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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. I’m so sorry for your loss. My mom passed this year too. Completely unexpectedly. It sucks.
  2. The Steelers are great at creating narratives like this. Their fans and the media will lap it up.
  3. This smacks of assuming a win. It’s a mentality I doubt the players have. This is a game the Bills absolutely should win, but the Steelers aren’t pushovers. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. My main worry is if the refs allow a lot of holding by the OLs - or more specifically the Steelers OL. That would even up what should be our most significant advantage. The other big open question is Rapistberger’s arm. If he’s not back to form, then this shouldn’t be a game anyway.
  4. I flipped it on when I was driving today and heard Tasker name several prominent Bills players, including “Mitch Morris”. He enunciated it very clearly. SMH
  5. I agree on cutting Sabres time. I flipped 550 on during the afternoon on day one of the NFL draft. It happened to be during Sabres talk time. I was floored. The Bills are lined up to be in the SB hunt and the draft is finally here, but let’s spend hours talking about the worst team in hockey. FFS
  6. I have been in another yearly LMS league for a long time and they require each person to show their previous picks with their new ones. It helps me keep track too since I just have to find my last post in the last thread. I’ll do that here too
  7. Week 1: Rams Thanks for running this, @Doc
  8. I like Prescott’s Provisions in North Tonawanda quite a bit.
  9. Didn’t you just start another thread where you said that you barely watch any games besides the Bills? Not that you were around to see any of them play in their prime.
  10. This is the correct answer - and it’s not even close. CB probably is second in football.
  11. There is the original Bar Bill in East Aurora and a new one on Main in Williamsville/Clarence. The old one is much smaller but the food is much better. The new one is decent but not close to the original IMO as well as the opinion of several of my friends.
  12. Absolutely correct. I’m dealing with it while I have kids in the school district. Strongly considering moving to a smaller place Ian’s/or different part of Buffalo with lower taxes after they are out in a couple years. There’s a public parking lot behind the library
  13. Hollister seemed like a player who was the slightest step above a JAG. That said, it seems like he’d have a rapport with Allen and he could be depended on to stay healthy. I thought we’d keep both him and Sweeney due to injury issues with Sweeney and need for numbers at the position. It’s not much of a loss from a talent standpoint though as Sweeney has the higher ceiling, relatively speaking.
  14. Honestly, I agree. I’m being hopeful, but I can see missing that piece coming back to bite us
  15. Sanders isn’t a burner anymore, but he still can separate very well and he should be productive here. It surprised me that the Bills did not make getting a deep threat a priority. But on the other hand losing Brown last season didn’t seem to hurt the passing game so maybe separation is what works with Allen and this offense. A deep threat is always helpful for an offense but maybe it’s not as important for this one. I dunno. We shall see.
  16. I am always bewildered by those who think GMs owe the fans every last bit of information. If anything, they get punished by the media (and occasionally the league) when they say too much. Beane did everyone a favor in your example. Even Hollister by basically saying that he is good enough to be on the team, but there just wasn’t room with the direction we went. Even if there was a little bit of a white lie in that, there was no harm done and it was a kind gesture.
  17. This is correct. It’s worth mentioning that Spotrac and OverTheCap do not get their info straight from the league and are not always immediately privy to everything - especially restructures. Dion Dawkins is the obvious candidate to create cap space by having some of his salary converted to a signing bonus. That or another similar move is forthcoming - or it may have already happened and not been made public.
  18. It’s almost like you have an affinity for gunners or something
  19. Maybe 4-6 games a week, including Bills. Sunday is good for 2-3 games and then I watch several condensed games on GamePass. Sometimes a Mon or Thurs game, but usually I’d rather watch 2-3 condensed games than a half of most MNF or TNF games.
  20. The Pats are still paying Cam $3.6M for not being on their team. Sweet
  21. Houston paid just over $7M for that 6th round pick. That is not good GM work. And no need to invite a QB controversy.
  22. There is still plenty of talent on the Stillers. Unfortunately for them none of it is on their offensive line. Also it is to be seen how much is left at QB. Rapistberger had a huge arm but I don’t know how much is left. He couldn’t throw long last season. I only saw him throw one deep pass this preseason and it was lofted too high. If he is reasonably back to form then it might be a game - especially if the refs aren’t calling offensive holding. If he’s not, then there’s no reason it should be. It’s wonderful to be at a place where a single big flaw in an opponent equals an almost certain win.
  23. This isn’t saying that it’s okay to be terrible at run defense. It makes a lot of sense if you think about it like this: it’s better to be average at run defense and great at rushing the passer rather than the other way around.
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