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Posts posted by BigPappy

  1. I was assuming this was about Colt McCoy...




    Well.......Tuel, Kolb, Lewis, EJ, Orton, Cassell not withstanding, perhaps.

    Mr. WEO, I would have to respectfully disagree in regards to Kolb and Orton. Kolb was a good signing for us, he and the Bills just had bad luck with the concussion not to mention the side line slip that caused him to be out of practice and preseason for a few weeks. Other than how Orton left...which was a pretty S@!tty way to go, he had us a game away from the playoffs. Not sure how any of us could complain about that since we have not sniffed even a hint of getting to the playoffs in years.


    PS. Jury still out on Cassell. He may turn out to be an okay game manger for the short term.



  2. He seems very slow and lumbering. I didn't see him a ton but those are some of the first impressions I got from him.

    It's interesting that you use the words slow and lumbering. While Jim Kelly had the outstanding arm strength and good accuracy, he was considered slow and lumbering because he was such a big guy. Now I am not comparing him to Jimbo in any way, I have never seen the guy play, I'm just noting the similarities in how they have been described.


    They find Peyton attractive because of the size of his wallet and the fact that he is a QB. If he was a dishwasher at the local Denny's, they would not find him "attractive".

    I have never read anything more true than this!


    Big Pappy

  3. Oh, BeHAVE


    Brady and Belichik are a marriage made .............somewhere in a gay porno. (Fixed)

    Belichek is "one Moe Lewis hit away from the unemployment line"

    Brady is with a coach who rewards his work ethic and does everything possible to make Brady succeed


    The only players Belichik lets go are the ones he thinks he can replace with a lower-priced player.




  4. We can all hate Brady, and we all do, but don't tell me you wouldn't LOVE to have him playing for us, whether he has 1 year, 2, 3 years, or just 4 games. We need to win now before this defense ages out or just overall loses it's sharp edge, what do we care if he only has a year or two left of high production? I certainly wouldn't mind running off a 10-2 streak from October through December, as they seem to do EVERY YEAR, reguardless of any slow start they may have in September.

    I can tell you that I DON'T want that D-Bag anywhere near my Buffalo Bills. He is a cheating scum bag and I hope he gets caught cheating again after this last "Deflate Gate" so it ruins his chances at the HOF. F - Brady, F- the Paties, and F- any notion of that piece of $h!t coming to Buffalo!!!



  5. Absolutely great news!


    Congrats to Jim and his family.


    This would be the 6 month exam? Unless I'm misremembering.... 9 months?


    Every cancer has a survival or recurrence rate that is shaped like a bell curve.

    1 month out

    2 months out

    3 months out

    1 year out

    etc. etc. etc.


    For some cancers (like the ones that docs give you a year to live), spike very sharply in the first month after treatment (in terms of deaths), and then gradually decline over the months and years that follow.


    Other, slower developing cancers, and even lymphatic ones like hodgkins, typically will show NED for 3,4,5 months after, then recur at 6 months.


    I would be curious to know if Jims doctors are now putting him on the downslope, or if the most fearful times are ahead of us.

    Either way, he is a hero to many, and a truly admirable man. He will beat whatever is put in front of him.


    Its funny to see the dichotomy between


    *Kelly, viewed as "unable to win the big one" in his playing days, but now one of the most respected football personalities in the league




    *Brady, one of the "best QBs ever", but here we are again, in one of his super bowl weeks, and all anyone is talking about is the culture of dishonesty and cheating that surrounds him, his team, and his accomplishment.


    Fans on here, and everywhere, say "I wish my team could/would cheat like New England, I'd love to cheat my way to a Super Bowl."


    Those people should be ashamed to call themselves Bills fans.

    Having a man as great as Jim Kelly represent this organization is better than any Super Bowl win.

    Well Said JohnnyGold! I would much rather get there fair and square and lose, than to cheat and win. Brady is a douche! and so is Belicheat! I would add one thing though. While yes, in his playing days, he could not win the big one......but he is winning the REALLY big one now! I don't want to jinx it and say he has won the REALLY big one, but he is winning it so far.



  6. How come no one, ever, wants to say that most likely this trade was Ralphs call. Ralph made the call to draft him, and Ralph most likely made the call to trade him. With OJ being associated with his team, and PacMan stuff going on then, and Goddell coming in with his code of conduct etc... Ralph did not want this guy on HIS team....


    why do people refuse to believe this was not a football trade....Ralph wanted this guy gone...and i agree with him.

    As much as I would like to think that this scenario is possible, it is also HIGHLY unlikely. Ralph was so out of touch with this team his last 10 years, he wasn't making any player decisions. There is no way! Now, i have no proof to back that up, but there is no way in God's green earth that you could prove that he wanted him gone either.



  7. No matter how anyone tries to downplay Marshawn Lynch, he's a huge part of why the Seahawks have been to 2 straight superbowls. The drafting of CJ Spiller and essentially giving away Marshawn Lynch is one of the biggest blunders in Buffalo Bills history. And that's saying something.

    Not even close to their biggest blunder! Do you not remember Mike Williams and John Mcargo?



    I believe that is Willis McGahee. He did the whole Applebee's thing.

    I stand corrected. My Bad. same character, just a different name. LOL!



  8. Marshawn didn't hate Buffalo. He did wear out his welcome though with the off the field stuff. If the organization was as strong back then as it is now they may have been able to help him before it snowballed (like Dareus).


    Marshawn is a HOFer. He's a great, great, great player. Hopefully he plays well in 2 weeks and takes down those evil cheaters.

    Wasn't he quotes in a bar by a patron saying that "Buffalo sucks, theres nothing ever to do and the women are ugly" or something to that effect? or was that someone else?



  9. Yea... These aren't letters. Also I highly doubt you know better then Rex about candidates for positions coaches... Actually I am sure of it.

    Your absolutely correct. They are not letters. Its a forum where people correspond with each other. In other words, it a form of correspondence. Generally speaking, those of us that are older were taught something called correspondence etiquette, and when we were taught this, the rule of thumb was to always sign your correspondence. You don't like that i sign my correspondence...tough. deal with or keep your issues with it to yourself. Maybe you should think about taking correspondence etiquette classes.


    As for knowing any better than Rex when looking for coaching talent, I never claimed to know better than he. All I said was that I think there is better talent in terms of coaching out there in my opinion. Last time I checked, I and everyone else in the word is entitled to their opinion. I will drop one name that came straight to my mind and I am sure there are others that other members could list off as well but Dick LeBeau is ten times the Defensive coordinator that Thurman is. He may be old, but he is sure as Hell better than Thurman. So yea, apparently I do know better than Rex!




  10. I don't see any cronyism or nepotism going on. All accounts are that they are going after some big fish assistant coaches.


    Thurmann has been with this D since 2002. Experience matters.


    Karl Dunbar has a proven track record of success and he is not from the Ravens mid 2000s D staff. He coached the Vikings dominant DL from the mid 2000s and developed Kevin Williams in college to be a top 10 pick. He molded Mo Wilkerson into a great player. He coached Sheldon Richardson to a dominant rookie season. He is arguably the best DL coach in the league. Proven track record.


    Pepper has a proven track record also and I'd love for him to be back coaching OLBs in this defense. It would also be good for his career IMO.



    I've known about Dunbar before he went to the Jets.

    typically when putting together a staff most qualified coaches have contracts. That is why you see coaches bring along guys they have worked with. Plus it's a team, you want a staff that works well together. You spend most of your hours with the coaching staff, must get along and have similar vision.

    All valid points, but perception is everything and it looks like he didn't look for the "best coach" available, just the best coaches available that he has worked with on the Jests or Baltimore. Please...don't get me wrong, it may very well be a good staff and god knows i want them to succeed! But as good as they are supposed to be, the Jests Defense has been horrid this season, and was not very good the season prior. They were okay overall, but sorry.....as a fan, I am tired of "just okay"! Maybe they can deliver, but as a "team" of coaches it does not look like they have worked very well together in the past few years. again...jmho



  11. For one thng Rex told Pepper there is always a spot for him, just like he told Schwartz. What exactly are you complaining about?


    Its a team of guys going back to Baltimore. When you have success then why change?


    I'm just not a fan of cronyism and nepotism. I have seen it all my adult life, people getting jobs there not qualified for or maybe are qualified for it but get hired over better candidates because they know the a-hole in charge. I'm sure Rex feels "his guys" are great coaches and maybe they are, but I think there are better candidates out there, thats all.


    If Pepper was offered a spot and he refused...then that sucks for us. He was a good coach (imo).


    News Flash all coaches bring guys they know and trust in... No need to sign your name, people can see this is your post.

    Ummm...Okay? News Flash.... Do you sign a letter you send in the mail even though you add your name and return address to the envelope? They know it's you that sent the letter.



  12. I hope Marrone and his family can stretch that 4 mil a loooooong way. No other big paychecks coming his way.


    Ask yourself, what other team would want to hire a coach who left like that? OK, so he had a clause that LET him do it, but that didn't mean he NEEDED to do it. The clause was there in case the new ownership was difficult to work with, which clearly wasn't the case with the Pegulas.


    Ask yourself, what GM would want to hire a coach who blasted the Bills' FO on the way out of town?


    Ask yourself, what candidates for coordinator positions and other coaching assistants would want to pull up stakes and move somewhere to work for a guy who shafted his Bills coaches so badly?


    I don't think it was the Pegula's that he was having difficulty working with. My personal belief is that he could not get along with D W and since he had the clause that gave him the 4 Million, he figured he would get out now because they hated each other so much.


    Don't get me wrong, I think the guy is a D-bag the way he left, but if you can't stand the guy your working with/for then you can't blame the guy for leaving. Just blame the guy for how he left.



  13. What is it with this notion to have former players as position coaches. I don't get it! they are 20 years removed from the game and have never coached professionally anywhere in the NFL. What makes you think they even have the ability to teach (coach). There is a phrase in life that is very popular, and its popular for a reason. " Those who can....do. Those who can't...teach" If they could coach, they would have been doing it already. I will give Jimbo a pass tho because after he retired he spent all his time with Hunter and the Hunter's Hope foundation after Hunter passed. Personally, i think the time he spent with his foundation was time better spent vs. being a coach. Maybe he can coach, but why now? He is still dealing with the after effects of the Cancer. The man has nothing left to prove. Not to himself, not to his family, not to us fans and certainly not to the NFL. The man is a legend. I certainly don't want him to risk tarnishing his legendary status with the possibility of failing as a coach.


    While I can appreciate the sentiment, I say no to nostalgia!





  14. The Defensive coaching staff hires just seem to be cronyism at its finest, and i don't mean it in a good way. What happened to find the best guy available, not just the shmuck you worked with at your last job because that's who you know. Just pathetic! Maybe it will turn out to be a good staff but, i just don't like how its playing out for hiring of the defensive staff. Pepper definitely deserved a spot on the staff if he wanted one!





  15. They haven't made the playoffs because of where they train? I always thought it was because it was a lack of a good Qb and coaches

    I thought it was because we lost too many games. LOL!





    Move it to Hawaii until new stadium is built; it will attract free agents and help Bills condition to playing heat and humidity.


    When new stadium is built use it so stadium will not be left unused portion of time.

    The Pegs can put in a hotel connected to stadium which they can use for players and rent the rooms other days.


    I think your on to something here....seriously! Fans could rent rooms and make a weekend out of a training camp visit. Hit the casino's at night in Niagara. Add some cool games, expanding the "fan experience". They could even possibly set it up so fans could rent rooms close to players (extra $$ of course) for added player interaction for fans increasing the cool factor for die hard fans.



  16. I don't have a problem with Kyle as OC as long as his father is not the HC, because if Kyle doesn't work out you have to fire both.

    I kind of agree with your logic with the if you fire one you have to fire both, but who cares? We would have a great HC and a very good OC.


    That said, I think no matter how you look at it, Kyle walking away from Cleveland paves the way for him to work with his dad. I think it will be in Oakland, but I would be okay if it happened in Buffalo.


    M. Shanahan is a top notch HC. We have a top notch DC, and K Shanahan has had moderately good success with crappy offenses and between him and his dad working with our offense after adding a couple of OG's via draft and FA, i think we definitely make the playoffs in 2015.



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