75M if he is on the team. The cap savings is $5.15M (less his replacement’s cost if you want to be technical). Personally I want him on the team. The only thing I’d want to see besides him playing out his contract would be an extension. I will watch his play more closely since some are saying he isn’t having a good season. Even if that’s true, he has played well up until now and he’s still only 29. Maybe he’s playing with an injury or he’s trying to cover for the LBs. I don’t know, but he has earned the benefit of doubt IMO.
  19. Turnovers are another big concern. It’s gonna be wet all game and wet footballs get loose a lot more often. It adds an extra element of uncertainty/luck in a game where I’d rather not have that.
  20. That is definitely a facet of this game I worry about. It’s certainly a game the Bills should win, but it’s one they could lose. I don’t like the weather for it either.
  21. I haven’t really watched Worley so I don’t know (and please don’t put words in my mouth). His ratings are awful though so I don’t expect a lot from him if we sign him. But I am not going to hate on Beane if we sign him to a modest contract. Nothing wrong with a low risk contract on a young player who has experience in our scheme. I am fine if we pass on him too. What I am against is giving him a big, highly guaranteed contract (like we did Star). That’s because, based on Dallas cutting him and his ratings, he has played very poorly recently. I mean, the dude just got booted off a bad defense mid-season. That’s probably not good.
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