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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. That would not be surprising either, but it’s not a slam dunk. The Phish put a fragile QB behind a trash OL for two seasons. He looked like crap and got injured a lot. No surprise there. This will be the first time in the NFL that he has a decent shot to show what he can do. While there are valid questions about his arm strength and durability, he is a quality runner and an accurate mid to intermediate passer. He could wind up a lot like Kyler Murray - a middle of the pack QB who gets paid. I’m hoping for that as it would put the Phish in purgatory.
  2. For sure. The injury risk alone makes that likely.
  3. By actually putting an offense around Tua (though that OL still has holes) the Dolphins are seeing what they have in him before they are due to make a decision on whether or not to pay him. I can’t argue with that.
  4. https://jetsxfactor.com/2022/07/22/ny-jets-robert-saleh-clarifies-mekhi-becton/amp/ Vote of confidence from HC. Always nice to get and always concerning when needed.
  5. Nor does he have any bend to turn the corner. He may benefit greatly from Von Miller flushing QBs to his side while Oliver gets through the middle however. Rousseau does a very good job of using his length to shed blockers and that could be a great fit.
  6. Next year he will be a LB already on the roster with a year’s experience in the system. I predicted that they’d take a player like that this past draft (because it should have happened a year prior). It helps whether or not they try to re-sign Edmunds as it gives the team at least a little negotiation leverage.
  7. Be a camp arm. They needed a 4th QB for TC and QBs were due to report the following day.
  8. I agree. He’s signed through 2028 so after 2026 makes the most sense for an extension. Regardless he will likely want to wait for the new broadcasting and gambling revenue to roll in and capture that in his deal.
  9. It was a fair market value deal when it was signed. Neither side got anything more than they should have. No need to read anything more info it than that.
  10. No chance. He’s depth at LB, which the Bills needed.
  11. I only wish that this had happened to an AFC team.
  12. I heard an analysis of QBs and roster building. The conclusion was that the best place to be is with a top 8 (ish) QB on a rookie deal. The second best place was to have a top 8 QB on ANY deal. Third was to have a QB in the middle half of the league (9-24 ish) on a rookie deal. But a bad place to be was to have a QB in that range on a market value contract. That’s because those QBs get paid about the same money as the top ones, but don’t get their teams the wins the top QBs do. I’d say this contract for Murray puts the Cardinals in that last category. Teams with bottom 8 QBs would not be paying out a big contract to one so they would be able to acquire one via the draft, trade or FA. They could more easily and quickly get to one of the two better places than a team that’s weighed down by a big, long term contract to a mediocre QB. These decisions are often more about maintaining jobs than winning a championship. Sure, sometimes Joe Flacco happens, but it’s an outside chance at best.
  13. The counter argument I’ve heard from people who watched him play (including non-Jets fans) was that he pretty much carried his Jets teams by himself. He was before my time so I can’t speak to how valid that is.
  14. Couple reasons. The option for the Browns to do so may already be part of the contract. It’s getting more common and it would make sense for it to be in this contract. It also saves effort by both the team and agent. On Watson’s side, he’d get his money sooner and the money moved to the new signing bonus would not be at risk if he were to be suspended again. Also there’s no downside so why fight it?
  15. Conversion of base salary to signing bonus. Using round numbers, they could convert $44M of his 2023 salary of $46M into a signing bonus. That would be spread the cap hit over 4 years. That would clear $33M in 2023 and add $11M each in years 2024-2026. They could even add a void year to clear a little more space and spread the hit out one more season.
  16. The contract is currently structured so that Y1 cap hit is $10M and Y2 is $55M. If he misses the season due to suspension then his contract would toll and Y1 would be delayed until 2023. It’s worth mentioning that the Browns are certain to restructure his contract in Y2 to greatly reduce that $55M cap hit.
  17. Jimmy G is really the only available QB that would make sense for Cleveland. I don’t know what his preference would be if released though. SF either has to release/trade him or start him. He can’t be on the team if they go with Trey Lance. The only other sensible destination for him is Seattle, who plays in the same division. I don’t know if they are in full tank mode or if they’d sign him if he got released. If I’m SF I keep him until cut down day unless I get something of value for him. That way Lance has to earn the job, he’s there in case Lance gets hurt and he can’t help Seattle. If I’m Berry on the Browns, he’s only a trade option if Watson is out for an extended suspension. 12+ games. I don’t think I do it for 8. Now if he’s released and Seattle doesn’t bite, then maybe he comes cheap for the opportunity to start for part of a season.
  18. I’m not a lawyer so it’s just an interesting question to me. I’ll just wait and see what the federal judge says. Edited to add: Snyder was accused by 40 or so women employees of sexual harassment, hostile working conditions, etc. One facet of that was him trying to prostitute cheerleaders out to his big customers. The NFL fined him $10M and he also briefly put the team in his wife’s name. That certainly could be a precedent in the NFL’s favor. Kraft and Jones, not so much however. Also it’s worth nothing that in Watson’s case the NFL didn’t bring up 26 women. They came in with 5 and one got thrown out. The judge will only consider the 4 in front of her.
  19. Sue Robinson’s determination of the relevancy of the owner’s clause is of enormous importance in this case. That and the NFL’s blatant disregard for keeping their own house clean.
  20. Yup. Or budgetary choices get made and they’re told to cut that corner.
  21. Sure, but that’s just speculation. This seems like a very reasonable timeline for a decision though. She didn’t get the legal briefs until last Tuesday. She’s got three days of testimony to review, precedents to review and her judgment to make and document. As far as a negotiated suspension goes, that’s the cleanest option for all parties and would set a clear and final direction. I just don’t think that’ll happen unless one side or the other moves off their current position dramatically. I don’t see how the NFL can do that at this point and save face. They aren’t going to agree to 4 or 6 games. I think they’d rather say they went down swinging and blame it in the arbiter/process. I do not think Watson would accept a half season or more either. Public opinion might be against him, but it doesn’t look like the NFL made much of a case. “Disrepute” isn’t likely to equate to a big suspension and possibly nothing at all.
  22. Truth. TF is even going on there? The seedlings look randomly generated.
  23. It’s not her fault that the case took so long to get to her. She’s got a ton of work to do and needs to render a decision that can stand up in the federal court system if it is challenged.
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