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Everything posted by BigPappy

  1. London Fletcher. That guy was a complete douche! I was at a Bills training camp dinner some years back and they set a few hours aside before the dinner started for people to mingle and talk with players and coaches. I think it was the first year Malarkey was coaching. Any way, my self and a few others walked up to London and asked him for his autograph. The guy could not stop looking at the highlight reel of himself that was playing long enough to sign anything. The guy completely ignored anyone that came up to him or that was talking to him when his highlight reel was playing on the big TV. What an egotistical A$$. BigPappy
  2. It's hard to be wealthy in the NFL. (Fixed) BigPappy
  3. Sorry, but there is no way I would want him on this team. It's one thing to be nasty on the field, but he is a cancerous cesspool of a human being and no good for this or any other team in the NFL. besides most of his teammates didn't like him when he was here the last time. Further more I would have to respectfully disagree with your assessment of Marrone. While he appears to be a strong coach technically when it comes to Football, I don't think his personality is strong enough to deal with Incognito and the trouble he seems to bring with him where ever he goes. BigPappy
  4. matter2003, If you truly believe that this year is as you say an aberration because he has posted 5 straight 90+ QB Rating seasons prior to this year and led the league in pass yards one of those with almost 4800 yards, how can you believe that we would be able to get him for a 4th and 5th round picks? Please explain. By the way, I find it very doubtful that he gets his outright release either as 26CornerBlitz has commented. As matter2003 stated in, he has posted QB Ratings of 90+ 5 straight times. He's a very good QB who lost a supporting cast of players including their defense. BigPappy
  5. Not to be a d@ck but, Isn't this a Buffalo Bills Forum and not a Jets Forum. Who cares about Geno Smith and his current status as a Jet or his confidence level. Lets focus on what OUR team needs to do to get better. F!@k Geno Smith and the Jets! We haven't made it to the Playoffs in 14 freak'en years, and it really pisses me off. JMO BigPappy
  6. I'm with you on this one Rubes. BigPappy
  7. Ummm.. Yeah.....This, definitely this. Have you seen how hot she is? My locker room response would be.... and who do you go home to at night? Cause I get to plow that EVERY night! BigPappy
  8. The Falcon's Game is the one that scares me if I am to be honest. Matt Ryan is unpredictable. Their Defense has not been that great, but if their offense comes to play I will be pissed! The Pat's game worries me but does not scare me like the Falcons game. Everyone knows how T.B plays. He's a great quarterback. Their defense is old, slow and kind of sucky. But they will have the division locked up by then, and unless last nights loss starts some kind of N.E implosion(one could only hope), most if not all the starters will be resting for the Bills game. Definitely a winnable game. BigPappy
  9. I Would be shocked to see him on the field on Sunday. He would need to learn a bit on the terminology before getting on the field, even if he does know the defensive schemes. BigPappy
  10. What are you talking about? Winning in double digits? Are you kidding me? how about just winning. Their schedule is not as easy as it looks. Just look how they are playing. There is no way they can beat the Jets next week! NO WAY! They have not proven they can win winnable games, let alone the tough games on a consistent basis. They may go on a streak after the bye week, but it wont matter by then. The Jags and Buc's are the "gimme" games, but by no means a definite win. Falcons are aas bad as us so that game could go either way. Then you have the Dolphins who by the time we play them may be fighting for a playoff berth and finish with the Patsies who will be resting their starters. A game we should win, but we all know how the steelers game turned out when they rested their starters! FWIW JMO BigPappy
  11. Horrible throw by EJ. Now the the game is OVER! BigPappy
  12. Remember the good ol' days before the season started and everyone said we would have a better record then the Jets. This team is light years away from being a consistent winner. BigPappy
  13. That's why I usually do my Kids Laundry while I watch. At least I can be doing something while I watch this team loose time and time again. BigPappy
  14. This is seriously painful to watch. I knew this was not going to be any easy game to win but Buffalo has been totally Flat all day. EJ is very rusty! BigPappy
  15. This is beyond true iEat_Phins. Broadcast companies are Billions of Dollars industry. They have TONS of money off of commercial adds that play during games. There is no way they let the FCC reverse the Black Out rules for NFL games. I strongly disagree. Your die hard fans that regularly attend games will continue to attend games. Same goes for your season ticket holders. The Black Out rule never has effected them because they attend as many games as they can. Every team has these types of fans and they will never go away. The one thing most people don't get is now a day's with the Money NFL teams make, a very small percentage of it is in ticket sales and concessions. I remember reading an article online( I don't remember where), but it was on this very topic and it said that less then 20%(if i remember correctly) of the money made by teams come from ticket sales and concessions. Selling seats is not as important to teams anymore, at least money wise, it not. They fill the stadiums for the atmosphere. The sold out crowds of screaming fans getting into the game energizes the team. BigPappy
  16. I am very acquainted with the game of Football and the idea of offensive and Defensive tendencies. While I did not play professionally, I did play on several levels. While I agree with the fundamental Idea of tendencies, I TOTALLY disagree with the thought process of calling a specific play at the end of a game that you are technically still trying to win to befuddle future defenses. When the game is tight, you go for the high percentage plays. Plays that you know are working in the game and will gain you yards and get you the first downs. BigPappy
  17. Good thing you stopped there. I was starting to think you were going to hyperventilate! On a serious note, I 100% agree with ya. Some of Hackett's play calling has been horrible. Someone really needs to ask him, why the F@$K are you passing on a 4th and 3 when your RB's are GASHING the D line. BigPappy SERIOUSLY! Are you kidding me. Serving Notice to future defenses! That is total BS. Screw that! How about finishing the game your in and not worry about what future defenses are going to be looking at. If you truly believe this, step away from the keyboard man cause you need to be band! BigPappy
  18. This.....times 1000!!! I am hoping that once EJ is back (which he finally is) he will settle in and start playing like everyone expected him too. If this happens, I can definitely see the Bill's taking the division next year. Their Defense is looking top 10 and the offense once they stop making mistakes, could be top 10 as well. BigPappy
  19. You beat me too it eball! BigPappy
  20. That's a pretty big if RyanC883. I love how everyone says....Steelers, thats a win, Tampa.. Win, Jacksonville...Win. Yes they are winnable games, but until we prove we can win a "Winnable" game we are still bottom dwellers of the AFC. I hope they prove me wrong, I am sure at some point they will. It just wont be this season. BigPappy
  21. Hahhahahahhahaha. This one has he laughing hysterically. Given the fact that we still have to play the JESTS and Bill Belicheat's Patsies, I don't see 10-6 as a possible future. Maybe split those and go 9-7 I can see as realistic. Lets hope EJ remembers to slide and step out of bounds before he gets drilled again. I don't see the Steelers game as an easy win either. Especially in Pittsburgh. BigPappy
  22. Thanks for the follow up. Based on their records, Brady was much better. I would question why he was a 7th rounder in the draft. I really don't follow college football so I don't know much about players when the come out of the draft. For the record, I was not comparing the two. Not that you said I am, I just want to be clear. I don't think Jeff Tuel will be another Tom Brady. The reference was simply to make the point that draft position and college performance means very little. I am sure dozens on this boards can list off first round QB's that were said to be up and coming super stars in the NFL that fell flat on there a$$. BigPappy
  23. that is very short sited thinking indeed. How good was Tom Brady in College? Admiringly I don't know the answer, but he was a 7th round draft pick so logic tells me,...probably not that great. Well I guess how how that turned out. Can you say Hall of Fame QB! Good thing your not our GM or coach! BigPappy
  24. This.... Cant agree more HamSandwhich. Cut the kid a break. He's a unrestricted free agent signing who got as you said ZERO reps before the Cleveland game.. At least let the guy play a half and see what he can do. BigPappy
  25. Are you F'ing kidding me! You can't give drew that kind of time to throw!
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