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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. He was a second round pick in 2016 and no one knows who he is. That supports their opinion.
  2. It really doesn’t make sense to sign a FA this season to replace Star next season. I expect us to draft a player to develop this season and take over for him - probably next season.
  3. I agree. One thing that’s always in my mind with first round picks - especially ones later in the first - is second contracts. If you take a Shaq Lawson, which is to say a player that’s probably going to be good, but not great, then that’s a tough second contract for the drafting team to give. He’s almost certainly getting one, but from another team. With high ceiling/low floor guys like Oweh it’ll be an easy decision either way. If he flourishes, you pay him what’s expected on a first round pick’s second contract. If he doesn’t, then he’s gone in 3-4 years.
  4. I do not see Asante Samuel Jr either. CBs are in a very different order than I’ve seen. Maybe there’s a lot of disagreement on them in NFL circles. Could be a good value position in the first or second round. Also JOK at 45. Damn.
  5. Yeah. That’s a 180 from what had been expected. It looked like the NFL was going to make him sell. Nope. Wow. Just wow.
  6. CB2 because Wallace is on a one year deal and Jackson is a developmental player. I’m not saying the former couldn’t re-sign or the latter couldn’t develop, but many of us would prefer to see CB2 settled for the long term. Depth at CB is always a very good thing anyway. Also I agree on the need for a matchup player for TEs.
  7. On cut down day the whole roster counts so there needs to be some space for all 55 (53+2) spots, practice squad players and anyone signed to replace injured players. It does add up. The Bills definitely need the cap space the restructuring of the Tre and Dawkins contracts gives them. There’s really no downside to creating the space as any unspent space can be carried forward.
  8. No lie. There was an elderly guy involved with a local food club who made his own Jägermeister. He had me try it at a meeting. He’d already given me a taste of some of his rather delicious homemade charcuterie so I gave it a try. My immediate reaction was that I’d been poisoned. My body’s reaction to it later was that it had been poisoned. It was awful and almost certainly had higher level alcohols in it (which can be poisonous). He was so proud of it though. Unsurprisingly he passed away not long after that meeting. I blame the Jägermeister.
  9. WOW! I’m absolutely stunned. Even for the NFL that’s effed up.
  10. Agreed. Them taking a QB is my bet too. It’s that or they’re trading out with a team that will. Side note: The coaches and front office in Jersey aren’t consulting Corey Davis about whether or not to draft a QB this year.
  11. There’s been some speculation that Snyder will sell the team. If that’s true it would makes sense to hold off and allow the new owner to name the team.
  12. Couple points: - Beane has already used some of the avenues to create space to sign/re-sign players and maintain a proper cushion. Details haven’t come through Spotrac and OTC yet, but we’d be over our cap limit if Beane hadn’t already done so. - I don’t think anyone is saying anything about Beane going on a big spending spree. If he needed or really wanted to spend on a player, he could. This is what I said and Incidentally this is what Beane said in the article.
  13. Even back up QBs get paid well and a big part of the formula is contract, but you’re right - a third isn’t happening unless something crazy happens. I’ll edit my previous post.
  14. Not sure if this has been mentioned yet. Not only do the Bills get a top back up QB at a bargain price, they’ll likely get a comp pick if he leaves in FA after this season. Really sweet move by Beane.
  15. I’m disappointed in all of you. Three pages into a thread called “Giving the D a pass” and no one has replied “Sounds like my wife!” SMH
  16. Clowney, Ingram and some other players have the hurdle of medical issues. Teams aren’t signing them without an evaluation. That was an issue for Clowney last year and is still a problem for him and others this year.
  17. I was one of several with that general opinion. Still too many mid level FAs out there for teams to worry the supply drying up. I expect cheap signings to pick up before the draft though. Guys are going to want to sign before their jobs get taken by draft picks.
  18. My guess is that offers are rock bottom right now and players figure that they can’t do any worse by waiting a bit.
  19. Crap. I lost my first post so I’ll do a short version. I’ll assume 30&61 is the price for any of these guys. Paye - don’t see ability to bend edge or good COD. Pass even at 30. Rousseau - better prospect physically but lack of college experience is a flag. I wouldn’t move up at the expected price for him, but would trust Beane if he did. Much more a projection as a pro than even most college kids are OTs - no need so pass Pitts - Yeah, I’d be in. But he’ll go way before 18ish. CB would also make some real sense, but I haven’t looked at the top CBs yet. I’ll add my thoughts on them if I get the chance to watch film soon.
  20. With Ingram it would depend on his knee. Seems like he was hobbled last season and only played in 7 games. If his knee is shot then he’s not playing for anyone. If healthy he could be a good bridge for a season to a youngster. I’d wager that he won’t be signing with anyone until teams can get a good look at that knee though. Medicals are probably the hold up with Clowney finding a team too.
  21. Most likely. But you never know. If we could bring in someone like a Melvin Ingram on a reasonable, short term deal they might do it. He wouldn’t break the bank, but would cost more than we should probably spend right now. It would take pressure off of filling that need in the draft and would allow a developmental player to come along more slowly so it’d be worth it IMO. But, no, I definitely don’t see any luxury spending happening.
  22. No way does Miami trade down from 18 for picks this year. They are looking to rebuild fast and will want a couple impact players at 3 & 18. It’s just so difficult to get from the late to the middle of the first round in any year because of how the tiers of prospects usually fall. I get that this is a slow time and it is just for fun - so have at it - but realistically it would be very expensive to make a move like this.
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