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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. This is speculation on my part, but I suspect that someone up top has decided that the team’s enormous investment in Allen be protected and has nixed running him a lot. I’ve heard no rumors or anything, it’s just that I can think of nothing else that makes sense as to why the Bills aren’t running a lot more ROs, RPOs and designed QB runs.
  2. When this much money is on the line there is always (almost without exception) corruption. Individual teams are guilty of it, the league is guilty of it, coaches are guilty of it and players are guilty of it. Not all of them, but more than most people would think. Mostly it amounts to things getting swept under the rug by the league in order to “protect the shield,” aka their reputation, aka their revenue streams.
  3. That is pretty effed up. Urban is going to cash in on the terrible job he did coaching the Jags, but I think he has now burned a lot of bridges. I don’t think he gets another big TV or coaching gig l, nor should he.
  4. I think in general it’s better to run the clock down to the last play of the game. The odds of a bad snap, etc are so low. But in certain cases - new snapper/holder, protection issues, etc. - it would make sense. I don’t remember if the Steelers had any issues like that in the game I mentioned. It was a long time ago.
  5. I believe the strategy on this is that if there is a bad snap or if the kick is blocked back (doesn’t cross the LOS) and is recovered by the kicking team, then possession is maintained and there is time left - and downs left - to try the FG again. I was at a Browns v Steelers game in Pittsburgh that went to OT and this came into play. Browns blocked a Steelers FG attempt late in OT on 3rd down, Steelers recovered and successfully kicked the winner on the next play.
  6. Had Freiermuth not had the ball punched out in the last play (it was an excellent defensive play), then Pittsburgh would’ve still needed a successful 2 point conversion just to get to OT. So your comment was a bit of an overstatement. Good. It’s about time people start giving up the false narratives surrounding Star. He hasn’t played anywhere close to his contract since he got here and he’s been so bad against the run. Sadly, due to his contract there’s a very good chance he will be here next season.
  7. He was definitely one of about six or seven defenders that could have performed better on that play and helped to prevent that long TD run. I just thought it odd that you would single him out for the blame, especially when his failing was not requiring a double team while no Bill defeated or avoided their single block and a couple ran themselves out of the play and opened that crease.
  8. A win against the Bucs would go a long way to getting this team back on track.
  9. Should we mention that the Bucs beat the Patriots and Colts?
  10. Baldy did mention that linemen were not having to double and we’re getting to the linebackers, but he did not say that the run was Oliver’s fault. He did not even mention Oliver by name. He pointed out that every block the Patriots made was effective and that tee got “creased” - which we did. It’s here if anyone wants to watch it.
  11. Well, NOT complaining wasn’t getting him anywhere so……….
  12. Allen didn’t put the ball close to where it should’ve been on that play. It’s one play, but it (probably) would’ve won us the game if it had been executed properly. You’re correct with your point that fans who expect Allen to be perfect are off base. That’s fair. But he is being paid to be an elite QB in this league and it’s reasonable to expect a high level of play overall.
  13. That’s the issue for me. You just cannot pay him the huge contract he is in line for. He’s not a terrible player. He has a lot of positives, but his problems along with what he soon will cost make me want to move on. You can get an above average MLB who maintains his gap responsibilities for a whole lot less.
  14. Honestly I thought that under the circumstances Allen played a good game overall - but that last pass was just brutal.
  15. This team is wasting a lot of talent. But it’s a flawed team and other team’s are taking advantage of those flaws. Also we built a team that is very passing centric and a defense that is very pass rush (and coverage) centric. We did this at the expense of any real focus on the rushing game and run defense. And we did it hoping to play outdoors in Buffalo in January.
  16. I legit could not tell who was the intended target. It was either very underthrown to the wrong WR or way off target/late to the correct one. So frustrating to see those yards left on the field.
  17. Yes, you are correct. That’s how it usually works when the cap goes up a fair bit. The good teams get to hang on to more of their talent.
  18. Not gonna happen for Dawkins this season. He’s giving us what he can, but Covid kicked his ass and it’ll be next season before he’s 100%. He’s fully manned up, but it is what it is. You are correct about the OL in general. We need better play, especially in this one.
  19. Yeah. I am pretty sure that I have some traits, though not to levels that would put me in any official category. We had my son tested when he was young and that was the result. Little of this, some of that, but all under the limits. Has anyone watched “Love on the Spectrum” on Netflix? About young adults who are on the ASD spectrum trying to find relationships. I really enjoyed it and am hoping for a third season.
  20. I think our competition has had a lot to do with the variance. We’ve played some real trash teams/QBs and some really good ones with good game plans. Also with us really leaning into the focus on DL/pass rush on defense and the passing game on offense it makes sense that we’d see a higher variance due to certain match ups being either very favorable or very unfavorable.
  21. I’m not a fan of how protected QBs are, but by the rule book that should have been 15. Also I’m happy to see McDermott advocating for his QB. Might get a call sometime for that.
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