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  1. I came for the comments. They didn't disappoint. I'm dying over here guys and gals. The blueprint is there, but they still need the players with the speed and skill set to execute that blueprint.
  2. Once you hit the Pro level, collegiate stat's are pointless. They don't amass to anything. You might be able to infer trends based off of habits or whatever, but the Pro level is a completely different animal. It is far more competitive, with harder hits, and RB's get banged around far more in the NFL than they do in college. Because of that, estimating "milage" based off the number of carries alone is utterly pointless. If you are going to base it on milage, you need to factor in how hard those miles were. How many hard hits did he take, how many holes that he popped through where he got banged around a lot. All that said, as @Malazan said, you don't keep RB's on their second contract, and I agree. The only time that statement isn't true is when they are the elite of the elite. They have to be the best of all RB's and it can't even be a close comparison. Your post also makes a huge assumption seeing as you didn't mention it at all. Injuries. This team is notorious for sustaining significant injuries, and RB's take a ton of hits. Their is just no way to "guess" which player would be the player to keep at this point in their careers. There are just to many factors that come into play between now and then.
  3. By all means. please explain further how fame has "gotten to his head". I mean, all he does is go around the country performing charity work with his and other foundations. Like others have mentioned, he is not a "key" or "top" performer, so it's not like he doesn't have the free time to do the work. Not to mention, it's great publicity to the orginization. If anything, I would argue that he would probably be kept on the team as a depth guy, just for that reason alone (especially if someone significanly better doesn't become available), while he works on honing his skills and try to move up the depth chart. It's not like he is completely without skills on the field. He was solid in 2022 as a backup Yes, he needs to improve, but he is not the worst player we have had at the position. I agree with this. There really is no down side to keeping him. Based on history with our strength and conditioning, we have issues with players going down for extended periods, especially on the defensive side of the ball, so we need the depth in the defensive backfield. He knows the defense, he's popular with most fans, and he is a PR goldmine. at least for the time being he is, and I think that as long as the team see's imporvements or at least no decline in his skills, the smart play is keeping him. Cutting him could be a PR nightmare, and with all the BS the team had delt with with Diggs, they may not want to rock the boat. And I know that teams shouldn't concider PR when cutting players, but in this instanse, they might. Riiight, because backup players that don't get a ton of playing time don't ever get traded because other teams see something in a player that another team doesn't. That NEVER happens! 😂😂🙄 Btw, Damar is currently a depth player, not a backup. Currently he only plays if there are injuries to multiple players. While specifically to Damar, you are correct, he would not be a trade target, "backup" players in general are traded routinely.
  4. Whoa, whoa, whoa, you're making one heck of an assumption, beleiving I and/or many of us others would even survive all 4 quarters with 250+ pound defensive linemen or 230lbs safety barrelling down on us. Even in my prime age to which i was actually in pretty darn good shape, i seriously doubt I'd last much past the first quarter, if that. One of the options should have been 0-1. If i were in my prime, I think I could complete at least 1 pass to a running back in the flats off a fake handoff. If I had to be the age and shape I am in now (which is round btw), it's a fat zero for me. LOL!!
  5. Trade value? Trade him for what? A pack of 1940's Lucky Strikes smokes and a half used box of matches?
  6. Must have's or High value returning players If resigned Daquan Jones Jordan Philips Trent Sherfield A.J. Epenesa Ty Johnson Tyrel Dodson Taylor Rapp Nice to have's Micha Hyde Leonard Floyd
  7. While I don't agree with how concervative Sean is. I think Dan can be waaaay to recless with his decision making; with his all or nothing every game, all the time mentality. He wasted a lot of clock time last night. He could have saved 50 seconds or more and not wasted his first timeout had he kicked the field goal first and tried the onsides kick. He would have had all three timeouts still if the onsides kick failed.
  8. I think the answer to your question is that the defense can't quit on any play until they hear the whistle. Everyone has to stick to their man or zone, and they need to get Pat out of rythem.
  9. If you are a Bills fan. raise your hand. If you arn't, raise your standards!
  10. Something peaceful like building a ship in a bottle? Are you freaking kidding me? Have you ever tried building one of those before? I get stressed just WATCHING someone try to build one of those damn thing. 😅😅😅😅😅
  11. The NFL has no interest in "fixing" what fans call horrible officiating. The NFL has put in place a set of rules that allow the refs the best opportunity to maximize dollars generated for the league. On top of that, the not chaning of the rules gurentees that they stay "relevent" in the media which furthers the maximization of money coming into the NFL. My personal opinion is that they only way they would be forced to change (maybe), is for the IRS to take away their non for profit status and make them start paying taxes on the league earns.
  12. I can totally see this being correct. I'm not even sure calling him a mild deva is accurate but even if he is I could care less. He is passionate about winning and I LOVE that. The 90's Bills were called the "Bickering Bills" because they were all called deva's, but they were passionate about winning and they went to 4 Super Bowls. They lost them of course but some of that was because they partied to much and came up unprepared. I don't see that happeing to this team if they are fortunate enough to get there to.
  13. Josh's sideline demener was my biggest notable in yesterday's game. In previous weeks while on the sideline he just sat on the bench with his head down looking dejected and miserable. That was definitely not the case yesterday. My take on that is that Dorsey was hog tieing him something fierce trying to force him to be strictly a pocket passer and it restricted is emotional state during the games. Where as (imo) Brady probably said stick to the game plan but improvise and use your legs when you feel the time is right or the opportunity presents itself. The Diggs story has been blown way out of proportion in my opinon, but who knows. Defenses have been scheming to take Diggs out of the game. Most defenses can't do that effectively because Diggs is that good. The Jets defense is good enough to do that and Brady knew that. My guess is that he let them do that and schemed the offense around that, adding wrinkles to plays to put other players in better positions to make plays instead of Diggs. It was effective, and future defenses will need to take that into account in the coming weeks. Hopefully it will free up Diggs for some bigger plays. Time will tell. For sure next week will be a huge test to this team. But, if they can pull out a win heading into the bye week, i think the rest of the season is wide open for the taking.
  14. Even if for some reason the team imploded through the remainder of this year, THEY ARE NOT GOING TO FIRE MCDERMOTT, so just get that out of your head. In his tenure, we have only missed the playoffs once. The offence has struggled yes, but that issue at least temporarily has been fixed by fireing Dorsey. Brady is getting his shot to see what he can do. If he stumbles, they will find a new OC with experience running an offence. Then add on the fact that the defense has been stricen with injuries to major contributors causing a significant dropoff in the defense in points allowed, rushing yards allowed, interceptions forced fumbles ETC.... regardless of what happens the rest of this year, he will get a pass to see how things pan out next year after some regrouping and getting back to full health.
  15. Agreed! For the most part we do hate people. Mostly because they never listen, break crap and then deny breaking it, and in general think that we don't do anything but sit at a desk and watch lights blink and type on a keyboard. I just look at them as the people that keep us IT folk employeed. I think most IT people are in the same boat when it comes to corporate projects. We are always the last to know and sometimes aren't told until the company has spend hundreds of thousdands if not millions of dollars for software and then they just expect us to set it up without knowing project requirements, target goals, or even specs for running said software. We are basically the Maytag repair man. Invisible until something breaks.
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