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Everything posted by BigPappy

  1. WOW! my mind never even thought of going there.....but I would have to add that to my relocation to another city. To think of someone cover up such an act is disgusting. Never watched Pen State or any college football for that matter so it made it easy for me to say I would never watch or root for them after that fiasco.
  2. I don't how many time I have heard people from Jersey get PO'ed at comments like this. I always get a laugh at how mad they get and start spewing off on how great Jersey is. My reply is "if Jersey is so great, why does the Statue of Liberty face the other way?" I do have to say that Erie is fairly close to Buffalo so I MIGHT still watch.....maybe. Not that they would actually ever get an NFL team because of thier size. But I understand what your trying to say.
  3. Relocation, and only because they would no longer be the Buffalo Bills. Other than that, nothing short of my death will stop me from watching and loving my Bills.
  4. Its not luck when you have been caught cheating on multiple occasions. Beyond that.... Happy Birthday Ralph. Love him or hate him. It makes no difference to me since I didn't know the man. I don't like or dislike a person without actually knowing them.
  5. Viewership has been going down for the past several years. I think the most recent drop off is from the whole anthem thing, but before that I think it has been a combination of the lack luster match ups and the fact that the game is on so late. Most if not all of the viewers have to get up in the morning for work. I for one do not want to go to bed at midnight or later (sometimes) when I am getting up at 5 AM for work, I have enough trouble getting enough sleep. If the games started at 7 PM i think you would get some viewers back. I have to agree with a few other posters that mentioned the commentators. Over the years there have been some really bad groups and it drove some people away. Though I do have to say I am a bit surprised by Romo as a play analyst. His voice can be a bit annoying at times but as an analyst he's been pretty good. I would like to see it go back to ABC though. I have never really been a fan of ESPN.
  6. Very unfortunate with Rodgers getting hurt. Never want to see someone go down like that (except Brady ). What sucks even more is he was my fantasy league QB. Was crushing it with him. I hope he heals up well.
  7. Not to mention none of our current TE's are very good at being "blocking TE's"
  8. I think the OP was making the point about production not team record. The fact that you make the comment that we have a better or same record just shows your football ignorance. If you watch them play you clearly know that they are not winning their games with their offense. Its the defense that is putting us in the position to win games. Last weeks game is the perfect example. TT was put in the position to be expected to pull out a win and couldn't. TT is not a good QB, he's not even a decent QB. His pocket presence is horrendous, he has no internal clock to get rid of the ball, he is nearly incapable of throwing a receiver open, rarely throws the ball to a WR unless they are wide open; routinely checking down to the RB or taking off and running, not to mention he is extremely inaccurate when throwing short to mid range passes. The only and i do mean ONLY thing TT has going for him is his escape-ability. That's it! While they are not elite numbers for each, their production as individuals out weighs the individuals production we currently have and the differentiating factor is the QB. Taking average to slightly above average WR's (Watkins) and placing them on a team with what is considered an elite or good QB and your average pedestrian WR turns into a productive WR. That is the OP's point.
  9. Very sad to look at these numbers. Hogan alone nearly eclipses our entire WR group.
  10. There's a good story behind this one!! LOL!
  11. Ummmmm, no he's not. Otherwise we would have been to the playoffs already. So, really it's not a fact. Its an opinion that you are making based on.....well, I have no idea what your basing it on because you apparently are not watching him play. I would love to know what your seeing in him that would warrant such an opinion because 1. He holds the ball waaaaaaay to long, resulting in sacks. 2. Even when he doesn't "hold on to the ball to long", he gets jittery and pulls it down and takes off before the play develops or even though receivers are open. I have seen this countless times in replay. 3. He is afraid to throw the ball to his WR's unless they are wide open (most of the time) 4. He can't do a hard count for crying out loud They only thing TT has going for him is his deep ball, but guess what.....he has no one to throw it to deep because all we have are slot receivers.
  12. I don't think the answer is on this team to be frank. The biggest issue is TT. He hangs on to the ball far to long, doesn't know how to throw a receiver open.....and so on. We ALL know the list of issues he has. You can put Peterman in but with the O-line issues being so unstable, that may turn into a nightmare since he's not as mobile as TT. Stabilizing the O-line would go a long way in helping some of the issues with the run game but it won't help much on pass plays when your QB is holding on to the ball forever. What I think they need to do with TT is to give him an internal time with a 3 second rule. You have 3 seconds to release the ball....period unless on a designed role out. If in those 3 seconds he can't throw a receiver open or to an open receiver, he needs to escape the pocket and release or run. Running being the last option. If he still can't pull the trigger and get the ball out, then he needs to sit. As far as receivers, other than Clay, we are completely devoid of talent. I am not really including Zay in with the group since he is a rookie and still learning but at the same time he hasn't shown even a glimmer of talent for a #1 WR. You can call Riley or Dupre or whom ever you want up from the PS, but they are all slot receivers. None of them have any real size or blazing speed so whats the point. As for pulling someone off the street, who's out there that is or was any good? What will be available will be bottom of barrel quality or old veterans that have "retired" that no longer have the speed to compete, or the talent to be any better than what we already have....which is very sad.
  13. Me personally, I think Taylor can't be a starting QB because he is to gun shy to sling it most of the time. He seems to afraid to cause a turnover so he wont pull the trigger. He reminds me of Trent Edwards after he got concussed. You can't hang on to the ball as long as he does and not expect to be sacked or pulled from the pocket. There were several times yesterday that he could have thrown a receiver open. One of which would have gone for a TD. He just can't or wont pull the trigger and for that he needs to sit down. I know all the TT lovers will talk about the lack of receiving talent and they are right, but good QB's work with what they have.
  14. I am sure you are already aware of this but there is a resurgence of manufacturing coming back to the states. Companies are finding that the people of China that have been working for pennies a day in crap conditions are starting to say enough and want to be paid better and be able to work in better conditions making it more expensive to manufacture there. Problem is we live in NYS where your taxed the living Shiznit out of. Manufacturing companies are not going to come back to NY for short lived tax breaks that NY is handing out when they can get better deals in other states.
  15. I have to agree. This is a statement game. Cincy has not been playing well and after coming off of two big wins this has the markings of a let down game. If they can get through this week with a win and prove they can stay focused and overcome the injuries, I think other teams and the "media experts" will really start to take notice. I was watching NFL Live yesterday and they were sliding the Bills into the "Pretender" category instead of Contender category. Kinda pissed me off, but then again, we have all seen this from the Bills before. And it's not like i can counter the argument they gave when they called the offense "pedestrian". Like I said, get through this week with a win and others will start to show respect.
  16. Looks like we could see a TT VS EJ when we play the Raiders. Could be an interesting game.
  17. The one thing I also noticed in the article was that they did get one of their facts wrong. They claimed that Wade Phillips was the only coach to get them into the playoffs or a winning record which is incorrect. Yes Wade is the only to get us to the playoffs, but St Doug Marrone did get us a winning record.
  18. at 5'11''....just what we needed, another slot receiver.
  19. Have to agree with these comments. With three quarters of the season left to play, looking to upgrade your receiving corp can not be a bad thing. You have to at least look at what is out there. Matthews is decent but he isn't going to light anyone up week after week. He's more along the lines of a solid #2 receiver. You can bring up someone to fill the hole with releasing Powell but the only one close to Matthews in talent is probably Reily and he is not a #1 or #2 type receiver, he's a slot type guy. Boldin isn't the answer either. He already quit on us once, coming back just means he is only looking to collect a paycheck. If we hit a rough patch, he'll just quit again. I am no expert on the player from other teams, but I am sure there are several WR out there that are towards the end of thier contract that are on sub par teams right now. If you can get one at a decent price, I just don't see how this could be a bad thing...especially if he has some outside speed with some height.
  20. Have to agree, we really need Glenn back. Shady runs better when Glenn is able to play. You may be right about that, but I am not sure a 40 year old Brady can hang 30 on this defense. If he does, I am not sure it would be an issue with the way the Cheatriots defense is playing. Their defense has more holes than freshly aerated lawn.
  21. Inaugural, I can appreciate that you don't want to stoop to others levels but I can't stand it when people try to make their point that they are right because they know you will act as the better person and not get drawn into it. I will not pretend to be such a person because frankly I don't think I am. So I will go ahead and prove your point and tell the comentor that you told to go away to read the following, where Kevin Duffy called Gilmore a Pro Bowl Corner for 2017 with Butler his teammate. http://blog.masslive.com/patriots/2017/06/malcolm_butler_stephon_gilmore_1.html To jmc12290.... All i can say is grow the hell up. Just because someone chooses not to do something does not mean that they can't.
  22. #1. Coaching - Getting the players prepared for each game and putting them in the right spots to get wins. Many of the players have mentioned how much different the process of preparation has been with the new coaching staff. #2. Defense as a whole - Switching back to the 4-3 and the defense has been playing tight, fast, stingy D. #3. Hushcka has definitely made a difference. Special Teams as a whole really is vastly improved over last year. #4. Turnovers #5. Can't believe I am saying this but I will say the refereeing. We have gotten some calls that have gone our way in a few games that really have made a difference in either keeping momentum in our favor or gave us the shot of momentum we've needed.
  23. After listening to his after the game comments about the hit, I don't see him being suspended. Maybe a fine, but even then I'm not so sure. I can see where he was trying to make a play, and he does sound genuinely concerned for Adams. Based solely on the short clip that I saw, I can't say for certain it was intentional that he lead with his helmet. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000853247/article/davante-adams-hospitalized-after-hit-by-trevathan
  24. I am still a huge JK fan, but If this is true, I have lost a little bit of respect for him and he needs to be pulled off the sidelines permanently,
  25. Personally, I think he will get released at the end of this year or traded.
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