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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. Link? Is this based on a Pythagorean calculation (aka point differential)?
  2. Whoa, looks like your are right. But that’s a little weird. I know like 60k season tix we’re sold and that there is a waiting list beyond that. But I went to the team site and there are definitely non-resale tickets available all over the stadium. Even with over 10k tickets available as single game seats I am surprised so many are still unsold. Resale I get, but I’m surprised they didn’t sell out - especially against the Jest.
  3. TF? I’m rooting for any team playing Tampa. Also I’d like to see the Rams (OBJ) lose.
  4. Agreed. The vast majority of seats are held by season ticket holders who would have tickets to both anyway. The only people this is impacting are the secondary market buyers. Obviously the Jest suckitude is also playing a part since few Jest fans would want to attend this game even in good weather and clear travel.
  5. Gonna jump in here. Nah to a player who has repeatedly lied and acted incredibly selfishly about a matter that would take a big leap of faith to take his side on anyway. It didn’t help that he was tweeting about where he’d be playing next right away, which implies that he was ready to play. A selfish tantrum certainly seems on brand for him. Also what exactly explains his tantrum? If his ankle was injured then why didn’t he seek medical attention? I didn’t see him go to the medical tent or talk to one of the medical professionals on the sideline? So his version certainly seems like a lie to justify him taking himself out of the game. I’d wager that his agent told him to say it to help cover himself for that. And about him doing those jumping jacks, etc. on his way out, if he didn’t seek medical attention then he wouldn’t know the extent of his injury. Why would he do that and risk further injury? And why wasn’t he in pain? Had he limped to the locker room it’d have a different look. But what I saw was a guy who wasn’t worried about his ankle have a “look at me” moment while he told his team and teammates to F off during a game.
  6. Yeah, that was what I was driving at, but didn’t make totally clear. Lots of extra cost, but not much in the way of extra revenue.
  7. A downtown domed stadium would be nice in that it would allow for additional events throughout the year. But that’s almost certainly not cost effective, so it’ll be an open air in the OP. Personally I don’t care to go through the hassle and expense of going to games. One or two a season of college and/or pro is enough for me. Surprisingly, I absolutely love the nasty weather games, but few others seem to.
  8. McKenzie muffed a punt in the Dolphins game and then fumbled in the Colts game. It’s also worth noting that he had fumbling issues in Denver, which is a big part of why they let him walk. He didn’t get benched after the Dolphins one, but I would think that he heard about it. McDermott definitely benched him (made him inactive) right after the next fumble. To me that looks like McDermott was holding a player accountable for his play on the field. Seems like McKenzie got the message too. At least in the short term. As for the Allen comparison that YOU made, my point is simple. You were making an illogical leap to try to win an argument. My point was that the two players are obviously not comparable, but that you felt you had to make it seem like they were to try to win the argument. That was ridiculous and points to how wrong you are. I’ll leave this there.
  9. Oh, right! No 20-something ever needed a wake up call! Lol Also if you’re suggesting that a proven, 4 year starting QB and a bottom of the roster WR/returner are at all comparable, then I don’t know what to tell you. That’s as weak an argument as I’ve ever seen here.
  10. Or maybe McDermott gave McKenzie the wake up call he needed. I think he should be back on return duty if he isn’t taking a lot of WR reps, but I have no problem at all with how McDermott handled the situation.
  11. Sorry, you’re just throwing out unfounded speculation. Seems like if you actually had any real information you’d be telling us all. Feel free to fill us all in on some actual facts if you had them - and go ahead and provide some evidence while you’re at it.
  12. While I’m sure Brown wasn’t a choir boy, but I find it difficult to believe that the kind of stuff that was happening before the 2016 hit was as bad as the stuff after it. Mainly that’s because starting in 2017 things we’re getting public. I also believe his teammates who have talked about how he was never the same after the hit. I am not saying that he was ever a great guy or that he doesn’t bear responsibility for his actions. But brain trauma does have lasting impact. Also the whole situation does not reflect well in teams that have brought him onboard since. He’s clearly got mental issues. Teams don’t seem to have a problem bringing him on as cheap talent with no worry about what one more hit would do to him.
  13. I don’t think that is correct. I googled it and everything seems to start in 2017. Feel free to post a link or something specific if I’m missing something.
  14. He definitely did not have the public issues before then. Unless that was just the Steelers keeping things quiet while they wanted him there, his real problems started after 2016 when he took that hit from Burflict.
  15. Brown played 9 seasons in Pittsburgh and made $70M there. I agree that he could have made a fair bit more money in the years since if he had kept it all together, but he did have a long and lucrative run there. It wasn’t the same situation as Bell.
  16. Thought Beasley was running a pick to free up Davis because it was zone. Beasley wasn’t going to be open on a go anyway.
  17. I suspect he is keeping his options open. He will probably retire, but we all can see what QBs are making these days. If some team gets stupid with an offer…….. Or maybe he can step in on a championship team mid/late season after their starter gets injured. It’s not like he has bothered to be in shape to play any other season.
  18. This. Plus the slew of concussions that he has had. We (both he and the team) have been lucky he hasn’t had any this season, but it’s a big risk. The time is probably right for both sides.
  19. My favorite line from the video is the last one. The announcer mentioned that the Pats didn’t force a punt all game. We turned it over on downs once, but no interceptions and no fumbles lost. That’s pretty awesome.
  20. This is a better explanation than I can give you. One important thing to keep in mind is that QBR is an EFFICIENCY stat not a VALUE stat. QBs can get credit for plays where they performed well but the play was unsuccessful - drops, PIs, etc. They also get dinged for fumbles, presnap penalties that are their fault, passes that should have been intercepted, sacks taken, etc. There is more in the link.
  21. QBR includes rushing. Wilson rushed for 91 yards on 4 carries. Burrow had 11 yards on 2. There it is.
  22. Agreed. McD just has a far better QB than BB.
  23. I mean where else would anyone find a nearly 30 year old WR with 16 receptions, 215 yards and 1 TD in their CAREER (including playoffs)? That kind of talent and production probably isn’t just laying around everywhere.
  24. For me the high point was the win over KC. Since then I have believed in this team less and less. I’ve certainly had moments in the close games where I though they would or could win, but that hasn’t happened yet. A win tomorrow would certainly help. So would seeing some better decision making and some better play - especially in crunch time. Still, some of the flaws that I thought could hurt this team have definitely done so and there is only so much to do about them during the season. I’d love to see the team find a way to adjust and have some sustained success through the playoffs, but idk how realistic that is.
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