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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. Wow. That sucks. I’d love to know what restaurant.
  2. Yup. No choice now but to hope for that.
  3. Yeah. I don’t get the not tackling thing. He doesn’t shy away from being physical when the WRs are on their routes, but he looks like he went to Deion Sanders’ CB school where he told CBS that not tackling lengthens their careers. Just zero interest in hitting a player with the ball. Two things always worry me about CBs - the ones that have to grab WRs to cover and the ones that avoid tackling. He has shown both. But he also has talent. I guess we have to see what he does now.
  4. I freaking love Letterkenny. That’s exactly what I thought of when I typed that. Im a big Bonnie McMurray fan.
  5. They also have used plays where Tre played man coverage and others were in zone. I think the hope is that they’ll now have a CB2 that can do some of that too. That’ll give them more flexibility in flipping that scheme as needed. Elam seems very likable. He’s toolsy. I watched some game film and he’s certainly got talent. He’s sticky and aggressive in coverage. He does not allow much separation by WRs, he tracks the ball well and fights them for it in the air. He’s got really good speed too. He should be able to run with most NFL WRs. A lack of physicality at the LOS and during routes won’t be the issue. If anything, he’ll have to back off on some of that in the NFL. That brings me to the two main concerns I have with his game. The first is that he’s way too grabby and physical during routes for the NFL. He was especially grabby at the top of routes. The concern there is that he either doesn’t have the ability to flip his hips or the reactions/mirroring ability to stay with WRs when they make their moves and he’s grabbing them at that point to slow them down. The other possibilities are that it was due to his knee injury or that he was just pushing the envelope to get away with what the refs were allowing. He had 7 penalties for it last year. He simply can’t do that in the NFL. The other glaring issue was his reluctance to hit and tackle ball carriers. For as physical as he is with WRs during their routes, he wanted nothing to do with making a tackle - and when he had to, he tried (often unsuccessfully) to arm tackle. He even had several chances to hit ball carriers already being engaged by tacklers to prevent them from gaining extra yardage and simply pulled up and made no contact. It’s difficult to think that was because of his knee. That absolutely has to change. NFL OCs will test him early and often in that regard. So there’s a lot to like about Elam as well as some concerns. He is going to have excellent coaching so no worries there. His abilities give him the potential to be a very good NFL CB. The concerns about his game are the kind that get worked out quickly or derail a career quickly so it shouldn’t take long to know what we’ve got.
  6. To be fair, it has been years since Chappelle has been funny. Still, you just leave and maybe ask for your money back.
  7. He’s doing what winners do. He’s taking responsibility for himself and asking what he could’ve done better. He’s not pointing fingers at others, but that doesn’t mean that it was on him.
  8. The easiest way to create cap space is to restructure Tre and/or Dion. That would easily give the Bills enough space to get through the season.
  9. The defense will be better in that they will be more able to help us beat good team with good offenses. Von Miller is the main reason.
  10. Right after the draft is usually when new GMs clean house. McDermott fired Whaley and replaced him with Beane right after his first draft here.
  11. Miller should be very good for Rousseau. Miller will flush QBs out to Rousseau’s side where he can shed and make the sack.
  12. I think she said he did tip well. She’s a sous server as she’s too young to serve so she doesn’t handle the check. She sees a lot of NFL players where she works. She loved Isiah McKenzie. She said he was super nice and polite to her and took time to thank her for the great job she was doing.
  13. She said that he was “really nice” a bunch of times, but how tall, muscular and good looking he was came up too.
  14. My 16 yo daughter waited on Dawson Knox at a local restaurant. She spoke about him at length.
  15. The Dolphins are a QB away from being able to challenge Buffalo IMO. I’m not saying they’d be better than us with one, but they’d be very competitive as their roster is otherwise very, very good. The wildcard is their new coaching staff. That could be a bump in either direction. The Jest got a lot better, but they were trash. They don’t have a QB and their ownership sucks. Saleh is a good coach though. They’ll be better, but that means they will have a chance to not finish last in the AFCE. NE’s ceiling is an asskicking in the first round of the playoffs like last year. Their floor is last place in the AFCE. I expect them to be .500ish. It’ll be interesting to see if they continue to decline without the lure of Brady.
  16. There’s something to be said for that when you see players go from bad team to bad team. And quite frankly when you’re a bad team it’s always about getting paid too dollar or just having a job when a free agent picks you. But when you’re already fielding a championship caliber team, then you don’t have to overpay for FAs. They come to you to win.
  17. The Jest have had an absolutely fantastic draft so far. It’ll be up to your QB, coaches, ownership and front office to hold back your team. I am confident they’re up to it.
  18. I would not argue against Belichick’s defensive genius. That’s inarguably who he is. That’s not his issue. Overall team success takes the right blend of greatness. Belichick is known for running his team in a tough, grueling and absolutely no fun allowed way. That’s great when your QB is Tom Brady. Players will accept that and take less money for a great chance at a ring (or rings). But without Brady, wins in the teens every season and any real chance at a SB, that pipeline of players looking to play for him on below market contracts dries up fast. Suddenly he’s in a very bad spot that he can’t coach himself out of with Xs and Os.
  19. The Bills going CB was obvious. A small trade up was necessary to keep them from getting jumped for their guy. Apparently they didn’t have Booth or another CB ranked closely.
  20. They don’t have to worry about that now!
  21. Long term, there’s isn’t a strong case for RB I’m the first either as few will justify a second contract.
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