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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. Why focus on that? The whole thing is pretty sketchy
  2. He did get his 2020 contract. His restructure last year was just a salary cap move though. He did not get a raise.
  3. The other player do not care how much Poyer gets paid so much as they care about whether or not the Bills will step up if they outperform their contract. I’m not saying that this is something that will derail the season or anything, but this kind of thing impacts contract negotiations. The only real potential for issues this season is if it impacts Poyer’s play. For example, some players would not want to play through injury and put bad tape out there just prior to hitting FA.
  4. No kidding. It is more that he gave an already drunk 17 year old more beer and then had sex with her. That’s not just statuary rape, that’s rape. Oh and he did so knowing that he had chlamydia. That’s all before he - or possibly someone else - took her inside and upstairs to a bedroom to be gang raped. Weird that someone else could’ve taken her to the room though. what would’ve had to happen was that Araiza met this girls, had sex with her and then just walked away as soon as he was done. Just went to hang out with some other people or something. That’d be very odd.
  5. Players do notice whether or not a team pays players that have earned it. That definitely matters to them and their agents and it impacts contracts and negotiations. Poyer has earned it. He should get paid accordingly.
  6. Sure. That’s obviously the worst of it. There’s plenty of other bad stuff too. Might want to take off the royal blue colored glasses for a sec.
  7. Tip of the iceberg and all. Also depends on context. A 21 year old guy handing a beer to a 17 or 18 year old girl who’s already drunk might just have some ulterior motives.
  8. Lol. Yeah, no college aged guy could ever see that one coming. Some HS kid lying about her age. Also even if she did tell him she was 18 (crazy how some fellow SDSU football players remember that little detail) and he got her a beer (that wasn’t laced with anything), then that’s still a crime. Best case scenario for Araiza is that he’s guilty of some very bad things. Worst case, he’s guilty of some truly horrifying crimes. I’m happy he’s gone from Buffalo.
  9. His emotional state could certainly have been a reason to sit him. And I’m also sure that a person would be upset about what has come out publicly regardless of their guilt or innocence.
  10. The Bills may have just been kicking the can down the road by keeping Araiza out of the last preseason game, but one reason to do that is to prevent injury. Teams can’t release a player with a football related injury unless an injury settlement is first reached.
  11. No, the exempt list is not an option for that reason.
  12. I’ve explained the stupidity of the shakedown angle. I can explain it to you again, but I can’t understand it for you. One last time: A 17 year old accused a college punter of rape long before that punter made it to the NFL and had any money to be shaken down for. There is also the fact that by making her accusation she was likely to inhibit the accused from making it to the NFL at all. Plus even if a punter does make it, they we are at best a late round pick. The signing bonus of which is a couple hundred grand before taxes. It’s idiotic to think this is a shakedown.
  13. Just to be clear, it’s not plausible. Araiza wasn’t in a position to be shaken down for money when the girl accused him. He was a college punter. His best option months down the road was being a late round NFL draft pick - which doesn’t even come with that huge of a payday. But her accusation could have prevented even that. It’s not like he was some sure fire first round QB like an Andrew Luck. He was a college punter when accused. So, no, it’s not plausible. You’d have to throw logic out the window to think it was.
  14. Let’s start here. You don’t need to have passed judgement to understand how illogical thinking this is a shakedown is. He was a 21 year old college punter on SDSU and he was accused of rape the day after he had sex with a 17 year old.
  15. No. What’s highly dishonest is people trying to pretend that Araiza is the victim of a shakedown. The mental gymnastics involved are ridiculous.
  16. Wasn’t Araiza named in the criminal complaint filed the day after the alleged rape?
  17. Not a hypothetical at all. I was just summarizing and pointing out how incredibly stupid the “money grab” and “who knows what really happened” angles are. I did so in a snarky way, but you of all people should appreciate that.
  18. So some crafty 17 year old high schooler’s big plan was to go to a party, bang a punter and a bunch of his teammates, then immediately claim she was raped so that she might get a settlement from the punter if he got drafted half a year later even though her accusations could reasonably derail his career? That’s what people are convincing themselves happened here? SMDH
  19. Like what? The only one I know of is if they have a football related injury. Other than that it’s just contractual obligations, which are not part of the CBA.
  20. That’s correct, but there’s nothing in the CBA that would prevent the Bills from releasing him. They don’t even owe him a reason.
  21. Unless they’re waiting for the last round of cuts when they could pick up one of those punters. Also they’d want to get the new information and that could take a little time.
  22. Or he didn’t have all of the information he has now.
  23. I’m not saying that it is right, because it’s not. It is how things are done though. When it’s Ben Roethlisberger raping some girl in a bar restroom (second well known incident of that kind and third if you dig deeper), then it’s different to the business owners and a substantial effort is made with regards to the public narrative. But for any punter or fairly easily replaced player or coach, that’s not going to happen.
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