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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. Number of plays - it’s written really small in the lower right hand corner of the graph.
  2. I don’t think Daboll was as interested in a HC gig last year as he was this year. He found a team with a GM he’s worked with before and with good ownership. If the owners are patient with the rebuild, then he should do well with the Giants. As for the Flores lawsuit, it’s an unfortunate situation. I understand what the Rooney Rule is trying to do - get minorities exposure and opportunities for higher level jobs in the NFL. I don’t think that there was any intentional racial bias here. The GM is hiring the guy he’s worked with before and thinks will be successful. I’m sure if Daboll were a minority he’d still be the new HC of the NYG. While the inner circle, boys club, who you know argument is still valid, I don’t know what you can do about situations like this.
  3. I used to have a bunch of chain restaurants as clients (building material supplier). Nationally there was almost no one that actually wanted to eat at their own restaurant brand. I had two exceptions - one Red Lobster guy who loved RL and never wanted to go anywhere else. And every freaking meeting involving any Golden Corral franchisee ever. Notably the people at the GC corporate office had a phenomenal Mexican restaurant they loved going to. Still the best molé sauce I’ve had in the states. Those GC luncheons were the worst. Food that was as embarrassing in its quantity as it was its quality (though inversely related). There was just so much of it and it was all so bad. The franchise owners I met all seemed to think it was great though. I usually just made myself a salad and told them I was dieting. Unsweetened Iced Tea (North only) or water (South) sold that story. Tangent: Speaking of iced tea, I remember the first time I got a Sweet Tea in the South. I was totally unprepared for it. Diabetes in a red 32 oz plastic glass served by an absolutely delightful young woman. I could not believe how overwhelmingly sweet it was. My boss saw the look on my face and just laughed at me.
  4. Lots of flat out lies here. There was only one reason that the Southern states chose to secede from the Unites States of America - slavery. Just read the Ordnance of Secession. Slavery is a focal point. The other BS people pretend were the reasons are noticeably absent. No, there were not many Union leaders who had been slave owners. The Northern states had eliminated or put laws in place to gradually eliminate slavery by the early 1800s. The Civil War started in 1865. They’d have had to have lived in the South to own people as property.
  5. Good topic, YOLO. He should be reasonable from a pick/player compensation standpoint since he’s on the last year of his deal - especially if he wants out of NJ. If so - and if the Bills would want him long term - then he’d be willing to agree to a new contract as part of the trade and something could get done. He’s a very good, starting CB and we need one of those (at minimum).
  6. Fans are not overreacting to the loss. The kickoff deep is defensible. The miscommunication on the play is not. Neither are the defensive play calls on the last two plays before the tying FG. Inexcusable. And that’s not even getting into the defense the entire game.
  7. While I thought Pederson sucked as a HC, he’s a good OC. The team needs someone who is capable of taking complete charge of the offense and he certainly can. Plus he’d probably be here long term since I don’t think anyone is going to rush to make him a HC again.
  8. The exception is for an expiring contract. I don’t know if this was the case or not with Bobby Johnson. Appears as though this is the case.
  9. Oh crap, you’re right. My bad. Still, I think the insight angle has some merit.
  10. Rooney Rule. The Ravens had a unique offense built around a unique QB so he’s a good candidate to have some unique insights.
  11. I didn’t realize this but the rule changed. Two minority candidates for HC and one for coordinators is the rule now. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/rooney-rule-enhancement-nfl-to-require-two-external-minority-interviews-for-gm-coordinator-jobs/amp/
  12. Agree. At least they’re funny until you’ve seen them too much, the Verizon ones are never funny. I’m going to write in that I will not miss seeing the NFL overhype every game and listening to the announcers and analysts. I need this break from that.
  13. That’s fair. I would expect that they do almost regardless of what happens this season, but not doing so sure tells you everything you need to know. Obviously Daboll can’t say anything except what he has. Of course he loves Daniel Jones, his upside and what he could do in an offense that plays to his strengths, etc. Full confidence, set him up for success and see if he sinks or swims. It’s the only smart move at this time.
  14. I see it the same way. Aaron Donald is going to have a field day unless the refs let the Bengals OL tackle him on every play. Burrow might get crippled.
  15. The Bengals did something to Mahomes that I thought we’d see employed against Allen this season, but really didn’t. They regularly rushed three and used a fourth in a multiple role. First he dropped into a short zone and took away the quick slant while he also played spy. Then he often rushed late when the short middle cleared out and/or he had a clear path to Mahomes. I need to watch it again and see what else they did. Refs were letting the OLs and defense hold a lot which helped Cincy’s coverage. Rushing 3 made a lot of sense too since the OL holding was slowing up the rush anyway.
  16. There’s also having ultimate responsibility for your team - everything is done your way, the buck stops with you, etc., etc.
  17. Like when KC had Alex Smith starting and Mahomes on the bench - the team is doing too well with him playing. You can’t rock that boat and pull the QB you’re winning with to start a rookie.
  18. The responsible person’s head should roll
  19. Plenty of time in the half for KC to score
  20. I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing this sad news.
  21. So you think a lack of offense is the reason the Bills aren’t playing today? Seriously?
  22. Not really a lot to take from the offensive side of the ball. McKenzie? Brieda? I don’t think Daboll rushes to pick up either of them. Beasley if cut? Doubtful. Trubisky? Probably can’t due to QB controversy, but he would make a lot of sense otherwise. I just don’t see much happening this year. Maybe down the road.
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