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Everything posted by BigPappy

  1. Bonds and Clemons were good even before their "juicing" i never understood why they did it in the first place. As for the HOF judgement, I would have to defer for the simple fact that I don't follow baseball enough to have an opinion on it. Your forgetting about the reports that were hushed that he had a second headset in his helmet getting defensive calls when he was going top the line. So, no definitely not being petty or absurd. I don't like cheaters, i don't care, if it's deflated balls, or getting defensive calls, cheating is cheating. It ruins the sport for everyone else that is playing by the rules.
  2. Anyone that has Brady on their list is mental. The guy is a cheating POS scumbag who plays for a cheating POS scumbag. He doesn't deserve to be a member of the NFL let alone in the discussion for Top 5 QB's.
  3. If Josh is able to command the offense well enough I could see this as a possibility. I'm not sure that he is ready to run a no huddle offense through an entire game, even with having extra time to have Deball in his hear with an extra 5-8 seconds left on the play clock. If he can do it great! I hope you're right Shaw. Would really love to see JA succeed.
  4. 18\31 260 yards passing, 2 Int's, 44 yards rushing, 2 passing TD's and 1 rushing TD. The only way i think McD puts Peterman back in a game is it's for a last few seconds kneel down to run out the clock. LOL!
  5. Exactly!!! He doesn't know how to read a defense so he locks onto his first option in his progressions.
  6. I remember last year when everyone was saying we were tanking the year. Personally, I think you sit your best blocking TE because you're tanking this year. It's the best explanation I can come up with for having such a poor supporting cast. The Oline is terrible, the receivers are just bad beyond Benjamin and he's not even that great. Once we lost Woods and Incognito I think the FO knew they were screwed and said f-it. The defensive line other than Kyle is nearing pathetic, and our Linebackers are not good except for Edmunds and Milano. Unless this team starts to "gel" and get on the same page as a team, it's going to be a long season.
  7. I agree and disagree with you. He was definitely a player, but I HIGHLY doubt he would still be here even if we had paid him the money he was looking for then. With all the staff changes over the years he would have been dealt to someone else for draft picks or not signed a renewal to go to a better performing team.
  8. You had to jinx it didn't you. LOL! I hope this is not true. I would prefer that someone other than a Buffalo Bill goes down for the worst half of Football ever.
  9. Not at all. I am emphatically stating that I do not care what the "pro analyst" say. They are never accurate when talking about any team that has not already been a perennial powerhouse for more than a few years. WTF are you talking about? Your comment is moronic to say the least. Of course the Patsies will be "better" than the Bills. They are a perennial power house because they have a head coach and quarterback that cheats. That's like asking someone if they think Ferrari is better than a Datson, But at least Ferrari doesn't cheat when they build their cars.
  10. ESPN is full of idiots. No analyst knows whats going to happen with ANY of the teams. They all have their favorites and Buffalo has never been anyone's with exception to Chris Berman. I don't give a rats A$$ what ESPN or any other media outlet has to say in regards to where they think we rank. In the end what they say doesn't mean s@!t. Play ball and let the chips fall where they fall. This team will struggle but they will not be the worst team in the NFL.
  11. Get your lips off the crack pipe buddy! That's dangerous shiz-nit.
  12. You have to be joking. There is NO way that you don't know why he threw 0 int in the second half. You're trolling right? If your answer to any of these questions is no then let some one enlighten you..... HE DIDN'T PLAY THE SECOND HALF! You can't throw an int. if your not playing. Beyond your ridiculous comment of 0 2nd half interceptions, you're not completely wrong about Peterman. He has showed some progress from last year. Better pocket presence, better accuracy, and his footwork looks to be cleaner. But he still lacks are strength for when you need to rifle the ball into tight spots or throw the ultra deep ball. He will be a good backup.
  13. He definitely deserves to be in the list for GOAT when it comes to coaching. He coached with intelligence, and toughness, but loved his players like they were his own children which is probably why he was so successful as a coach here. It's awesome that he takes the time to show fans that he appreciates us as much as we do him for the glory years he gave us. A very nice moment indeed!! and you and your kids will have that memory forever.
  14. The Saints will be very good this year but i think after the good year that the Falcons had, I think they turn the corner and edge out the Saints by one game.
  15. I love that quote......"Slicker than snot on a doorknob". first heard it about 5 years ago and have been using it ever since.
  16. This. What they need to do is some significant drug testing on him and look at all the "supplements" he is taking. No one plays at the level he is still playing at at his age without "juicing" in some form or fashion.
  17. 1.) McCarron is the day one starter and starts 13 of 16 games. 2.) Edmunds comes in second for DROY because no one is going to let a Bill come in first. 3.) Peterman starts one of the 3 games that McCarron does not start. (My long shot prediction)
  18. Swap Holcomb and Edwards and you have my list.
  19. I guess you could call it a conspiracy, but if you read https://www.amazon.com/Spygate-Untold-Story-Bryan-OLeary/dp/0985467002 he talks about the second receiver in Brady's helmet so he can get the defensive scheme being played on that down so he knows who to throw to. When Brady went down for the season and Castle took over for him, he used Brady's helmet and it explains why Castle did so well in NE and sucked everywhere else he went. I have never read the book, just an article that was about the book. One of these days I will grab it....maybe.
  20. They didn't play the single most important reason why he sucks. and in truth it's the only reason that matters......he cheats!
  21. I have to go with Alphadawg7 on this. It's like he picked it right out of my brain and put it to paper.
  22. Definitely sounds like a camp arm then. Thanks for the info.
  23. I don't think i have ever heard it said better that how Stephen A puts it. Should he be accountable for what he says or Tweets......sure, but accountable as a 15 year old kid is held accountable not a 21 or 22 year old adult is. Like Stephen A said, we all said stupid ****-nit when we were kids. If you can look at the person as a whole and see that it's not a reflection of who he is now, let it go. JA clearly learned from the mistake, applied what he learned and moved forward in his life. It's time everyone else moved on from this supposed story because there is clearly nothing to see.
  24. Love the one liner 716! Priceless! I know the clip is a highlight reel, but he doesn't look too bad. I'm no NFL scout so what do i know, but he seems to have good instincts with the ball and can throw on the run. Hopefully our other QB's can also because with our OL they may need to do that a lot. Buffalo716 and BullBuchanan, you both seem to have the skinny on this guy. What is it about him that makes you say he's no more than a camp arm. I don't doubt you....merely curious of your thoughts.
  25. I know your post has a hint of sarcasm in it but, I am guessing he would be fighting for a roster spot with Peterman, not Allen. Or he may just be a camp arm.
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