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Everything posted by BigPappy

  1. The Bills. Lets get our stampede on! BigPappy
  2. I also think it will be 8 games. But, and its a big but, if he is suspended for the entire season and it is upheld, I think he retires. He would be 40 when he came back. I don't care how good he is and how good a shape you are in, 40 is way to old to come back and play after a year off. BigPappy Damn it!!! I fell for it again!!! BigPappy
  3. I'm actually okay with this. Next years 1st round pick for them will be much higher than this years due to the team falling apart from Brady's suspension of 4-6 games that i think he will get. I rather they lose a pick from the 18-25 range than the 31st or 32 pick. fwiw. Big Pappy
  4. Don't get me wrong, I hope EJ succeeds. All the other option we have really aren't that great either. But heres my problem. I don't see the IT factor from EJ. He has the tools (arm strength, he's smart, he can evade with his legs), but he's missing that gunslinger attitude that the really great QB's have. Look at all the greats over the years and every one of them were gunslingers, not game managers! fwiw, just imho I thinks it's the smart move for him. Where did you get your info from. Last I heard was that he was still thinking about going into next years daft like Kirby said. I just thought it stupid to go that route. He's a guy I would love for our Bills to pick up. Big Pappy.
  5. This will would be a huge mistake for him unless he plans on going back to school again next year. If he didn't go back, he would be not playing football for a year. That alone would be enough to get him into the bottom half of the draft as a pick if he was picked at all. BigPappy
  6. I understand your sarcasm but the poster is actually correct. I bounced at many bars years ago, mainly on the extra busy nights when an extra guy or two was needed (I didn't want to make a career of it). The one thing I always noticed was 6 of 10 fights were started by a drunk women. Either getting up in a girls face that was checking out "Her Man" or so she thought. then the men chime in and everything just escalates from there. Or said drunk women throws herself at a man that is with someone. FWIW BigPappy
  7. I think your correct on Winston but Marcus Mariota I think is going to drop out of the top 10 unless someone trades up specifically to grab him. Even then I don't think a trade up scenario happens until picks 11-15. BigPappy
  8. With the roster we have anything less than 11-5 would be a disappointment, and since I am used to disappointment I will go with 10-6. I also think EJ turns the corner this year. BigPappy
  9. I remember one play vividly with the exception of who we were playing. He was covering a punt as the gunner, he came down the field in a blaze of fury and laid a lick on the returner just as he caught the ball. It has to be one of the hardest hits I have seen in football to this day. What was so awesome was that he hit the guy so hard he never hung on to the ball. We recovered as scored a TD. Big Pappy
  10. Not to be a d!c*, but i thought this was a Bills forum web site. I could care less about this guy. He's not a Bill. Never was a Bill...So why is this even being posted and discussed here?
  11. Yes, I have seen it. Just not in 20 or so years. About all i remember from the movie is the mashed potato zit scene and the "Thank you sir may I have another" scene. Guess I will have to revisit the movie. Big Pappy
  12. Good God, i hope this statement was a joke!! Big Pappy
  13. Agreed. I always believed that the cash to cap philosophy that we followed for so many years was RJW's doing and not Overdorf and Littman. I'm a huge fan of RJW and I do not want to speak ill of the dead but, the last 10 years or so, he really had no business owning the team with the decisions he was making..or appeared to be making. Big Pappy
  14. What I find interesting is before the Pegula's purchased the Bills, a lot of people wanted to crucify Overdorf along with a few others regarding Cap management, and now many of those same people are saying they trust Overdorf to get things right. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you were one of them, I just find it interesting that you mention Overdorf. BigPappy
  15. I will mostly agree with you. His teams were not dominate before Brady, but they were productive and played well with Bledsoe, and he knew when to dump him at the end of his career. BigPappy
  16. What gets me is after 1st and 2nd place, take away the coaches quarterback and most of them would flounder horribly. Carroll is winning with all be it a good quarterback, but he's not great. Bellycheat can win with anyone, he's proven that. But he still gets the asterisk because he cheats. McCarthy....forget about it! You take away Rogers and that guy couldn't win a hand of strip poker against a blind women with no arms let alone a football game. The same goes for a lot of them. Pagano, Chip Kelly, just to name a few are highly over rated. The point is that its a craps shoot when comes to finding a winning football coach. BigPappy
  17. Yolo, on a website like youtube you should not see those kinds of issues as long as you have a decent broadband internet connection. The freezes in the stream usually happen when using the scetchy website when trying to view games from "illegal" streaming sites. Watching from your big sceen shouldn't be an issue. Bigpappy
  18. I'm going to "Ditto" your comment Billsfan11. Seattle is definitely the best team in the NFL when you take out the QB. The Best Defense, a very good offense and special teams. Not to mention quality coaching. That puts them at the top of the mountain in my book. BigPappy
  19. Hey! I'm already 5x the failure he is...LOL! BigPappy
  20. Took the words right out of my mouth Yolo!! BigPappy
  21. It's official. Felton has signed!!! http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-1/FB-Jerome-Felton-signed-by-Bills/899aa959-0daa-4887-a03b-f92f08a2e85e BigPappy
  22. I whole hardheartedly agree with you Big Cat!! I never understood anyone wanting to come out and say they have insider info when they are posting. You could possibly loose your inside info, and on the flip side, if you end up being wrong, your going to get roasted by fellow posters. Personally, I would keep my mouth shut all together or post my info as a "I hope this happens" and lay it out. On a similar note, I sometime think that a few of our fellow posters are within the Bill Organization itself and are in place to push out disinformation. We all should be careful about what we believe when someone says "hey, i heard from a good inside source that....so and so is getting cut, or so and so is being fired, hired, or what ever". fwiw anyway, jmho BigPappy
  23. Mr. WEO, I would have to respectfully disagree in regards to Kolb and Orton. Kolb was a good signing for us, he and the Bills just had bad luck with the concussion not to mention the side line slip that caused him to be out of practice and preseason for a few weeks. Other than how Orton left...which was a pretty S@!tty way to go, he had us a game away from the playoffs. Not sure how any of us could complain about that since we have not sniffed even a hint of getting to the playoffs in years. PS. Jury still out on Cassell. He may turn out to be an okay game manger for the short term. BigPappy
  24. I was actually wondering more about our picks that we were giving up. I knew you were joking about the first rounder.
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