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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. I agree with this. Obviously Edge, LT and WR are all huge but with the level of holding allowed these days I gotta go CB. A stud CB and a stud LT both have to be consistent every play or it is probably a splash play by the other team. A stud CB and a stud DE can change the way a defense plays and allow much more flexibility in scheme. A stud CB checks both of those boxes. That’s my pick.
  2. The poll has McD, Stefanski and Flores 1-2-3. That’s the way it should be IMO. Stefanski should get it next season if hem the Browns continue to improve. That’s why McD deserves it this season.
  3. Wow. People are stupid and money does not seem to change that at all.
  4. Fivethirtyeight has been exceptionally good at picking presidential and congressional elections. Statistically I don’t think any other group has been better over the last couple decades. Eight years ago they called every state correctly for the presidential, senatorial and gubernatorial elections except one senate seat. I guess that’s why people take their predictions seriously.
  5. I agree. Due to the decrease in cap for 2021 I think Allen gets his 5th year option officially picked up but he has a new deal signed before we get to it. The timing of the signing and/or payout structure will be such that the big cap hits start in the 2022 season. That’ll give the team some flexibility next season. It’d wreak havoc to have the first big hit in 2021 with a $175M cap. That’s just not happening.
  6. You might be better off getting an induction plate. No open flame like propane so no oil flame ups and easy to set and forget. Plus they are reasonably priced.
  7. The Jest are an organization that is horribly run from the top. Gase is not a good HC, but he was saddled with Williams and some high priced players he didn’t even want. They burned stupid money on Bell and Mosley. Those players were never going to live up to their contracts, but they gave the Jets nothing. It was fun to watch.
  8. They turned a negative into a positive by using the Hail Murray as motivation. That’s a mark of good leadership and a strong organization.
  9. He should be in the conversation but I really don’t care about individual awards. I doubt Allen does either. This team is capable of winning it all. Everything should be about that.
  10. That was very satisfying. The only part that made me tense was watching the starters play so long. Also I’ve never seen a dolphin curb stomped before.
  11. Yeah. It’s brutal and they’re in an extraordinarily bad cap situation otherwise. All for a terrible season. At least the Saints are making a run.
  12. There’s no reason to move on from Knox at this time, but the Bills have got to find a more consistent and dependable TE. Let him continue to develop and see what happens, but we can’t have him as the only guy capable of being TE1.
  13. I agree completely. It’s unconscionable to have privatized prisons.
  14. I agree. Fields has a lot to work with. He’s not a finished product but he is accurate and has the skills to be a quality NFL QB. Not that a team like the Jets couldn’t ruin him though. OTOH I never got the love for Haskins. I’m a lifelong Buckeye fan and watch pretty much every OSU game. I never saw it with Haskins. He wasn’t that good of a college QB and really didn’t fit the Read Option offense at all. I see it with Fields. He would be getting a lot more love if his WR hadn’t slipped at the end of the Clemson game last year.
  15. This happens all the time. The Bengals are doing it with Burrow now. Someone mentioned Luck not winning a SB, but picking him was just about the only thing that front office did right. They got him no protection and no playmakers to speak of. It took some time for the previous regime’s players to be replaced but it just got progressively worse every year. By the time they righted the ship Luck was broken. That is just the kind of thing that happens with poorly run organizations. Even when they find quality players they find ways to ruin them. The Jest are a very poorly run org and they’ll find a way to mess this up. It doesn’t matter if they have the first pick and take Lawrence, it doesn’t matter if they take Fields with the second pick or if they trade back for a haul. They’re gonna mess this up somehow.
  16. So realistically there’d be QBs playing for their team’s right to take their replacement? With a roster full of players that checked out weeks ago? That ought to work out great. It also might encourage more teams to tank since they’d only have to be second worst to have a shot at it. I don’t think the league wants the scrutiny of a weighted or straight up lottery, but that’s where this likely ends up. Not a perfect solution, but a way better one than the two worst teams in the league playing an extra game for the first overall pick.
  17. That’s such a cop out by Tomlin. Total BS. Zero chance he didn’t know about it. He’s only doing something about it now because they’re losing and it looks bad. He was happy to let it go on as long as no one was making a big deal about it. And now that they’re losing he isn’t getting a pass anymore.
  18. Agreed. We have one of the best WRs in the game today. So do the Cardinals. IMO both WRs are in the top 5 of the league today. I really don’t see the point in arguing about who number one is. I’m happy we’ve got one of them and that he fits so well here.
  19. I totally agree. Hopkins leads the league in receiving yards. Who gives a crap if he gets Wednesdays off to stay fresh. If anything it seems like a strategy that’s working extremely well.
  20. I’d love to play the Patriots......but.......oh........right
  21. It was close. It happens. Nothing to see here.
  22. To be fair, the Browns installed a completely new scheme during this shortened offseason. Also Mayfield is running his third offensive system in 3 years. It’s starting to click there, but it started badly. Interestingly Mayfield has done much better with OBJ out. Bleacher Report broke out his ratings on plays with and without OBJ on the field and Mayfield has been far better without him over the last two seasons. The people here who wanted Daboll canned were missing the impact that kind of change can have on a QB - especially a young one. Likewise the positive impact of a star WR your QB clicks with (Allen and Diggs) can be huge, but it doesn’t always work that way. The Bills have done a lot right and maybe even had some luck. Now they’re reaping the rewards.
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