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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. He did what just about anyone would’ve done, he went to the team that was guaranteeing him a lot more money and a starting position. Now that no team is going to pay him disproportionately more, he’s going where he wants to go (among the teams interested).
  2. I don’t think a brand new FO and HC are looking at players like Trubisky as their long term options. On a short, reasonable deal while they draft their future, sure. They would realize that there is a possibility of getting lucky with such a reclamation project, but they wouldn’t bank on it.
  3. I see Trubisky getting a bridge QB job next season. He can use that to try to prove himself and get a real shot somewhere.
  4. Meh. A single key catch against NE would do little to move the needle. A game winning catch on Saturday would get him some momentary love, sure. But it would be fleeting. And anyone would get that. Ditto immortalization for a game winning SB catch. Knox, Mackenzie or a practice squad player would get that.
  5. Honestly think he might’ve been pissed about the shot he took on the field. Looks like he took one in the head. That said, I think the biggest take away from this thread is that Beasley seems to be losing support amongst some of the posters here. That is certainly indicative of nothing but the fall off of his play. He’s not that expensive next season, but he could certainly be a cap casualty when the Bills go looking for space in March.
  6. Cam Newton was a great comp when Allen was a prospect, but the divergence started immediately after he started playing in the NFL. Totally different - opposite really - career and performance arcs.
  7. Can anyone say when this happened so I can look for it when I re-watch the game? Even which quarter.
  8. No, no, no. Stats only get thrown out if they’re unfavorable. Sometimes you have to dig just deep enough and look at them just the right way for them to finally become beautifully favorable.
  9. Tough to fire a coach that went 8-1 in his last nine games of the season. Such a turnaround from their 1-7 start. They have to give him another season to see if he can keep that momentum going.
  10. The Bills had a very easy road this year. That does not mean that we aren’t worthy of our success or that it won’t continue, but it does mean that we should not take this opportunity for granted. Go get it!
  11. Trubisky could be a bridge option for Daboll in that scenario. Trubisky would get a chance to show teams that he’s developed under much better circumstances than he had in Chicago. Daboll would have a QB that knows his system and he would not have to throw a rookie QB into the fire or worry about getting a different vet bridge up to speed.
  12. Likely they just don’t want be on the hook for his 2022 salary should he get seriously injured in a meaningless game.
  13. I think Wallace is a solid #2 CB in the league. That certainly has value. But it really might all come down to a) how much he wants to be in Buffalo and b) the contract offers he gets come March (should he decide to test free agency). I absolutely think the Bills would like to retain him and I think the odds favor them doing so, but the Bills cap situation and possibly of overpayment by another team means that it is not a slam dunk.
  14. A bit off-topic for this thread, but I looked up OTC’s 2022 Comp Pick projection and not a single AFCE team is getting a pick. Link
  15. Yes, the statement was not from Fields. I understood what you were doing and that’s what I responded to.
  16. IMO the NFL didn’t need a 17th game or a 7th playoff team in each conference. But this is what happens when squeezing the last nickel out of something is the primary factor in decision making rather than maintaining a high quality product. I see a 20 game season with 18 games and 2 byes on the horizon. I wouldn’t be surprised by an eighth playoff team either. The only upside is the reduction of preseason games.
  17. So you’re saying that reffing the NFL and playing QB in the NFL have the same relative skill requirements? And that Fields has to be a top flight QB to criticize one of the worst ref performances I’ve ever seen (in general) after that ref cost his team a game? You are making zero sense here.
  18. I think that the approach of teams (or individuals) in seasons or tournaments (including playoffs) changes with experience, expectations and ability. The best can conserve their energy and health for the end game. They usually don’t HAVE to leave it all on the field to beat lesser opponents, so they don’t. The still get the win, but they don’t take unnecessary risks or show too much. Then they are in a much better position than many others toward the end to win it all.
  19. That’s fair. Always about value as well. Bills aren’t going to have a lot of cap space to throw around either. I’d like to retain him, but I would not blame him for chasing the money. It’s worth noting that the only two DTs currently under contract for next season are Oliver and Star.
  20. WTF? Past performance is not a GUARANTEE of future results, but it’s absolutely indicative of them. The exception you are thinking of is only valid for purely random events.
  21. So if everyone is to be believed we can piece together exactly what happened. Brown had an ankle injury that the team knew about. He was more than willing to play with the injury if it meant he would get enough catches to get his $2 million bonus. But when he wasn’t getting targeted at the rate he thought would get him to his bonus he complained at halftime. Then he refused to go back into the game when directed to do so by his coach. Then Arians told him to get the F out of there, which led to Browns’ tantrum exit. As Brown did not seek medical treatment during the game it’s safe to assume that he did not further injure his ankle during the game. He did decide that playing on the injury was not worth it if he was not going to get his bonus. That led to his refusal to play. tl:dr: Brown was only good with playing on his injured ankle if he was gonna get his $2M bonus.
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